XING LONG TANG - DiZang Boddhisattva Előzetes Fogadalmának (pūrvapraṇidhāna) Szútrája 《地藏菩薩本願經》


Di Zang Boddhisattva Előzetes Fogadalmának (pūrvapraṇidhāna) Szútrája 《地藏菩薩本願經》

T13n0412 地藏菩薩本願經
CBETA 電子佛典集成 » 大正藏 (T) » 第 13 冊 » No.0412

Fordította Śiksānanda a Tang-kor Yutian idejében - 唐于闐國三藏沙門 實叉難陀 (Śiksānanda) 譯

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)

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Első tekercs (地藏菩薩本願經卷上)

忉利天宮神通品 第一
1. rész, Természetfeletti Erő jelensége (神通品) a Trāyastriṃśa Mennyben (忉利天宮)

[0777c12] 如是我聞:

Thus I have heard :

[0777c12] 一時佛在忉利天, 為母說法。. 爾時十方無量世界, 不可說,不可說, 一功諸佛,及大菩薩摩訶薩, 皆來集會, 讚歡釋迦牟尼佛, 能於五濁惡世,現不可思議,大智慧神通之力,調伏剛強眾生, 知苦樂法。. 各遣侍者, 問訊世尊。.

At one time, Buddha (佛) appeared in Trāyastriṃśa Heaven (在忉利天) to preach the Dharma for his mother, Lady Maya (為母說法). At that time, from the Ten Directions, uncountable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas went there for these instructions. All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas admired Buddha

[itt: Shakyamuni] for His ability to help all hard and violent living beings learn how to achieve happiness and rid themselves of distress. Every Buddha and Bodhisattva sent their envoys to request the World Honored One’s instructions.

是時如來含笑放百千萬億大光明雲 , 所謂大圓滿光明雲 , 大慈悲光明雲 , 大智慧光明雲 ,大般若光明雲 , 大三昧光明雲 , 大吉祥光明雲 , 大福德光明雲, 大功德光明雲,大歸依光明雲,大讚歡光明雲,放如是等,不可說光朋雲已,又出種種微妙之音。.

所謂檀波羅蜜音, 尸波羅蜜音, 羼提波羅蜜音, 毗離耶波羅蜜音, 禪波羅蜜音, 般若波羅蜜音, 慈悲音, 喜捨音, 解脫音, 無漏音, 智慧音, 大智慧音, 師子吼音, 大師子吼音, 雲雷音, 大雲雷音,

When Buddha smiled, millions of bright clouds appeared. The Bright Cloud of Great Perfect Fullness (大圓滿光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Compassion (大慈悲光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Wisdom (大智慧光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Prajna (般若光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Samadhi (大三昧光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Refuge (大吉祥光明雲), The Bright Cloud of Great Praise (大福德光明雲), (大功德光明雲),(大歸依光明雲),(大讚歡光明雲) and countless others (放如是等). Following the bright clouds, he also emitted many kinds of wonderful subtle sounds.

The Sounds of Contribution (檀波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Discipline (尸波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Patience (羼提波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Dauntless Energy (毗離耶波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Meditation (禪波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Enlightened Wisdom (般若波羅蜜音), The Sounds of Benevolence and Compassion (慈悲音), The Sounds of Joyous Giving (喜捨音), The Sounds of Release (解脫音), The Sounds of No-Outflows (無漏), The Sounds of Wisdom (智慧音), The Sounds of Great Wisdom (大智慧音), The Sounds of Lion’s Roar (師子吼音), The Sounds of Great Lion’s Roar (大師子吼音), The Sounds of Thunderclouds (雲雷音), The Sounds of Great Thunderclouds (大雲雷音)

[0777c27] 出如是等不可說不可說音已, 娑婆世界, 及他方國土, 有無量億天龍鬼神, 亦集到忉利天宮,

所謂四天王天,忉利夫, 須燄摩天, 兜率陀天, 化樂天, 他化自在天, 梵眾天, 梵輔天, 大梵天, 少光天, 無量光天, 光音天, 少淨天, 無量淨天 ,徧淨天, 福生天, 福愛天, 廣果天, 無想天, 無煩天, 無熱天, 善見天, 善現天, 色究竟天, 摩醯首羅天, 乃至非想非非想處天, 一切天眾, 龍眾,鬼神等眾, 悉來集會。.

… and other endless sounds. Uncountable billions of heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts and gods from the Saha World and many realms gathered in the Palace of Trāyastriṃśa Heaven.

They came from the Heaven of Four Kings, the Heaven of Trāyastriṃśa, the Heaven of Suyama, the Heaven of Tusita, the Heaven of Transformation Happiness, the Heaven of Transformation Comfort, the Heaven of Brahma’s Multitudes, the Heaven of Brahma’s Ministers, the Heaven of Great Brahma, the Heaven of Little Light, the Heaven of Endless Light, the Heaven of Light and Sound, the Heaven of Little Purity, the Heaven of Endless Purity, the Heaven of Universal Purity, the Heaven of Blessing Birth, the Heaven of Blessing Love, the Heaven of Many Fruit, the Heaven Without Thought, the Heaven Without Upset, the Heaven Without Heat, the Heaven of Good Views, the Heaven of Good Manifestation, the Heaven of Ultimate Form, the Heaven of Mahesvara, the Heaven of Neither Thought Nor Non-Thought.

[0778a06] 復有他方國土, 及娑婆世界, 海神、 江神、 河神、 樹神、 山神、 地神、 川澤神、苗稼神、 畫神、 夜神、 空神、 天神、 飲食神、 草木神、 如是等神, 皆來集會。.

Moreover, sea spirits, river spirits, stream spirits, tree spirits, earth spirits, brook and marsh spirits, sprout and crop spirits, daytime and nighttime spirits, space and sky spirits, food and drink spirits, grass and wood spirits came from the Saha World and other worlds of many directions to assemble.

[0778a09] 復有他方國土, 及娑婆世界, 諸大鬼王, 所謂惡目鬼王, 噉血鬼王, 噉精氣鬼王, 噉胎卵鬼王, 行病鬼王, 攝毒鬼王, 慈心鬼王, 福利鬼王, 大愛敬鬼王 ,如是等鬼王, 皆來集會。.

Moreover, many great ghost kings — the Evil Eye Ghost King, the Blood Eating Ghost King, the Spirit Eating Ghost King, the Fetus and Egg Eating Ghost King, Disease Spreading Ghost King, Poison Collecting Ghost King, Compassionate Hearted Ghost King, Benevolent Ghost King, Great Desire Ghost King — came from the Saha World and worlds of many directions to assemble. At that time, Śakyamuni Buddha told the Dhárma Prince Manjuśri Bodhisattva, “You see that all Buddhas, bodhisattvas, devas, dragons, demon, and spirits from this world and other worlds, from this land and other lands have thus come to assemble at Trayastri?śa Heaven. Do you know how many there are?”

[0778a13] 爾時釋迦牟尼彿, 告文殊師利法王子菩薩摩訶薩:

At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni asked Bodhisattva Manjushri, Mahasattva:

「汝觀是一切諸佛菩薩, 及天龍鬼神此世界, 他世界, 此國土, 他國土, 如是今來集會, 到忉利天者, 汝知數不?」

“Do you know how many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts and gods from other lands and worlds are here in the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven for this instruction?"

[0778a17] 文殊師利白彿言:

Manjushri answered,

「世尊, 若以我神力, 千劫測度, 不能得知。.」

"World Honored One, if I used my divine powers, I could not calculate that in a thousand kalpas."

[0778a18] 佛告文殊師利:「吾以佛眼觀故, 猶不盡數。. 此皆是地藏菩薩久遠劫來, 已度、當度、 未度;已成就、 當成就、 未成就。.」

Buddha Sakyamuni said to Manjushri, “Even if I use my Buddha eye, I too cannot calculate them. These multitudes include all whom Di Zang Boddhistava has released, is releasing, and will release from suffering. That is, these multitudes include all living beings who live in the past, present and future!"

[0778a21] 文殊師利白佛言:「世尊,我已過去久修善根, 證無礙智,聞佛所言, 即當信受。. 小果聲聞,天龍八部, 及未來世諸眾生等, 雖聞如來誠實之語, 必懷疑惑。. 設使頂受。. 末免興謗。. 唯願世尊, 廣說地藏菩薩摩訶薩,因地作何行? 立何願? 而能成就不思議事。.」

Manjushri said to Buddha, “World Honored One, I have long cultivated good roots and have acquired extensive and profound wisdom. So, as soon as I hear anything the Buddha says, I understand and believe it immediately. However, other living beings may doubt Buddha’s sincere words. They might believe them temporarily but they cannot hold the words in their hearts, and will begin to doubt them and then criticize them, I hope the World Honored One can provide more detailed information about Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, and tell us what this Bodhisattva did. What kind of vows did this Bodhisattva make that allowed him to achieve this inconceivable thing?"

[0778a27] 佛告文殊師利:『譬如三千大千世界 ,所有草木叢林, 稻麻竹葦, 山石微塵, 一物一數, 作一恆河; 一恆河沙, 一沙一界, 一界之內, 一塵一劫; 一劫之內, 所積塵數, 盡充為劫, 地藏菩薩證十地果位以來, 千倍多於上喻, 何況地藏菩薩在聲聞 ,辟支佛地。.

Buddha told Manjushri, “As an analogy, it is as if in the thousands of worlds, all the grasses, trees, bushes, straw, hemp, bamboo, reeds, mountains, stones, dust and every object is made into the Ganges River. And each grain of sand in the Ganges River becomes a great world. And each speck of dust in the each world is compared to an aeon. And within those aeons the specks of dust that would accumulate would also become aeons. Increase this amount a thousand times and this is how long Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) has maintained the position of the Ten Ground – the highest ground or position that a Bodhisattva can reach.

文殊師利,此菩薩威神誓願不可思議 。. 若未來世, 有善男子善女人, 聞是菩薩名字, 或讚歡, 或瞻禮, 或稱名, 或供養, 乃至彩畫刻鏤塑漆形像,是人當得百返生於三十三天, 永不墮惡道。.

Manjushri, the power from Bodhisattva’s vow is unimaginable. In the future, if there is any good man or good woman who hears this Bodhisattva’s name, who praises, gazes at and worships, who recites the name Di Zang Boddhistava or make offerings and who paints, engraves, or moulds an image of Di Zang Boddhistava, he or she will go to that area of Heaven called ‘Thirty-Three Heaven’, more than one hundred times, and will never fall into the evil levels.

[0778b07] 文殊師利, 是地藏菩薩摩訶薩,於過去久遠,不可說不可說劫前, 身為大長者子。.時世有佛, 號曰師子奮迅具足萬行如來。.時長者子,見佛相好, 千福莊嚴, 因問彼彿:「作何行願, 而得此相?」時師子奮迅具足萬行如來,告長者子:「欲證此身,當須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生。.」

Manjushri, many aeons ago, this Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, was the son of a powerful and rich person. At that time, there was a Buddha name ‘Lion-Lightning-Sprint-Vast-Tasks-Complete’ who had a very dignified appearance. The son asked what kind of vow he had made to achieve such a dignified appearance. Buddha Lion-Sprint told the son that if he wanted to have this appearance, he would have to relieve all living beings from suffering and distress.

[0778b14] 文殊師利, 時長者子,因發願言:「 我今盡末來際。.不可計劫, 為是罪苦六道眾生, 廣設方便, 盡令解脫, 而我自身,方成佛道。.」以是於彼佛前,立斯大願, 于今百千萬億那由他,不可說劫,尚為菩薩。.

So therefore, Manjushri, he made a vow: “From now on for countless aeons, I will provide all kinds of possible ways to relieve all beings from suffering. I will not become a Buddha until they have all been released from pain." So, even after such a long time, he still has not become a Buddha and still a Bodhisattva. Boundless aeons ago, there was a Buddha who lived on the earth. His name was Enlightenment-Flower-Self-Sufficient King and he had lived for innumerable aeons.

[0778b18] 又於過去,不可思議阿僧衹劫, 時世有佛, 號曰覺華定自在王如來, 彼彿壽命,四百千萬億阿僧衹劫。.像法之中, 有一婆羅門女, 宿福深厚, 眾所欽敬。. 行住坐臥 ,諸天衛護。. 其母信邪, 常輕三寶。.是時聖女, 廣設方便, 勸誘其母,令生正見; 而此女母, 未全生信, 不久命終, 魂神墮在無間地獄。.

During this time of the Dharma-Image Age, there was a girl who was born in the Brahmin caste, and because she had done so many good deeds everybody admired and respected her. Many gods from heavens protected her every move. However, her mother had improper beliefs and did not respect the Triple Gems. She used many ways to convince her mother of the truth of Buddha’s teachings, but her mother died before completely accepting them. Her soul fell into Endless Hell.

時婆羅門女, 知母在世,不信因果, 計當隨業, 必生惡趣。. 遂賣家宅。. 廣求香華。. 乃諸供具, 於先佛塔寺,大興供養。. 見覺華定自在如來, 其形像在一寺中, 塑畫威容。. 端嚴畢備。.

This daughter knew that her mother who did not believe in cause and effect, resulting in retribution, might have fallen into the evil level because of her karma. To save her mother, this daughter sold all her family possessions and properties to buy flowers and offerings for Buddha. She went to the temple in which there was a shrine to Buddha Enlightenment-Flower Self-Sufficient King, then contributed all her offerings.

時婆羅門女, 瞻禮尊容, 倍生敬仰。. 私自念言:「 佛名大覺, 具一切智。. 若在世時,我母死後, 儻來問佛, 必知處所。.」

At the temple, gazing at and worshipping the venerable face of Buddha Enlightenment-Flower, this daughter spoke quietly to herself, “Buddha has complete wisdom. If Buddha were still in this world, I would be able to ask him where my mother is."

時婆羅門女, 垂泣良久 ,瞻戀如來。. 忽聞空中聲曰:「泣者聖女,勿至悲哀。. 我今示汝母之去處。.」

This daughter cried a long time and gazed tenderly at Buddha. Suddenly, there was a voice in the sky, “Saintly woman, do not grieve too much. I am now going to tell you where your mother is."

婆羅門女合掌向空, 而白空曰:「是何神德,寬我憂慮! 我自失母以來, 畫夜憶戀,無處可問, 知母生界。.」

The daughter placed both her hands together gratefully and answered, " Who are you that has come to comfort and relieve me of my anxiety? Since my mother passed away, I think of her day and night. I do not know where I can go to ask about her."

時空中有聲,再報女曰:「 我是汝所瞻禮者:過去覺華定自在王如來。. 見汝憶母, 倍於常情 眾生之分, 故來告示。.」

The voice sounded in the sky again, “I am the Buddha you are worshiping, Buddha Enlightenment-Flower Self-Sufficient King. I know you miss your mother more than those ordinary beings. So I come especially to tell you."

婆羅門女,聞此聲已, 舉身自撲, 肢節皆損。. 左右扶持, 良久方蘇,

The daughter jumped up happily after listening to the words. She jumped so vigorously that she hurt her knees and fainted.

而白空曰:「願佛慈愍, 速說我母生界。. 我今身心,將死不久。.」 時覺華定自在王如來,

After she had revived, she said, “May Buddha be benevolent and compassionate. I know that I will not live long – please tell me where my mother is."

告聖女曰:「汝供養畢, 但早返舍, 端坐思惟吾之名號, 即當知母所生去處。.」

Buddha Enlightenment-Flower Self-Sufficient King said, “After your offerings here, go home and meditate on my name. Then you will know where your mother is."

[0778c14] 時婆羅門女,尋禮佛已,即歸其舍。. 以憶母故, 端坐念覺華定自在王如來。. 經一日一夜,忽見自身,到一海邊。.其水涌沸, 多諸惡獸, 盡復鐵身。.飛走海上,東西馳逐 。.見諸男子女人, 百千萬數, 出沒海中, 被諸惡獸,爭取食噉。. 又見夜叉,其形各異, 或多手多眼, 多足多頭, 口牙外出, 利刃如劍, 驅諸罪人, 使近惡獸。.復自搏攫,頭足相就。.其形萬類,不敢久視。.時婆羅門女。.以念佛力故,自然無懼。.

The daughter meditated for one day and one night. Unexpectedly, she felt that she had arrived at a shore next to a sea with bubbling, boiling water. Many fierce beasts with iron bodies were flying and running back and forth above the sea. She saw many men and women who were eaten and bitten by evil blood-thirsty animals. She saw many monstrous devils with many hands, eyes, legs or heads. Their teeth grew out of their mouths and were sharp as swords. The devil frightened, chased and seized criminal persons, and twisted their heads and feet together. No one dared to willingly look at these terrifying sights. Because the daughter was meditating on Buddha, she was not afraid of these scenes.

[0778c23] 有一鬼王, 名曰無毒 稽首來迎,白聖女曰:「善哉!菩薩! 何緣來此?」

A ghost king named Poisonless greeted this saintly woman and said, “Excellent, Bodhisattva, why are you here?"


The Brahmin daughter asked of the Ghost King, “Where am I?"

無毒答曰:「 此是大鐵圍山, 西面第一重海 。.」

Poisonless answered, “This is the first ocean of the western side of Big Iron-Fence Mountain."

聖女問曰:「 我聞鐵圍之內, 地獄在中, 是事實不?」

The saintly woman asked, “I have heard that there is a hell inside the Iron-Fence Mountain. Is it true?"

無毒答曰:「 實有地獄 。.」

Poisonless answered, “Yes, there indeed exists a hell."

聖女問曰:「 我今云何得到獄所?」

The saintly woman asked, “Why am I here?"

無毒答曰:「 若非威神, 即須業力, 非此二事, 終不能到 。.」

Poisonless answered, “Only those with either a god’s power or those by their karma come here. If it were not because of these two things, you would not be able to come here."

聖女又問:「 此水何緣, 而乃涌沸? 多諸罪人, 及以惡獸?」

The saintly woman asked again, “Why does the sea keep boiling? Why are there so many criminal persons and fierce beasts?"

無毒答曰;「 此是閻浮提,造惡眾生, 新死之者, 經四十九日後, 無人繼嗣, 為作功德, 救拔苦難; 生時又無善因, 當據本業,所感地獄, 自然先渡此海。.海東十萬由旬, 又有一海, 其苦倍此。.彼海之東, 又有一海, 其苦復倍。.三業惡因之所招感, 共號業海, 其處是也 。.」

Poisonless answered, “These are those beings who committed bad actions in their past lives. If someone dies and no one arranges proper rituals or does good deeds to relieve their suffering during the first forty nine days after death, and he or she did not have any redeeming merits from benevolent actions when alive, he or she will fall into this hell in accordance with his or her own actions. On the way to hell, it is necessary to cross this sea of suffering first. Four million miles to the east of this ocean is another one, where the beings there suffer twice as much as in this ocean. East of this second ocean is another with even more suffering. These areas are called the Karma Oceans, and are caused by the three causes of Karma: body, speech and mind."


The saintly woman asked the ghost king, “Where is hell?"

無毒答曰:「三海之內, 是大地獄, 其數百千,各各差別。. 所謂大者,具有十八。.次有五百, 苦毒無量。. 次有千百, 亦無量苦。.」

Poisonless answered, “Among these three oceans, there is Big Hell. This Big Hell is divided into hundreds or thousands of hells. Each divided hell is completely different from the others. The reason why this Hell ‘Big’ is that these hells are classified into five hundred or more small hells. Each hell contains endless sufferings. Within these five hundred hells, there are thousands of smaller hells which also contain boundless sufferings."


The saintly woman asked the ghost king again, “My mother recently died, and I wonder where her soul has gone."

鬼王問聖女曰:「菩薩之母, 在生習何行業?」

The ghost king asked the saintly woman, “Bodhisattva, what did your mother do when she was alive?"

聖女答曰:「我母邪見,譏毀三寶,設或暫信, 旋又不敬。. 死雖日淺,未知生。.」

She answered, “My mother had improper beliefs and disrespected the Triple Gems. At one time she believed, and then soon after fell into disrespect."

無毒問曰:「菩薩之母, 姓氏何等?」

Poisonless asked, “Bodhisattva, what is your mother’s name?"

聖女答曰:「我父我母,俱婆羅門種, 父號尸羅善現,母號悅帝利。.」

The saintly woman responded, “Both my parents are of the Brahmin caste. My father’s name is Sila Sudarshan, my mother’s Yueh Tili."

無毒合掌啓菩薩曰:「願聖者卻返本處, 無至憂憶悲戀。. 悅帝利罪女,生天以來, 經今三日。. 云承孝順之子, 為母設供、修福, 布施覺華定自在王如來塔寺, 非唯菩薩之母, 得脫地獄, 應是無間罪人, 此日悉得受樂,俱同生訖。.」

Poisonless placed both hands together and told Bodhisattva, “Please saintly woman, return home and do not be sad. The criminal woman Yueh Tili ascended to heaven three days ago. It is said she was saved by the filial piety of her daughter who made offerings at the temple of Buddha Enlightenment-Flower Self-Sufficient King for the purpose of saving her mother. Not only was your mother released from hell, but also as a result those other criminal persons in Endless Hell have been reborn."


After the ghost king had finished speaking, he placed both his hands together in respect and withdrew.

婆羅門女尋如夢歸, 悟此事已, 便於覺華定自在王如來塔像之前, 立弘誓願:「願我盡未來劫, 應有罪苦眾生, 廣設方便使令解脫。.」』

Within a short time, the Brahmin daughter woke up as if from a dream. Realizing the truth, she faced the statue of Buddha Enlightenment-Flower Self-Sufficient King and vowed, “May I use

the future aeons to establish as many possible ways as I can in order to release from pain all beings who are suffering from their criminal behavior."

[0779a26] 佛告文殊師利:「時鬼王無毒者,當今財首菩薩是。. 婆羅門女者,即地藏菩薩是。.」

Buddha told Manjushri, “The ghost king, Poisonless, is actually a Bodhisattva named Wealthy Leader now. And the Brahmin daughter is now Di Zang Boddhistava."

分身集會品 第二
2. rész, Di Zang Boddhisattva Megszámlálhatatlan Transzformációjának Gyülekezete

[0779b01] 爾時百千萬億不可思、不可議、不可量、不可說無量阿僧祇世界,所有地獄處,分身地藏菩薩,俱來集在忉利天宮。.以如來神力故,各以方面,與諸得解脫從業道出者,亦各有千萬億那由他數,共持香華,來供養佛。.

At that time, millions of divinely incarnated forms of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) from inconceivable, uncountable and unutterable worlds and hells came together to Trāyastriṃśa Heaven Palace. Buddha used his divine power to lead all Bodhisattvas from all worlds, and all those beings released from the hells to come here. Everybody brought flowers to Buddha.


These multitudes were those beings whom Di Zang Boddhistava had instructed, and who would never regress from Buddha’s wisdom. For many aeons, they have floated throughout life and death, suffering in the six levels, with no time to rest. Because of Di Zang Boddhistava’s benevolence and compassion, and his great vow, all had attained a certain level of spiritual development. They came happily to Trāyastriṃśa and reverently gazed at Buddha.

[0779b10] 爾時,世尊舒金色臂,摩百千萬億不可思、不可議、不可量、不可說、無量阿僧祇世界諸分身地藏菩薩摩訶薩頂,而作是言:「吾於五濁惡世,教化如是剛強眾生,令心調伏,捨邪歸正,十有一二,尚惡習在。.吾亦分身千百億,廣設方便。.或有利根,聞即信受;或有善果,勤勸成就;或有暗鈍,久化方歸;或有業重,不生敬仰。.

At that time, World Honored One stretched out his golden arms and touched all the incarnated heads of Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva. He said, “I cultivate those hard and violent living beings in the world and in the human condition, subduing their hearts. I hope they can renounce evil and do good deeds. However, one or two-tenths of them still have evil habits. I incarnate myself into billions of forms, and use many convenient ways to save them from suffering. Some of them are very receptive; they believe and practice the Dharma as soon as they hear it. Some of them who have done a few good deeds can become better after I patiently teach and guide them. Some of them are dark and dull – it takes a long time to cultivate them before they will take refuge in the Dharma. Some of them who have heavy karma do not even respect the Triple Gems at all."


Since such beings have many distinct characters, I always incarnate myself to deliver them from pain and suffering. In order to help them, I incarnate myself in the mountain, forest, stream, plain, river, pond, fountain or well. I show myself not only in the image of Buddha but also in the image of man, woman, heavenly being, dragon, ghost or god. In order to benefit them, I also show myself as an emperor king, Brahma King, Wheel-Turning King, layman, country’s king, prime minister, government official, monk, nun, Sound-Hearer, Arhat, Pratyeka Buddha or Bodhisattva."


You, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) , have observed that I have diligently worked for a long time to release hard and obstinate suffering criminal beings. As for those who have not improved, if they fall into evil or suffer from past karma retribution, you should remember what I gently taught and repeated to you in Trāyastriṃśa Heaven Palace – that is, to release all those beings in the Saha World, until the coming of Maitreya, from suffering forever; and to encounter Buddhas and receive the Dharma."

[0779c01] 爾時,諸世界分身地藏菩薩,共復一形,涕淚哀戀,白其佛言:「我從久遠劫來,蒙佛接引,使獲不可思議神力,具大智慧。.我所分身,遍滿百千萬億恆河沙世界,每一世界化百千萬億身,每一身度百千萬億人,令歸敬三寶,永離生死,至涅槃樂。.但於佛法中所為善事,一毛一渧,一沙一塵,或毫髮許,我漸度脫,使獲大利。.唯願世尊,不以後世惡業眾生為慮。.」

At that time, all the incarnated forms of Di Zang Boddhistava from many worlds gathered into a single form and said to Buddha tearfully, “I have been instructed by Buddha for long aeons. I have gained inconceivable divine power and wisdom. The boundless worlds are filled with my incarnations. In order to make them take refuge in and respect the Three Treasures, to escape from life and death forever, and achieve Nirvana’s bliss, I have incarnated billions of bodies in every world. Every one I have incarnated has taught hundreds, thousands or billions of people. Even if their good deeds within the Buddhadharma are as little as a hair, a drop, a grain of sand, or a speck of dust, I will gradually save them and make them gain great benefits. Please World Honored One, do not be concerned for those beings in the future."


Di Zang Boddhistava said to Buddha three times, “Please World Honored One, do not be concerned for future beings with bad karma."

[0779c11] 爾時,佛讚地藏菩薩言:「善哉!善哉!吾助汝喜。.汝能成就久遠劫來,發弘誓願,廣度將畢,即證菩提。.」

Buddha then praised to Di Zang Boddhistava and said, “Very good, very good. I am pleased that you have made such a vow. You will achieve your vow and after all have been cultivated and instructed you will attain Bodhi."

觀眾生業緣品 第三
3. rész, Minden Érző Lény (觀眾生) Karmikus kapcsolatainak (業緣品) Megfigyelése

[0779c15] 爾時佛母摩耶夫人,恭敬合掌問地藏菩薩言:「聖者,閻浮眾生,造業差別,所受報應,其事云何?」

Buddha Sakyamuni’s mother, Lady Maya, reverently placed both her hands together and asked Di Zang Boddhistava, “Saintly One, those beings of the worlds have different karma. What kind of retribution do they deserve?"

[0779c17] 地藏答言:「千萬世界,乃及國土,或有地獄、或無地獄;或有女人、或無女人;或有佛法、或無佛法,乃至聲聞辟支佛,亦復如是,非但地獄罪報一等。.」

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) answered, “Some of the infinite lands have hells, the others do not. Some lands have women, the others do not. Some lands have the Buddhadharma, the others do not. Some lands have Sound-Hearers and Pratyeka Buddhas, the others do not. The hells do not all have the same retributions."


Lady Maya asked Bodhisattva, “I would like to know what retributions the beings in the worlds will receive."


Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) replied, “Saintly mother, please listen and I will give you a general explanation." 佛母白言:「願聖者說。.」

Buddha’s mother said, “Saintly One, please tell me."

[0779c23] 爾時地藏菩薩白聖母言:「南閻浮提,罪報名號如是。.

Di Zang Boddhistava told the saintly mother, “The criminal retributions are as follows:

若有眾生, 不孝父母,或至殺害,當墮無間地獄,千萬億劫, 求出無期。.

Anyone who is not filial or does not respect his parents, or anyone who kills or hurts his parents will fall into Endless Hell for an indefinite period of time.

若有眾生, 出佛身血,毀謗三寶,不敬尊經,亦當墮於無間地獄,千萬億劫,求出無期。.

Anyone who hurts or injures Buddha, slanders the Three Treasures or disrespects the sutra, will fall into Endless Hell for an indefinite period of time.

若有眾生, 侵損常住,玷污僧尼,或伽藍內, 恣行婬欲,或殺或害,如是等輩,當墮無間地獄,千萬億劫,求出無期。.

Anyone who damages or steals from the temple, makes a monk or nun disobey the rules, practice sexual acts in a temple or kills people, will fall into Endless Hell for an indefinite period of time.


Anyone who pretends to be a monk or a nun but fails to keep the rules of Buddha in his or her heart, waste objects in a temple, cheats a follower of Buddha or goes against the Buddha’s discipline, will fall into Endless Hell for an indefinite period of time.


Anyone who steals money, food, clothing or takes anything from the temple without permission, will fall into Endless Hell for an indefinite period of time."

[0780a06] 地藏白言:「聖母,若有眾生,作如是罪,當墮五無間地獄,求暫停苦一念不得。.」

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) continued, “Those beings who commit such crimes will fall into Endless Hell. It is impossible to ask for a momentary pause from these sufferings."

[0780a08] 摩耶夫人重白地藏菩薩言:「云何名為無間地獄?」

Lady Maya asked Di Zang Boddhistava again, “Why are those hells called ‘Endless’?"

[0780a09] 地藏白言:「聖母,諸有地獄在大鐵圍山之內,其大地獄有一十八所,次有五百,名號各別,次有千百,名字亦別。.無間獄者,其獄城周匝八萬餘里,其城純鐵,高一萬里,城上火聚,少有空缺。.其獄城中,諸獄相連,名號各別。.

[0780a14] 獨有一獄,名曰無間,其獄周匝萬八千里,獄牆高一千里,悉是鐵圍,上火徹下,下火徹上。.鐵蛇鐵狗,吐火馳逐獄牆之上,東西而走。.

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) replied, “Saintly mother, there are eighteen big hells, then five hundred major hells which have different names and thousands of secondary hells with different names, too. All hells are within the Iron-Fence Mountain. Endless Hell is eighty thousand miles in circumference, ten thousand miles high, and the buildings and walls around it are made of iron. The hell is surrounded by a wall of flames making it impossible to escape. Within this hell, many secondary hells are connected together and they also have different names. There is just one hell here which is properly named ‘Endless’. This hell is made of solid iron, is eighteen thousand miles in circumference and its wall is one thousand miles high. Below and above is all burning fire. There are iron snakes and dogs chasing and breathing out fire along the wall."


“Inside this hell is a bed that extends for ten thousand miles or more. One suffering here can see himself lying on that bed. And when thousands of people are suffering there, they each would see themselves lying on that bed, too. These are retributions for the bad karma caused by the offenders."


“Furthermore, many criminal people suffer from all kinds of pain. The sufferings are as follows: There are several hundred or thousand skeletons and evil ghosts with sword-like teeth and lightning-like eyes dragging criminal people by copper claws. One kind of skeleton has hands like big iron spears that shoot through bodies, mouths, noses, bellies or backs. They throw criminal people back and forth through the air. Some skeletons put criminal people on the bed and let iron eagles peck at their eyes or iron snakes twist their necks. Nails are driven into their joints, and their tongues pulled out and ploughed through; their intestines are drawn and cut out. They are forced to drink molten copper and hot iron is used to brand them. These karmic retributions are for thousands lives and are all caused by the beings themselves. Having been through so much pain, they are still unable to leave the hells. Even though the hell has come to an end or has decayed, they will be conveyed to another hell. When the former hell has also decayed, they will be sent back yet again. These are the karmic retributions proceeding in Endless Hell.

[0780b01] 又五事業感,故稱無間。.何等為五?

This is a hell that is basically established for these five kinds of karmic retributions, so it is called Endless Hell. The reasons why it is called Endless Hell are:

一者, 日夜受罪, 以至劫數,無時間絕, 故稱無間。.

First, the suffering continues day and night, and there is no end. Therefore, it is called Endless Hell.

二者, 一人亦滿,多人亦滿, 故稱無間。.

Second, no matter how many people are there, either one or great many, the hell is always full. Therefore, it is called Endless Hell.

三者,罪器叉棒,鷹蛇狼犬碓磨鋸鑿, 剉斫鑊湯, 鐵綱鐵繩,鐵驢鐵馬, 生革絡首,熱鐵澆身,饑吞鐵丸, 渴飲鐵汁, 從年竟劫, 數那由他, 苦楚相連, 更無間斷, 故稱無間。.

Third, the pains they suffer are without end. They use a variety of implements such as forks, sticks, eagles, snakes, wolves and dogs, mills, saws and files that pierce, pound, grind, saw and chop. Large pots, iron nets and ropes, iron horses and donkeys, and molten iron are used to boil and flay one alive, bind, and pour molten iron over one’s body. When they are hungry and thirsty, they are forced to swallow iron pellets and drink iron fluid. These sufferings will continue for countless years. Therefore, it is called Endless Hell.

四者, 不間男子女人, 羌胡夷狄, 老幼貴賤, 或龍或神, 或天或鬼, 罪行業感, 悉同受之, 故稱無間。.

Fourth, regardless of race, sex, age, wealth, or whether dragons or gods, heavenly beings or ghosts, if any of them have karmic retributions caused by criminal behavior, they will suffer together.

五者, 若墮此獄,從初入時, 至百千劫, 一日一夜, 萬死萬生, 求一念間,暫住不得, 除非業盡,方得受生, 以此連綿,故稱無間。.」

Fifth, anyone in hell will pass through many lives every day and night. It is impossible to rest even for a moment. They will never be reborn as human beings until all karma has come to an end. Because of this never-ending life and death, it is called Endless Hell."

[0780b12] 地藏菩薩白聖母言:「無間地獄,粗說如是。.若廣說地獄罪器等名,及諸苦事,一劫之中,求說不盡。.」

Di Zang Boddhistava told saintly mother, “I have described Endless Hell in general. If you want me to explain everything in detail about Endless Hell, I could not finish in one aeon."

[0780b14] 摩耶夫人聞已,愁憂合掌,頂禮而退。.

After listening to Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) ’s words, Lady Maya sorrowfully placed both her hands together, bowed in worship, then withdrew.

閻浮眾生業感品 第四
4. rész, A Földi Világ ( jambudvīpa, 閻浮) Érző Lényei (眾生) karmájának-, és okozatának (kapcsolatainak) jelensége (業感品)

[0780b17] 爾時地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言:「世尊,我承佛如來威神力故,遍百千萬億世界,分是身形,救拔一切業報眾生。.若非如來大慈力故,即不能作如是變化。.我今又蒙佛付囑,至阿逸多成佛以來,六道眾生,遣令度脫。.唯然世尊,願不有慮。.」

At that time, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, said to Buddha, “World Honored One, relying upon your divine power, I am able to transform myself into many forms to save all beings in billions of worlds from their karmic retribution. If it were not for your benevolent power, I would not be able to transform myself. Now I am again bidden by Buddha to relieve those beings in the six levels. Yes, World Honored One, please do not be concerned."

[0780b22] 爾時佛告地藏菩薩:「一切眾生未解脫者,性識無定,惡習結業,善習結果。.為善為惡,逐境而生。.輪轉五道,暫無休息,動經塵劫,迷惑障難。.如魚游網。.將是長流,脫入暫出,又復遭網。.以是等輩,吾當憂念。.汝既畢是往願,累劫重誓,廣度罪輩,吾復何慮。.」

At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni told Di Zang Boddhistava, “Those beings who have not been liberated are very unstable. Bad habits cause karma, good habits caused good fruits, and whether habits are good or bad, beings are all influenced by environment. They transmigrate within the five levels like a wheel turning without stopping. They have been through many hardships for aeons. Like a fish swimming into a net and thinking that it is in a flowing stream, when the fish breaks out from the net, it becomes trapped again. Such beings are what I am always anxious about. But now, you are going to accomplish your vow to help the criminal people. So I have no need for concern."


When Buddha spoke these words in the meeting, a Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, name Self-Existent King asked, “World Honored One, what vow makes the Buddha praise Di Zang Boddhistava so much? Please World Honored One tell us."

[0780b28] 爾時世尊告定自在王菩薩:「諦聽諦聽!善思念之!吾當為汝分別解說。.乃往過去無量阿僧祇那由他不可說劫,爾時有佛,號一切智成就如來,應供、正遍知、明行足、善逝、世間解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、世尊,其佛壽命六萬劫。.未出家時為小國王,與一鄰國王為友,同行十善,饒益眾生。.其鄰國內所有人民,多造眾惡。.二王議計,廣設方便。.一王發願,早成佛道,當度是輩,令使無餘。.一王發願,若不先度罪苦,令是安樂,得至菩提,我終未願成佛。.」

Buddha answered Bodhisattva Self-Existent King, “Listen, listen, and think of what I am about to say. Many aeons ago, there was a Buddha name ‘All-Knowledge-Accomplished One’. This Buddha is worshipped by heavenly beings and people. He has wisdom and is perfect in clarity and conduct. He can be released from life and death. He is omniscient and acts as an advocate and meditator. He is the highest sage and the greatest instructor of heaven and people. That is why this Buddha is respected by heavens and people. The lifespan this Buddha is sixty thousand aeons. He was a king of a small country before he became a monk. While he was a king, he had a good friend who was also a king of a neighbouring country. They both cultivated themselves by doing ten good deeds to help others. The citizens of their countries used to commit many evil acts, so the two kings decided to set up possible ways to help people to give up evil and return to virtue. One king made a vow that he may soon become a Buddha to help all beings. The other king made a different vow, saying that he would never becomes Buddha unless all beings suffering from their criminal acts were saved and gained peace and happiness, attained Bodhi."

[0780c12] 佛告定自在王菩薩:「一王發願早成佛者,即一切智成就如來是。.一王發願永度罪苦眾生,未願成佛者,即地藏菩薩是。.」

Buddha Sakyamuni told Bodhisattva Self-Existent King, “The king who wished to become a Buddha first is Buddha All-Knowledge Accomplished. The other king who wished to help people but refused to become a Buddha first is the Di Zang Boddhistava."


“Moreover, long and infinite aeons ago, Buddha Pure-Lotus-Eyes came into the world. This Buddha’s lifespan is forty aeons. The immortal Buddha, Pure-Lotus-Eyes existed during the Dharma-Image Age – at the time when images were used for worship. There was an arhan who instructed many people little by little with his fortunate merits. This arhan met a woman, Bright Eyes, who prepared sacrificial offerings for him.


The arhan asked her what she wanted.


Bright Eyes answered, “I have prayed and given offerings in memory of my mother since the day she died. I wish to know where my mother is now."


The arhan felt compassion for Bright Eyes. He meditated and saw that her mother had fallen into an evil level and had suffered great pain.


The arhan asked Bright Eyes, “What did your mother do when she was alive? She is now suffering in hell."


Bright Eyes answered, “My mother loved eating fish, especially baby fish. She fried or boiled thousands of baby fish, willfully, as she pleased. Please nobel one be merciful and help my mother."


The arhan felt compassion for her and advised Bright Eyes, “Reverently recite the name of Buddha Pure-Lotus-Eyes and draw an image of him to benefit all those beings either living or dead."

[0780c28] 光目聞已,即捨所愛,尋畫佛像而供養之,復恭敬心,悲泣瞻禮。.忽於夜後,夢見佛身金色晃耀,如須彌山,放大光明。.

So Bright Eyes sold all her favorite things as soon as she heard the arhan’s instructions. Then she asked a painter to draw the Buddha’s portrait. She gave offerings in sacrifice, and with a reverent heart sorrowfully wept as she worshiped the Buddha. Unexpectedly one night, as if in a dream, she saw a Buddha who was as tall as Mount Sumeru, emitting bright and shining light.


This Buddha told Bright Eyes, “Your mother will be soon reborn in your house. She will be able to speak soon after she feels hunger and cold."

[0781a03] 其後家內婢生一子,未滿三日,而乃言說。.稽首悲泣,告於光目:「生死業緣,果報自受,吾是汝母,久處暗冥。.自別汝來,累墮大地獄。.蒙汝福力,方得受生。.為下賤人,又復短命。.壽年十三,更落惡道。.汝有何計,令吾脫免?」

After some time, a maidservant of Bright Eyes family bore a baby. This baby could speak three days after her birth. Bowing her head and crying, she told Bright Eyes, “One has to suffer the consequences and retributions of one’s own doing throughout life and death. I was your mother. I stayed in hell for a long time. Since we parted, I have fallen into hell several times. Because of you, I am born here as a servant. But I will die early; I will only live until I am thirteen years old. After I die, I will fall into an evil level again. Do you have any way to relieve me from these sufferings?"


After listening to the words of the servant’s baby, Bright Eyes realized this baby was her mother. She asked her sorrowfully, and with tears, “When you were my mother, do you know what you did to make you fall into an evil level?"


The baby answered, “I am suffering this retribution due to the karma of killing and slandering. If it were not for you saving me from suffering, I would not be released from such karma."


Bright Eyes asked about the situation in hell and the baby answered, “It was so horrible that I dare not remind myself of it again. And the sufferings there cannot be stated even in thousands of years."

[0781a14] 光目聞已,啼淚號泣而白空界:「願我之母,永脫地獄,畢十三歲,更無重罪,及歷惡道。.十方諸佛慈哀愍我,聽我為母所發廣大誓願。.若得我母永離三途及斯下賤,乃至女人之身永劫不受者。.願我自今日後,對清淨蓮華目如來像前,卻後百千萬億劫中,應有世界,所有地獄及三惡道諸罪苦眾生,誓願救拔,令離地獄惡趣,畜生餓鬼等,如是罪報等人,盡成佛竟,我然後方成正等正覺。.」

Bright Eyes wept and wailed after listening to the baby’s statement. She swore into empty space, “May my mother leave hell forever and not fall into evil again after her thirteen years on earth. Please all Buddhas from the Ten Directions have mercy upon me; listen to my solemn pledge for my mother. If my mother can leave the three evil levels forever, and does not take any humble position or ever be born as woman, I vow, in front of Buddha Pure-Lotus-Eyes that from now on I will save and work towards cultivating all beings in all worlds, hells and evil levels out of suffering. I do not want to become a Buddha until all of them become Buddhas."

[0781a23] 發誓願已,具聞清淨蓮華目如來而告之曰:「光目,汝大慈愍,善能為母發如是大願。.吾觀汝母十三歲畢,捨此報已,生為梵志,壽年百歲。.過是報後,當生無憂國土,壽命不可計劫。.後成佛果,廣度人天,數如恆河沙。.」

Bright Eyes then clearly heard Buddha Pure-Lotus- Eyes who told her, “Bright Eyes, you have great benevolent and compassion to make such a great vow for your mother. After your mother finishes thirteen years’ retribution, she will be born into Brahmin class for one hundred years. In her next life, she will again be born into the Land of No Concern for uncountable aeons. Then, she will become a Buddha to help to cross over as many human and heavenly beings as there are sands in the Ganges."

[0781a28] 佛告定自在王:「爾時羅漢福度光目者,即無盡意菩薩是。.光目母者,即解脫菩薩是,光目女者即地藏菩薩是。.過去久遠劫中,如是慈愍,發恆河沙願,廣度眾生。.

[0781b03] 未來世中,若有男子女人,不行善者行惡者,乃至不信因果者,邪婬妄語者,兩舌惡口者,毀謗大乘者,如是諸業眾生,必墮惡趣。.

Buddha told Bodhisattva Self-Existent King, “The arhan who helped Bright Eyes at that time is now the Bodhisattva Inexhaustible-Intention. The mother of Bright Eyes is the Bodhisattva Liberation. And Bright Eyes herself is now the Di Zang Boddhistava. Throughout many aeons, Di Zang Boddhistava has crossed over all beings by his benevolence and compassion. He has made as many vows to rescue living beings as there are grains of sand in the Ganges."


“In the future, if any man or woman does not do good deeds, does bad deeds, does not believe in cause and effect, is licentious, uses false and reckless speech, who quarrels a lot, or slander the Mahayana, such people who create this karma must certainly fall into the three evil levels after they die. However, if one meets a wise person who even in the time to take to snap the fingers, and who guides him to take refuge in Di Zang Boddhistava, he will be pardoned for the retributions in the three evil levels."


“If he can respect with all his heart, gaze at, worship and praise, offer fragrant flowers, clothing, food and various kinds of jewellery and valuables to Di Zang Boddhistava he will enjoy the most wonderful happiness and welfare in heavens for boundless time in the future."


“Even if his welfare in the heavens has come to an end, he can be born as an emperor for hundreds of thousands of aeons. And he can also remember what happened in his previous life. Bodhisattva Self-Existent King, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) has such a great divine power that will benefit all beings. You, Bodhisattva, keep the sutra in mind and proclaim it extensively."

[0781b14] 定自在王白佛言:「世尊,願不有慮。.我等千萬億菩薩摩訶薩,必能承佛威神廣演是經,於閻浮提利益眾生。.」

Bodhisattva Self-Existent King answered Buddha, “World Honored One, please do not be concerned. Billions of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas here will certainly proclaim this sutra around the worlds, and with Buddha’s divine power, help all beings."

[0781b16] 定自在王菩薩白世尊已,合掌恭敬作禮而退。.

Bodhisattva Self-Existent King placed both his hands together reverently, bowed and knelt in worship, and withdrew after finishing his statements.

[0781b18] 爾時四方天王俱從座起,合掌恭敬白佛言:「世尊,地藏菩薩於久遠劫來,發如是大願,云何至今猶度未絕,更發廣大誓言。.唯願世尊為我等說。.」

At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings from the east, west, south and north rose from their own seats, placed both hands together respectfully and asked Buddha, “World Honored One, a long time ago Bodhisattva Kishigarbha made a great vow. Why are still many who have not crossed over? Now, he again makes another vow. Please, World Honored One, explain it to us."

[0781b21] 佛告四天王:「善哉善哉!吾今為汝及未來現在天人眾等,廣利益故,說地藏菩薩於娑婆世界,閻浮提內生死道中,慈哀救拔,度脫一切罪苦眾生方便之事。.」

Buddha told the four kings, “Excellent, excellent. Now, for your benefit and for the advantage of all beings from heavens and worlds now and in the future, I am going to explain how Di Zang Boddhistava benevolently helps all beings suffering from their crimes in both life and death in the Saha World, and all the possible ways he uses."

[0781b25] 四天王言:「唯然世尊,願樂欲聞。.」

The Four Heavenly Kings said, “Yes, World Honored One, we would like to know."

[0781b25] 佛告四天王:「地藏菩薩久遠劫來,迄至於今,度脫眾生,猶未畢願,慈愍此世罪苦眾生。.復觀未來無量劫中,因蔓不斷,以是之故,又發重願。.如是菩薩於娑婆世界,閻浮提中,百千萬億方便,而為教化。.」

Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, “Di Zang Boddhistava has helped and released all those beings from long time past to now, but he still has not completed his great vow. He has great benevolence and compassion for the suffering beings of this world. Because he observes that the causes of the beings’ karma and retribution are like grass that creep and spread fast, he again takes another strong vow. Therefore, Di Zang Boddhistava shows billions of convenient ways to help and cultivate all beings in the Saha World."

[0781c01] 四天王,地藏菩薩若遇殺生者,說宿殃短命報。.若遇竊盜者,說貧窮苦楚報。.若遇邪婬者,說雀鴿鴛鴦報。.若遇惡口者,說眷屬鬥諍報。.若遇毀謗者,說無舌瘡口報。.

“Bodhisattva Kishigarbha persuades those who kill any creature not to kill, otherwise they will die young. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those who steal things or rob people not to steal or rob, otherwise they will be poor and receive a hard lot. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those licentious people to give up lustful behavior, otherwise they will be born as birds in future lives. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those people who have abusive tongues not to speak bad language, otherwise their own relatives will fight with one another. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those who are fond of slandering others not to libel anyone, otherwise in their future lives they will become mutes or their mouths will ulcerate."


“Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people with hateful hearts not to hate or be angry with anybody, otherwise in their future lives they will be ugly and crippled. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades mean people to be generous, otherwise their wishes will never be fulfilled.Di Zang Boddhistava persuaded those people who drink and eat without limitation to control themselves, otherwise they will suffer pain from hunger and thirst and throat diseases. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those who go hunting willfully to stop hunting, otherwise they will die in terror. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those who are mean to their own parents to show filial piety or devotion to them, otherwise they will die in natural disasters."


“Di Zang Boddhistava persuades those who set fires on mountains, forest or woods never to do that again, otherwise they will die in insanity and confusion. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades step-parents not to torture their step-children, otherwise in their future lives they will be lashed. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to catch fish and birds, otherwise they will lose their own children. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to slander the Three Treasures, otherwise they will become deaf, blind or mute in their future lives. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to disrespect the Dharma, otherwise they will fall into evil levels forever."


“Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to destroy anything in the temple, otherwise they will transmigrate among the hells for an endless time. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to insult or falsely accuse monks or nuns, otherwise they will be animals forever in their future lives. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades monks or nuns not to break the Sangha’s rules, otherwise in their future lives they will be animals and they will suffer hungry retribution. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to ruin objects without any reason or use anything which does not belong to them without permission, otherwise they will never obtain what they want."


“Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to be proud, otherwise they will be born in low positions and enslaved by others. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to stir up or incite trouble between people, otherwise they will have no tongue or hundreds of tongues as their retribution. Di Zang Boddhistava persuades people not to argue irrationally or disobey the right way, otherwise they will be born in a barbarous frontier."

[0781c19] 如是等閻浮提眾生,身口意業,惡習結果,百千報應,今粗略說。.如是等閻浮提眾生業感差別,地藏菩薩百千方便而教化之。.是諸眾生,先受如是等報,後墮地獄,動經劫數,無有出期。.是故汝等護人護國,無令是諸眾業迷惑眾生。.

“The retributions that I have described in general are what those beings of the worlds cause by their own behaviour, language and consciousness. Because of their different karma, Di Zang Boddhistava uses many kinds of convenient ways to help and cultivate them. After those beings have finished such retributions, they still fall into hell and there will be no way out for aeons. Therefore, you should protect these living beings and their lands. Do not allow those beings who are confused by their own karma to create more karma."


After listening to Buddha’s exhortations, the Four Heavenly Kings sighed, and with tears in their eyes, placed their hands together, and withdrew.

5. rész, Különböző Poklok (地獄) Nevei (名號)

[0781c27] 爾時普賢菩薩摩訶薩白地藏菩薩言:「仁者,願為天龍四眾,及未來現在一切眾生,說娑婆世界,及閻浮提罪苦眾生,所受報處,地獄名號,及惡報等事,使未來世末法眾生,知是果報。.」

At that time, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Mahasattva, said to Di Zang Boddhistava, “Merciful One, would you please explain for the gods, dragons and the Four Heavenly Kings and all beings living in the future and in the present: where all those beings of the Saha World are suffering from their criminal pain, the names of the hells, and the conditions? These answers will let those beings in the future time of the Dharma-Ending Age know of the retributions undergone by the beings of the Saha World."

[0782a02] 地藏答言:「仁者,我今承佛威神,及大士之力,略說地獄名號,及罪報惡報之事。.仁者,閻浮提東方有山,號曰鐵圍,其山黑邃,無日月光。.

Di Zang Boddhistava answered, “Merciful One, now, receiving Buddha’s divine power and the Mahasattva’s power, I will explain in general the names of the hells and situations of the retributions. Merciful One, east of this world there is a dark Iron-Fence Mountain. This mountain is black and deep and has neither sunlight nor moonlight.


Within the mountain there is a large hell called Infinite Hell. In this Infinite Hell is another hell named Great Arbi. In this Great Arbi Hell, there are many small hells as follows:

“Four-Cornered Hell, Flying Knife Hell, Flaming Arrow Hell, Crushing Mountains Hell, Piercing Spear Hell, Iron Cart Hell, Iron Bed Hell, Iron Ox Hell, Iron Clothing Hell, Thousand Blades Hell, Iron Donkey Hell, Molten Copper Hell, Holding-Pillar Hell, Flying Fire Hell, Ploughing Tongue Hell, Chopping Head Hell, Burning Leg Hell, Pecking Eye Hell, Iron Pellet Hell, Fighting Hell, Iron Axe Hell, Much Anger Hell."

[0782a17] 地藏白言:仁者,鐵圍之內,有如是等地獄,其數無限。.更有叫喚地獄,拔舌地獄,糞尿地獄,銅鎖地獄,火象地獄,火狗地獄,火馬地獄,火牛地獄,火山地獄,火石地獄,火床地獄,火梁地獄,火鷹地獄,鋸牙地獄,剝皮地獄,飲血地獄,燒手地獄,燒腳地獄,倒刺地獄,火屋地獄,鐵屋地獄,火狼地獄。.如是等地獄。.

Di Zang Boddhistava said, “Merciful One, such is the unlimited number of hells within the Iron-Fence. In addition, there is the Screaming Hell, Pulling Tongue Hell, Excrement and Urine Hell, Copper Lock Hell, Fire Elephant Hell, Fire Dog Hell, Fire Horse Hell, Fire Ox Hell, Fire Mountain Hell, Fire Stone Hell, Fire Bed Hell, Fire Beam Hell, Fire Eagle Hell, Sawing Teeth Hell, Stripping Skin Hell, Drinking Blood Hell, Burning Hand Hell, Burning Leg Hell, Hanging Thorns Hell, Fire House Hell, Iron House Hell and Fire Wolf Hell." Di Zang Boddhistava said, “Merciful One, in the Iron-Fence Mountain, there are infinite hells as such.


In these hells, there are many small hells with many more different names. One, two, three, four hundred or thousand small hells, and they also have different name."

[0782a25] 地藏菩薩告普賢菩薩言:「仁者,此者皆是南閻浮提行惡眾生,業感如是。.業力甚大,能敵須彌,能深巨海,能障聖道。.是故眾生莫輕小惡,以為無罪,死後有報,纖毫受之。.父子至親,歧路各別,縱然相逢,無肯代受。.我今承佛威力,略說地獄罪報之事,唯願仁者暫聽是言。.」

Di Zang Boddhistava told Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, ‘Merciful One, these hells are created by the people themselves who commit these malefactions in all the worlds. The power of karma is so great as to be compared with Mount Sumeru and as deep as the immense ocean. The power of karma can block the way of Buddhadharma. Therefore, do not ignore a minor evil and think that it is guiltless. There is retribution after one dies, even as small as a hair or fibre, and this must be taken. Even the closest relatives, like father and son, have different road. Even meeting, they cannot substitute their retribution for each other. Now relying on Buddha’s divine power, I will give a general explanation of the situation in hell. Please Merciful One listen to me."

[0782b03] 普賢答言:「吾已久知三惡道報,望仁者說,令後世末法一切惡行眾生,聞仁者說,使令歸佛。.」

Bodhisattva Samantabhadra answered, “For a long time, I have known of the retributions of the three evil levels. I hope the Merciful One speaks so that all beings who do evil acts in the future of the Dharma-Ending Age rely on and take refuge in the Buddha."


Di Zang Boddhistava said, “Merciful One, the following are the retributions of hells:


There is a hell which pulls out a criminal person’s tongue and ploughs it with an ox. There is a hell where a mean devil takes out the criminal person’s heart and eats it. There is a hell where they cook criminal peoples’ bodies in a big cauldron. There is a hell which burns copper pillars and makes criminal persons hold them. There is a hell which uses fire to burn criminal people. There is a hell which is always frozen and icy. There is a hell of endless excrement and urine. There is a hell of flying maces. There is a hell that is full of fire spears. There is a hell in which one’s chest or back are beaten. There is a hell where only hands or legs are burned. There is a hell where iron snakes twist and coil around one. There is a hell where iron dogs chase. There is a hell where all ride on iron donkeys."


“Merciful One, such retributions in every hell use hundreds of thousands of instruments of Karma’s Way. Those instruments are made of copper, iron, stone or fire. The four materials are caused by the heavy karma of beings. It is nearly impossible to explain all the situations in all hells, because there are hundreds or thousands of sufferings in each and every hell. Now, relying on the divine power of Buddha, I have replied to the request from the Merciful One, and I have only explained in general. Even to the end of aeons, there is no end to explaining all the hells in detail."

如來讚歎品 第六
6. rész, Thatagata (如來) magasztalása (讚歎)

[0782b21] 爾時世尊舉身放大光明,遍照百千萬億恆河沙等諸佛世界。.出大音聲,普告諸佛世界一切諸菩薩摩訶薩,及天、龍、鬼、神、人、非人等。.「聽吾今日稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩摩訶薩,於十方世界,現大不可思議威神慈悲之力,救護一切罪苦之事。.吾滅度後,汝等諸菩薩大士,及天龍鬼神等,廣作方便,衛護是經,令一切眾生證涅槃樂。.」

At that time, the World Honored One emitted bright lights from his body, illuminating the millions of worlds in which Buddhas lived. Buddha Sakyamuni pronounced in a loud voice, informing all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, in every world, the heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts and gods, humans and non-humans, “Today, listen to me as I glorify Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva. He shows inconceivable, benevolent, and compassionate divine power to help and protect the suffering. After I reach Nirvana, all of you Bodhisattvas, heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts and gods should employ every possible way to protect this sutra in order to allow all beings to obtain Nirvana’s happiness."

[0782b28] 說是語已,會中有一菩薩,名曰普廣,合掌恭敬而白佛言:「今見世尊讚歎地藏菩薩,有如是不可思議大威神德,唯願世尊為未來世末法眾生,宣說地藏菩薩利益人天因果等事,使諸天龍八部,及未來世眾生,頂受佛語。.」

After Buddha finished, there was a Bodhisattva named Universally Expansive who placed his hands together and said to Buddha with respect, “Today, World Honored One glorifies Di Zang Boddhistava who has such unbelievable divine powers and virtues. World Honored One, for the sake of all future beings of the Dharma-Ending Age, please tell us how Di Zang Boddhistava will benefit people. May gods, dragons, the eight divisions, and all those beings in the future accept Buddha’s instructions."

[0782c04] 爾時世尊告普廣菩薩及四眾等:「諦聽諦聽!吾當為汝略說地藏菩薩利益人天福德之事。.」

At that time, the World Honored One said to Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, “Listen, listen. I will explain in general about Di Zang Boddhistava – how he benefits the human and heavenly beings with his blessings and merit."

[0782c06] 普廣白言:「唯然!世尊,願樂欲聞。.」

Bodhisattva Universally Expansive answered, “Yes, World Honored One, we would all be pleased to know."

[0782c07] 佛告普廣菩薩:「未來世中,若有善男子、善女人,聞是地藏菩薩摩訶薩名者,或合掌者、讚歎者、作禮者、戀慕者,是人超越三十劫罪。.

Buddha told Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, “In the future world, any good man or good woman when hearing the name of Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, places both hands together, glorifies, bows and admires Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) , this person can be relieved of sins from the past thirty aeons.

[0782c10] 普廣!若有善男子、善女人,或彩畫形像,或土石膠漆,金銀銅鐵、作此菩薩,一瞻一禮者,是人百返生於三十三天,永不墮於惡道。.假如天福盡故,下生人間,猶為國王,不失大利。.

Universally Expansive, if any good man or good woman paints Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) ’s portrait, or using clay, stones, glue, varnish, gold, silver, copper or iron to engrave or erect a statue of Bodhisattva for worship, this person can be born a hundred times in Thirty-Three Heaven and will never fall into the evil levels. Even if his welfare in heaven comes to an end and he is born in the world, he still can be king. That is, he will still have great merits."


“If there is a woman who dislikes being a woman, she can reverently worship the portrait of Di Zang Boddhistava day after day; or she can offer fragrant flowers, food, clothing, paintings, flags, money or treasures as offerings, and after she ends this life, for hundreds or thousands of aeons she will be born in a world where there exist no women. She will not be born a woman unless she mercifully wishes to be a woman to help and cultivate others. She will inherit the merit power from these offerings to Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) and will not be a woman for hundreds or thousands of aeons."

[0782c21] 復次, 普廣!「若有女人,厭是醜陋,多疾病者,但於地藏像前,志心瞻禮,食頃之間。.是人千萬劫中,所受生身,相貌圓滿。.是醜陋女人,如不厭女身,即百千萬億生中,常為王女,乃及王妃,宰輔大姓,大長者女,端正受生,諸相圓滿。.由志心故,瞻禮地藏菩薩,獲福如是。.」

“Again, Universally Expansive, if there is a woman who hates herself, is ugly and constantly ill, she can gaze at and bow in front of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) ’s image with sincere devotion, and in a moment she will have a countenance of good fortune. Even though this person does not hate being female, she can be reborn as a king’s, minister’s or virtuous person’s daughter, or a minister’s wife and she will have perfect features. Because she concentrates her heart with sincere devotion, on gazing and bowing to Di Zang Boddhistava, she can gain such merits."

[0782c27] 復次普廣:「若有善男子、善女人,能對菩薩像前,作諸伎樂,及歌詠讚歎,香華供養,乃至勸於一人多人。.如是等輩,現在世中及未來世,常得百千鬼神日夜衛護,不令惡事輒聞其耳,何況親受諸橫。.」

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, if there is a good man and good woman who can play music or sing to extol before the Bodhisattva’s image, who can offer fragrant flowers or who can persuade one or many people to worship Bodhisattva, such people will be protected by many spirits day and night, and will hear no evil things, not to mention personally experiencing evil things or accidents."

[0783a02] 復次普廣:「未來世中,若有惡人及惡神惡鬼,見有善男子、善女人,歸敬供養讚歎瞻禮地藏菩薩形像,或妄生譏毀,謗無功德及利益事,或露齒笑,或背面非,或勸人共非,或一人非,或多人非,乃至一念生譏毀者。.如是之人,賢劫千佛滅度,譏毀之報,尚在阿鼻地獄受極重罪。.過是劫已,方受餓鬼。.又經千劫,復受畜生。.又經千劫,方得人身。.縱受人身,貧窮下賤,諸根不具,多被惡業來結其心。.不久之間,復墮惡道。.是故普廣,譏毀他人供養,尚獲此報,何況別生惡見毀滅。.」

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future world, if evil people, evil gods or evil ghosts ridicule or slander that good man or good woman who reverently makes offerings and praises, gazes at and bows to Di Zang Boddhistava’s image, by saying that this is completely without advantage or merit, or laughs at, or talks behind their backs, or persuades others to slander together, even if they only slander in one thought – the retributions from these peoples’ slanders will be to suffer great pains in Great Arbi for an infinite time. After finishing the sufferings in hell, they will become a hungry ghost. Through a thousand aeons, they will become a human, they will still have a hard life, for example, crippled, weak or poor. Because they are often upset and distressed by the evil karma that twists their hearts, they will again soon fall into evil. Therefore, Universally Expansive, to slander others’ offerings, not to mention having an evil mind to destroy the Dharma, will cause such retributions."

[0783a13] 復次普廣:「若未來世,有男子女人,久處床枕,求生求死,了不可得。.或夜夢惡鬼,乃及家親、或遊險道、或多魘寐、共鬼神遊。.日月歲深,轉復尪瘵,眠中叫苦,慘悽不樂者。.此皆是業道論對,未定輕重,或難捨壽、或不得癒,男女俗眼,不辨是事。.

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future, anyone who has a long illness and can neither live nor die, who always dreams of evil ghosts or dead families, or dreams of walking on dangerous roads with spirits and in which these situations continue for months to years, and has a chronic disease, groans in his dreams, and always feels grieved and unhappy, must have done something wrong or evil causing these retributions. This is all due to their past karma road, which is a judgement that has not been decided, and which is not allowing them to die, or to recover either. Most of the ordinary men or women cannot distinguish why these phenomena happen.


If anyone suffers from this kind of thing, this sutra should be read once aloud. In addition, one may take favorite article of the sick person, such as clothing, treasures, manors or houses, to give to charity or sell for offering and making Buddhas’ or Bodhisattva’s images. In front of the sick person’s face, he should speak loudly that he would like to give these up on behalf of the sick person. One could also build a temple, light an oil lamp, or donate money to a shrine. Speak this three times in front of the sick person and make sure that he hears what you say clearly.


If he has already been in a coma or has breathed his last, you can still speak these words and read this sutra aloud for seven days. Because of this, after the person dies, his past heavy crimes can be released forever, including the five crimes which will lead him to Endless Hell. In his next life, he will always know the things that happened in his former life.


If any good man or good woman writes this sutra by hand or teaches others to write it, or paints or moulds the Bodhisattva’s image or teaches others to paint or mould, he will certainly gain a great deal of merit.

[0783b02] 是故普廣,若見有人讀誦是經,乃至一念讚歎是經,或恭敬者。.汝須百千方便,勸是等人,勤心莫退,能得未來、現在千萬億不可思議功德。.」

Hence, Universally Expansive, if you see anyone read or recite this sutra, praise this sutra even with a single thought or respect this sutra as soon as he hears it, you must use every way to urge them to study hard and not to regress. They can obtain inconceivable merits both now and in the future."

[0783b05] 復次普廣:「若未來世諸眾生等,或夢或寐,見諸鬼神乃及諸形,或悲、或啼、或愁、或嘆、或恐、或怖。.此皆是一生十生百生千生過去父母、男女弟妹、夫妻眷屬,在於惡趣,未得出離,無處希望福力救拔,當告宿世骨肉,使作方便,願離惡道。.」

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, if those beings in the future dream of many gods, ghosts or even forms, and are always grieving, crying, distressed, sighing, terrified or anxious, they must have relatives from their past lives who have fallen into evil, and these relatives are unable to save themselves and have no way to ask people who have fortune or power for help. You should tell these people to do many convenient things to help their relatives get far away from the evil level."


“Moreover, Universally Expansive, using your divine power, you should make those people read this sutra in front of the images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. Or ask anyone to recite this sutra three to seven times for themselves. Thus, these relatives who remain in evil can be released after reciting this sutra. And they will never again dream of those spirits."

[0783b14] 復次普廣:「若未來世,有諸下賤等人,或奴或婢,乃至諸不自由之人,覺知宿業,要懺悔者。.志心瞻禮地藏菩薩形像,乃至一七日中,念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。.如是等人,盡此報後,千萬生中,常生尊貴,更不經三惡道苦。.」

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future world, if the people of lower positions, such as servants, slaves or people who are not free, realize the former karma and wish to repent, they may gaze at and bow to Di Zang Boddhistava’s image, and with sincere devotion recite Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s name ten thousand times during seven days. Such people after they finish this life will be reborn in noble families for thousands of lives and they will not suffer the pain of evil."

[0783b19] 復次普廣:「若未來世中,閻浮提內,剎利、婆羅門、長者、居士、一切人等,及異姓種族,有新產者,或男或女,七日之中,早與讀誦此不可思議經典,更為念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。.是新生子,或男或女,宿有殃報,便得解脫,安樂易養,壽命增長。.若是承福生者,轉增安樂,及與壽命。.」

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, in future generations around the worlds, no matter what type of people they are, if they recite the inconceivable sutra for seven days for their new born babies, male or female, and again recite Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s name ten thousand times, these babies will be released from their past retributions, can be easily raised and will enjoy longevity. If the baby is born by his own fortune, his happiness and life will increase."

[0783b25] 復次普廣:「若未來世眾生,於月一日、八日、十四日、十五日、十八日、二十三、二十四、二十八、二十九日、乃至三十日,是諸日等,諸罪結集,定其輕重。.南閻浮提眾生,舉止動念,無不是業,無不是罪,何況恣情殺害、竊盜、邪婬、妄語、百千罪狀。.

“Moreover, Universally Expansive, if those beings in the future can recite this sutra once in front of any Buddha’s or Bodhisattva’s image during certain ten days including the first, eight, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth and thirtieth days of the lunar calendar, they will be safe, without any disasters. The neighboring families, both young and old, will be far away from evil.


On these certain days the offenses of living beings will gathered together and judged, since all behaviour or thoughts of those in the worlds are karma and an offense – not to speak of such offenses as killing, stealing, debauching or slandering willfully. If people can recite this sutra once a month on the special ten days, their families can be free of every kind of disease and their clothes and food will be opulent

[0783c06] 是故普廣,當知地藏菩薩有如是等不可說百千萬億大威神力,利益之事。.閻浮眾生,於此大士有大因緣。.是諸眾生,聞菩薩名,見菩薩像,乃至聞是經三字五字,或一偈一句者,現在殊妙安樂,未來之世,百千萬生,常得端正,生尊貴家。.」

“Universally Expansive, you should know that Di Zang Boddhistava has such unspeakable, great divine power to benefit all who worship. All beings of the worlds have a deep relationship with this Mahasattva. As long as they hear the Bodhisattva’s name, see the Bodhisattva’s image or listen to a single paragraph, sentence or even a few words from this sutra, they can enjoy wonderful pleasure, peace and happiness today, and be reborn with fine features in noble families in the future million lives."

[0783c11] 爾時普廣菩薩聞佛如來稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩已,胡跪合掌復白佛言:「世尊,我久知是大士有如此不可思議神力,及大誓願力,為未來眾生遣知利益,故問如來,唯然頂受。.

At this moment, after listening to the Buddha glorify the Di Zang Boddhistava, Bodhisattva Universally Expansive knelt down, placed his hands together and said, “World Honored One, I have known of the great, inconceivable divine power of Bodhisattva’s vow for a long time. In order to make those beings in the future understand the benefits, I therefore ask Buddha and we shall keep this in our hearts.


World Honored One, what do we call this sutra? And how do we proclaim this sutra?"

[0783c16] 佛告普廣:此經有三名:「一名地藏本願,亦名地藏本行,亦名地藏本誓力經。.緣此菩薩,久遠劫來,發大重願,利益眾生,是故汝等,依願流布。.」

The Buddha said to Universally Expansive, “There are three names for this sutra. One is the Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) Vow Sutra, another name is the Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) Past Conduct Sutra, the other name is the Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) Powerful Vow Sutra. Because so many aeons ago this Bodhisattva took such a great vows to benefit all beings, you should proclaim this sutra in accord with these vows."

[0783c19] 普廣聞已,合掌恭敬作禮而退。.

After Bodhisattva Universally Expansive heard this, he placed his hands together, and withdrew.

Második tekercs (地藏菩薩本願經卷下)

利益存亡品 第七
7. rész, Létezés és nemlétezés (存亡) előnyei (利益)

[0783c28] 爾時地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言:「世尊,我觀是閻浮眾生,舉心動念,無非是罪。.脫獲善利,多退初心。.若遇惡緣,念念增益。.是等輩人,如履泥塗,負於重石,漸困漸重,足步深邃。.若得遇知識,替與減負,或全與負。.是知識有大力故,復相扶助,勸令牢腳。.若達平地,須省惡路,無再經歷。.

At that time, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, said to Buddha, “World Honored One, I have observed sins of thought or action from everyone in all the worlds. Even though they do a few good deeds their kind hearts soon regress. If they fall into a bad circumstance, their evil thoughts will continue. It is as if these people are walking in mud carrying a heavy stone on their shoulders. The longer they walk, the harder they step. Their feet sink in mud and they cannot get themselves out. If they meet a knowledgeable person who can carry some or all the stones for them, this knowledgeable person has great power to help and persuade them not to go any further. After they arrive at a smooth plain, the knowledgeable one soon teaches them how to examine themselves and not to go through the mud again.

[0784a05] 世尊,習惡眾生,從纖毫間,便至無量。.是諸眾生有如此習,臨命終時,父母眷屬,宜為設福,以資前路。.或懸旛蓋及燃油燈。.或轉讀尊經、或供養佛像及諸聖像,乃至念佛菩薩,及辟支佛名字,一名一號,歷臨終人耳根,或聞在本識。.是諸眾生所造惡業,計其感果,必墮惡趣,緣是眷屬為臨終人修此聖因,如是眾罪,悉皆消滅。.

World Honored One, the minor offenses accumulate into major ones. Since most of these people have such bad habits, in order to help them to be reborn into a better life, their parents or relatives should make offerings or oblations for them after they pass away. They can hang pennants, light oil lamps or make statues of Buddha or Bodhisattva. They can also recite the sutras or the names of the Buddha and Bodhisattva. They should make sure that they keep every single word deep in their minds. Though these beings have fallen into evil karma, their criminal offenses can be eliminated by oblations and offerings in their name by their family or relatives.


If their family or relatives can do many good deeds for the dead during the first seven days, the dead can avoid evil forever and be reborn in heaven or as a human and enjoy wonderful happiness. In addition, the people who promote benefits for the dead can also obtain endless merits."

[0784a15] 是故我今對佛世尊,及天龍八部人非人等,勸於閻浮提眾生臨終之日,慎勿殺害,及造惡緣,拜祭鬼神,求諸魍魎。.

Thus, now, in front of the Buddha, World Honored One, gods, dragons and all others, both human and non-human, I urge all beings in all worlds not to offer sacrifices to the spirits of the deceased persons by killing creatures or calling on ghosts or spirits.


Why? Because offering sacrifices by killing has not the slightest merit for the deceased persons at all. On the contrary, it will increase their burden, because their relatives make more offenses for the deceased. The deceased person’s spirit has to defend itself against the spirits of the sacrificed creatures. This might risk the rebirth of that person in heaven or the human world. Not to mention the deceased who, while he was alive had few merits, and thus according to his karma, has to suffer pains in the evil level. How could his relatives increase his karma?"


For example, it’s like a person who has eaten nothing for three days and is carrying baggage which weighs one hundred kilograms. Unexpectedly, his neighbor asks him to bring some extra things for him. Now his burden is heavier than before.


World Honored One, I have observed that as long as beings in all the worlds do good deeds for Buddhadharma, no matter as small as a hair, a drop of water, a grain of sand or a speck of dust, they will obtain all merits themselves."

[0784a28] 說是語時,會中有一長者,名曰大辯,是長者久證無生,化度十方,現長者身,合掌恭敬,問地藏菩薩言:「大士,是南閻浮提眾生,命終之後,小大眷屬,為修功德,乃至設齋,造眾善因,是命終人,得大利益及解脫不?」

While these words were being spoken, there was an elder named Great Eloquence who has advocated Dharma since long ago, cultivates all beings from the Ten Directions, and is always incarnated as an elder. He placed both hands together with reverence, then asked Di Zang Boddhistava, “Mahasattva, after those beings in all the worlds have died and their relatives do good deeds for them, offer vegetarian foods or plant all kinds of good things, can the deceased obtain merits and be released from pain and suffering?"

[0784b04] 地藏答言:「長者,我今為未來現在一切眾生,承佛威力,略說是事。.長者,未來現在諸眾生等,臨命終日,得聞一佛名、一菩薩名、一辟支佛名,不問有罪無罪,悉得解脫。.

[0784b08] 若有男子女人,在生不修善因多造眾罪。.命終之後,眷屬小大,為造福利一切聖事,七分之中而乃獲一,六分功德,生者自利。.以是之故,未來現在善男女等,聞健自修,分分己獲。.

Di Zang Boddhistava answered, “Now, by Buddha’s power, I will explain this in general. Elder, if those beings today or in the future hear a name of Buddha or a Bodhisattva on the day they die, no matter whether they are guilty or not, they can be released from suffering. If anyone does many evil deeds while alive and his or her relatives do good deeds for them after their death, the deceased will receive a seventh part of the relative’s merit. The remaining merits belong to his or her relatives. If good people today and in future can promote goodness by themselves, they can obtain every merit.


After death the Great Ghost of Impermanence will take the spirit of the deceased away without warning. At that time, nobody knows whether the spirit’s future is good or bad. During the first forty-nine days after death, the deceased does not hear anything. At that time, he will be judged in a court arguing his karmic retribution. He will not be reborn until the trial. Before the trial in hell, the deceased has already felt distress, not to speak of suffering in the evil level. The deceased longs for help from his children and relatives during these forty-nine days. After forty-nine days, he will follow his own karmic retributions and suffer. These kinds of criminal persons usually cannot be released for hundreds or thousands of years. If the being has ever committed one of Five Endless Offenses, he or she will fall into Endless Hell and suffer all kinds of pain for an indefinite time."


“Moreover, elder, if beings with such karma die, the relatives can make offerings. Their relatives should prepare or eat vegetarian food and not throw rice-water or vegetables leaves on the ground. They should not even eat before offering it to Buddha and the monks. If they waste the food, eat before offering it or are too lazy to learn about Dharma, the deceased will obtain no merits at all. If their relatives are diligent and are reverently devoted to Buddha and the Sangha, the deceased will receive a seventh part of the merit, Therefore, elder, if those beings in all the worlds can honestly and reverently offer vegetarian food to the Three Treasures after their parents or relatives die, both the living and the dead can obtain all the merits."

[0784b20] 說是語時,忉利天宮,有千萬億那由他閻浮鬼神,悉發無量菩提之心,大辯長者作禮而退。.

While Di Zang Boddhistava spoke these words, millions of ghosts and gods in Trāyastriṃśa Heaven Palace from all the world made endless requests for helping the suffering. And the elder Great Eloquence bowed and withdrew.

閻羅王眾讚歎品 第八
8. rész, Yamaraja (閻羅王) és társainak (眾) dícsérete (讚歎)

[0784c03] 爾時鐵圍山內,有無量鬼王,與閻羅天子,俱詣忉利,來到佛所。.所謂:惡毒鬼王、多惡鬼王、大諍鬼王、白虎鬼王、血虎鬼王、赤虎鬼王、散殃鬼王、飛身鬼王、電光鬼王、狼牙鬼王、千眼鬼王、噉獸鬼王、負石鬼王、主耗鬼王、主禍鬼王、主食鬼王、主財鬼王、主畜鬼王、主禽鬼王、主獸鬼王、主魅鬼王、主產鬼王、主命鬼王、主疾鬼王、主險鬼王、三目鬼王、四目鬼王、五目鬼王、祁利失王、大祁利失王、祁利叉王、大祁利叉王、阿那吒王、大阿那吒王、如是等大鬼王,各各與百千諸小鬼王,盡居閻浮提,各有所執,各有所主。.

At that time, from the Iron-Mountain, many ghost kings and sons of the heavens came to the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven where Buddha taught the Dharma. Those who came included Evil Poison Ghost King, Evil Doing Ghost King, Dispute Ghost King, White Tiger Ghost King, Blood Tiger Ghost King, Red Tiger Contagious Ghost King, Disaster Ghost King, Flying Body Ghost King, Lightning Flash Ghost King, Wolf Teeth Ghost King, Thousand Eyes Ghost King, Eating Beast Ghost King, Rock-Carrying Ghost King, Exhaustion Ghost King, Calamity Ghost King, Food Ghost King, Wealth Ghost King, Domestic Animal Ghost King, Fowl Ghost King, Beast Ghost King, Mountain Spirit Ghost King, Birth Ghost King, Life Ghost King, Disease Ghost King, Danger Ghost King, Three Eyes Ghost King, Four Eyes Ghost King, Five Eyes Ghost King, the Fire Spirit King, The Great Fire Ghost King, the Dharma Protector King, the Great Dharma Protector King and so on. There were also thousands of major and minor ghost kings who live in all the worlds and rule over specific areas.


These ghost kings and sons of heavens, by the divine power of Buddha and Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, all came to the Buddha’s assembly in Trāyastriṃśa. They reverently stood beside the Bodhisattva.

[0784c16] 爾時閻羅天子,胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊,我等今者與諸鬼王,承佛威神,及地藏菩薩摩訶薩力,方得詣此忉利大會,亦是我等獲善利故。.我今有小疑事,敢問世尊。.唯願世尊慈悲宣說。.」

At that time, Yama, Son of Heaven, knelt down, placed his hands together and asked, “World Honored One, inheriting the divine power of Buddha and Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, and having good merits, we, sons of heavens and all ghost kings, join this great assembly in the Trāyastriṃśa. Now, we have a small doubt we would like to express. May Buddha be merciful and explain it to us."

[0784c20] 佛告閻羅天子:「恣汝所問,吾為汝說。.」

Buddha told Yama, Son of Heaven, “Whatever you ask, I shall explain it to you."

[0784c21] 是時閻羅天子瞻禮世尊,及迴視地藏菩薩,而白佛言:「世尊,我觀地藏菩薩在六道中,百千方便而度罪苦眾生,不辭疲倦,是大菩薩有如是不可思議神通之事。.然諸眾生獲脫罪報,未久之間,又墮惡道。.世尊,是地藏菩薩既有如是不可思議神力,云何眾生而不依止善道,永取解脫?唯願世尊為我解說。.」

At that time, Yama, Son of Heaven looked at Buddha with respect, turned his head towards Di Zang Boddhistava and said, “World Honored One, as we have observed, Di Zang Boddhistava has used hundreds and thousands of convenient way to help and cultivate the suffering offenders of the six levels. He never feels tired. This great Bodhisattva has such inconceivable divine power. But these beings fall into evil soon after they are relieved from their criminal retributions. World Honored One, since this Di Zang Boddhistava has such unimaginable divine power, why do not all beings follow the Dharma and be relieved from pain forever? Will World Honored One please explain this to us."

[0784c28] 佛告閻羅天子:「南閻浮提眾生,其性剛強,難調難伏。.是大菩薩,於百千劫,頭頭救拔如是眾生,早令解脫。.是罪報人乃至墮大惡趣,菩薩以方便力,拔出根本業緣,而遣悟宿世之事。.自是閻浮提眾生結惡習重,旋出旋入,勞斯菩薩久經劫數而作度脫。.

The Buddha told Yama, Son of Heaven, “Those beings of the worlds are hard-minded. It is difficult to subdue them. This Great Bodhisattva has saved these beings for a long, long time. Di Zang Boddhistava uses every possible way to point out their own basic karma relationship and make them realize the things which they did in their former lives. However, all beings have a pattern of bad habits, and they quickly fall into the same pattern again. This Bodhisattva has taken many aeons to help and save them.

[0785a05] 譬如有人迷失本家,誤入險道,其險道中,多諸夜叉、及虎狼獅子、蚖蛇蝮蠍。.如是迷人,在險道中,須臾之間,即遭諸毒。.有一知識,多解大術,善禁是毒,乃及夜叉諸惡毒等。.忽逢迷人欲進險道,而語之言:咄哉男子,為何事故而入此路,有何異術,能制諸毒。.是迷路人忽聞是語,方知險道,即便退步,求出此路。.是善知識,提攜接手,引出險道,免諸惡毒。.至於好道,令得安樂。.有何異術,能制諸毒

For example, if someone accidentally walks onto a dangerous road and gets lost among the many devils, tigers, wolves, lions, snakes and scorpions on this road, this person will be attacked immediately. If this person happens to meet and heed the advice of a wise and knowledgeable person, then he could avoid those evil beasts. The person does not know how dangerous this situation is until he hears the wise and knowledgeable person’s advice. Soon after, the person wants to get out of that situation. This wise person leads him away and protects him from those evils, and when he arrives to a safe place, he is peaceful and happy.


Then, this wise person tells him, ‘Do not walk this road from now on. Those who walk this road will live a difficult and dangerous life.’


The person who was once lost appreciates him very much. Before leaving, the wise person says, ‘If you see your friends, relatives or any person walk by, whether they are male or female, you should let them know that this way is full of evil. Anyone entering those road will have their lives threatened. Do not allow any beings to walk this way.’

[0785a19] 是故地藏菩薩俱大慈悲,救拔罪苦眾生,生人天中,令受妙樂。.是諸罪眾,知業道苦,脫得出離,永不再歷。.如迷路人,誤入險道,遇善知識引接令出,永不復入。.逢見他人,復勸莫入。.自言因是迷故,得解脫竟,更不復入。.

In this way, Di Zang Boddhistava helps and cultivates the criminal beings by his benevolent and compassionate heart. Di Zang Boddhistava helps them be reborn as human beings or heavenly beings and thus obtain peace and happiness. Because they know the sufferings of retribution, when they are released they will be reluctant to go through the pain of evil again. That person will never walk that dangerous way again since he was saved by the wise person. Beside this, he also persuades others not to walk along this dangerous road. And since he has been there before, he will certainly not walk that way again.


If he is still confused and makes the same mistake, and does not realize that he himself has been on this dangerous road before, he will lose his life. This is the same as falling into evil. Although Di Zang Boddhistava has used all kinds of useful ways to release them and allow them to be reborn into heaven or as a human being, those beings will still fall into evil again. If he has heavy karma, he will stay in hell with no definite time to be released from suffering."

[0785a27] 爾時惡毒鬼王合掌恭敬白佛言:「世尊,我等諸鬼王,其數無量,在閻浮提,或利益人,或損害人,各各不同。.然是業報,使我眷屬遊行世界,多惡少善。.過人家庭,或城邑聚落,莊園房舍。.或有男子女人,修毛髮善事,乃至懸一旛一蓋,少香少華,供養佛像及菩薩像。.或轉讀尊經,燒香供養一句一偈。.我等鬼王敬禮是人,如過去現在未來諸佛。.敕諸小鬼,各有大力,及土地分,便令衛護,不令惡事橫事、惡病橫病,乃至不如意事,近於此舍等處,何況入門。.」

At that time, Evil Poison Ghost King reverently placed his hands together and said, “World Honored One, we, the many ghost kings in the worlds have different jobs, some of us advantageous and help people, some of us hurt people. Our karmic retribution causes us and our retinues to travel throughout all the worlds and do more evil than good. While we are passing through a house, a town, a castle, a village or a farm, if we see any man or woman do a tiny benefaction, hang a pennant or streamers of silk before a Buddha’s image, prepare a little incense of flowers to offer the Buddha or Bodhisattva, or recite even just one sentence or word of the sutras, all of us will salute this person as we do to Buddhas past, present and in the future. We will also order all powerful ghosts and gods of the lands to protect this person and never let any evil thing, disease or bad luck draw near to this person’s house, not to mention to themselves."


The Buddha praised the ghost king, “Very good, very good. All of you and Yama also can support and protect these good men and women. I will ask Brahma King and Shakra to protect you as well."

[0785b11] 說是語時,會中有一鬼王,名曰主命。.白佛言:「世尊,我本業緣,主閻浮人命,生時死時,我皆主之。.在我本願,甚欲利益。.自是眾生不會我意,致令生死俱不得安。.

After this, another ghost king named Life Master said to Buddha, “World Honored One, in accordance with their retributions, I am in charge of humans’ lives. Their lives and deaths are governed by me. Fundamentally, I am willing to help them. But, because they do not realize my true heart, they have little happiness and peace when either bearing children or dying.

[0785b15] 何以故? 是閻浮提人初生之時,不問男女,或欲生時,但作善事,增益宅舍,自令土地無量歡喜,擁護子母,得大安樂,利益眷屬。.或已生下,慎勿殺害,取諸鮮味供給產母,及廣聚眷屬,飲酒食肉,歌樂絃管,能令子母不得安樂。.

Why? If people could offer some benefactions to increase the merits of their own family when they are going to have either a son or a daughter, the God of Land would be happy to protect the mothers and children to obtain happiness and peace. Even their relatives could obtain merits, too. On the other hand, they should not kill any creature for offering as food to a woman who just given birth. Neither gather relatives together to eat meat, drink wine, sing songs and dance in celebration of the new born baby. This behavior will make the mother and baby lose peace and happiness.

[0785b20] 何以故? 是產難時,有無數惡鬼及魍魎精魅,欲食腥血。.是我早令舍宅土地靈祇。.荷護子母,使令安樂,而得利益。.如是之人,見安樂故,便合設福,答諸土地。.翻為殺害,聚集眷屬。.以是之故,犯殃自受,子母俱損。.

Why? Because uncounted evil ghosts and monsters would like to eat the offensive-smelling blood at childbirth. I have already ordered the God of Land to protect the mother and child and make them peaceful and happy and without any disaster. These people should offer more benefactions to thank this god for the happiness and peace they obtain. However, not only do they show little gratitude but they also kill creatures and gather relatives for celebration. Therefore, their retribution is caused by themselves. They deserve the damage. The mother and child will also suffer.

[0785b25] 又閻浮提臨命終人,不問善惡,我欲令是命終之人,不落惡道。.何況自修善根增我力故。.是閻浮提行善之人,臨命終時,亦有百千惡道鬼神,或變作父母,乃至諸眷屬,引接亡人,令落惡道。.何況本造惡者。.

Furthermore, throughout the worlds, I will help the people who are about to die, regardless of whether they are good or evil, not to fall further into evil. My power to help them is increased when they have done good deeds. When benevolent persons are going to die, hundreds or thousands of evil spirits will turn into the same form as their parents or relatives, and encourage them to be a part of their evil horde. It will be even more difficult for a person who has done many evil deeds to get away from evil.

[0785c01] 世尊,如是閻浮提男子女人臨命終時,神識惛昧,不辨善惡,乃至眼耳更無見聞。.是諸眷屬,當須設大供養,轉讀尊經,念佛菩薩名號。.如是善緣,能令亡者離諸惡道,諸魔鬼神悉皆退散。.

World-Honored One, when men or women in all the worlds are going to die, they are incapable of clear thinking, they cannot tell good from bad, their eyes are unable to see and their ears are unable to hear. If their relatives make offerings to Buddha for them, recite the sutra and recite Buddhas’ or Bodhisattvas’ names, these good deeds will help the dead people turn away from evil and all the devils and ghosts will retreat.


World Honored One, if anyone who is about to die hears a Buddha’s name or Bodhisattva’s name or one sentence from a Mahayana sutra, these people can be relieved from the Five Endless Offenses. As for the minor bad karma which could basically lead them into evil, this can be relieved immediately."

[0785c08] 佛告主命鬼王:「汝大慈故,能發如是大願,於生死中,護諸眾生。.若未來世中,有男子女人至生死時,汝莫退是願,總令解脫,永得安樂。.」

Buddha told Life Master Ghost King, “You have great benevolence to make such a great vow to protect all beings, both alive and dead. In future generations if anyone, male or female, faces life and death, do not forget the vow you have made, and be sure to release all beings from hardship and allow them to observe happiness and peace."

[0785c12] 鬼王白佛言:「願不有慮。.我畢是形,念念擁護閻浮眾生,生時死時,俱得安樂。.但願諸眾生於生死時,信受我語,無不解脫,獲大利益。.」

The ghost king replied to Buddha, “Please do not be concerned. I shall do my best to protect all beings in all the worlds so that they will have happiness both at the time of birth and at the time of death. I hope they will believe my word so they will be released, receive happiness, and earn numerous merits."

[0785c15] 爾時佛告地藏菩薩:「是大鬼王主命者,已曾經百千生,作大鬼王,於生死中,擁護眾生。.是大士慈悲願故,現大鬼身,實非鬼也。.卻後過一百七十劫,當得成佛,號曰無相如來,劫名安樂,世界名淨住,其佛壽命不可計劫。.地藏,是大鬼王,其事如是不可思議,所度人天亦不可限量。.」

At that time, Buddha told Di Zang Boddhistava, “This Life Master King has already been a great ghost king for thousands of generations. Supporting and protecting all those beings between life and death is the benevolent merciful power of his vow. He is now incarnated as a ghost king, but in reality he is not a ghost. One hundred and seventy aeons from now, in an aeon named Tranquility, he will be a Buddha named No Appearance Thus Come One. His kalpa will be named Happiness. The world he lives in will be called Pure Dwelling and his age will be uncountable. Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), everything about this great ghost king is unimaginable. The people he has saved, is saving and will save in all the worlds and in heavens are innumerable."

9. rész, Buddha nevének (稱佛) recitálásának előnyei (名號品)

[0785c23] 爾時地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言:「世尊,我今為未來眾生演利益事,於生死中,得大利益,唯願世尊聽我說之。.」

At that time, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, I am going to speak on the benefits for those beings in the future worlds. Between life and death, they can all receive great benefits. Please World Honored One, hear my word."

[0785c25] 佛告地藏菩薩:「汝今欲興慈悲,救拔一切罪苦六道眾生,演不思議事,今正是時,唯當速說。.吾即涅槃,使汝早畢是願,吾亦無憂現在未來一切眾生。.」

Buddha told Di Zang Boddhistava, “At this time you wish to raise your benevolent and merciful heart, to save and cultivate the suffering beings and speak on inconceivable things. Speak quickly because I am about to enter Nirvana. Complete your vow soon, so I need not be concerned for all those beings now and in the future."

[0785c29] 地藏菩薩白佛言:「世尊,過去無量阿僧祇劫,有佛出世,號無邊身如來。.若有男子女人聞是佛名,暫生恭敬,即得超越四十劫生死重罪。.何況塑畫形像,供養讚歎,其人獲福無量無邊。.

Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, a long time ago, there was a Buddha named Limitless Body. Any man or woman who has heard his name and shows a respectful heart may be pardoned of the heavy crimes of previous and forthcoming aeons. He or she will obtain endless welfare by making offerings or painting images.

[0786a04] 又於過去恆河沙劫,有佛出世,號寶性如來。.若有男子女人聞是佛名,一彈指頃,發心歸依,是人於無上道永不退轉。.

In addition, a long time ago, there was a Buddha in the world named Jewel Nature. If any man or woman hearing his name, and in the snap of fingers makes a wish to take refuge in Buddha Jewel Nature, he or she will never regress from the Buddha’s way.

[0786a10] 又於過去有佛出世,號波頭摩勝如來。.若有男子、女人,聞是佛名,歷於耳根,是人當得千返生於六欲天中,何況志心稱念。.

There was also a Buddha named Lotus Victory. Any man or woman who hears, with the deepest ear, this Buddha’s name, or concentrates on reciting this Buddha’s name can be born in the Six Desire Heaven a thousand times.


Besides, endless time ago, there was a Buddha named Lion Roar, any man or woman hearing his name who can follow this Buddha for one moment, that person will meet uncountable Buddhas, be ordained and be prophesied as a future Buddha.

[0786a16] 又於過去有佛出世,號拘留孫佛。.若有男子女人,聞是佛名,志心瞻禮或復讚歎,是人於賢劫千佛會中,為大梵王,得授上記。.

There was another Buddha named Victorious Contemplation in the past. Any man or woman who hears his name and worships or praises him with utmost mind will be a Brahma King in the assemblies where one thousand Buddhas are gathered and will be ordained and prophesied as a future Buddha.

[0786a18] 又於過去有佛出世,號毘婆尸佛。.若有男子女人聞是佛名,永不墮惡道,常生人天,受勝妙樂。.

There was a Buddha named Visapin in the past. Any man or woman who hears this name will never fall into the evil level and will be born in heaven with the most wonderful pleasure.

[0786a21] 又於過去無量無數恆河沙劫,有佛出世,號寶勝如來。.若有男子女人聞是佛名,畢竟不墮惡道,常在天上受勝妙樂。.

Besides, endless time ago, there was a Buddha named Jewel Victory in the world. Any man or woman hearing this Buddha’s name will never fall into the evil level and will enjoy wonderful happiness.

[0786a23] 又於過去有佛出世,號寶相如來。.若有男子女人聞是佛名,生恭敬心,是人不久得阿羅漢果。.

There was a Buddha named Jewel Appearance. Any man or woman hearing this name who raises a deferential heart will soon earn the Arhanship fruit.

[0786a25] 又於過去無量阿僧祇劫,有佛出世,號袈裟幢如來。.若有男子女人聞是佛名者,超一百大劫生死之罪。.

There was a Buddha named Kasaya Banner in the past world a long time ago. Any man or woman hearing this name can be pardoned of the crimes of life and death for one hundred aeons.


There was another Buddha named Great Penetration Mountain King in the past. Any man or woman who hears this name will meet endless Buddhas to speak Dharma for him or her. And she will surely achieve Bodhi.


There was also innumerable Buddhas in the past, including Buddha Pure Moon, Buddha Mountain King, Buddha Wise Victory, Buddha Pure Name King, Buddha Accomplished Wisdom, Buddha Unsurpassed, Buddha Wonderful Sound, Buddha Full Moon, Buddha Moon Face and so on."

[0786b01] 「世尊,現在未來一切眾生,若天若人,若男若女,但念得一佛名號,功德無量,何況多名。.是眾生等,生時死時,自得大利,終不墮惡道。.

“World Honored One, the beings, regardless if they are men or women now and in the future, as long as they can recite a Buddha’s name, they will have endless merit. They can obtain still more merit by reciting more Buddha’s names. These people can earn great merit between life and death, and they will not fall into the evil level on earth.


Any relative, even if there is only one relative, who can recite Buddha’s name aloud for the person who is going to die, can allow the person to be pardoned of all karmic retribution except the Five Endless Offenses.


Though the Five Endless Offenses can make them fall into hell for millions of aeons and not be released, if their relatives recite Buddha’s name for them when they are about to die, or if they recite the names themselves, their offenses can generally also be eliminated. The merit they earn will be uncountable, and their offenses will be eliminated."

10. rész, A Felajánlás (布施, dana) Által Megszerzett Érdemes Erények (功德, guṇa) Következményeinek (緣 , pratyaya ) értékelése

[0786b12] 爾時地藏菩薩摩訶薩,承佛威神,從座而起,胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊,我觀業道眾生,校量布施,有輕有重,有一生受福,有十生受福,有百生千生受大福利者。.是事云何,唯願世尊為我說之。.」

At that time, relying on Buddha’s divine power, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, rose from his seat, knelt down, placed his hands together in front of the Buddha and said, “World Honored One, as I have observed, the charitable deeds which all beings do are all different. Some benefactions can benefit people for one generation. Another for ten generations, some for a hundred or a thousand generations. Why is this? Please World Honored One, explain it for us."

[0786b16] 爾時佛告地藏菩薩:「吾今於忉利天宮一切眾會,說閻浮提布施較量功德輕重,汝當諦聽,吾為汝說。.」

Buddha told Di Zang Boddhistava, “Now, here in the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven Palace, I am going to explain the comparative merits which are earned from the virtuous act of giving done by those living beings in the worlds. You should listen to thy explanation carefully."

[0786b18] 地藏白佛言:「我疑是事,願樂欲聞。.」

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) replied to Buddha, “I have no doubts about this matter, therefore, I will be glad to listen."

[0786b19] 佛告地藏菩薩:「南閻浮提,有諸國王、宰輔大臣、大長者、大剎利、大婆羅門等,若遇最下貧窮,乃至癃殘瘖啞,聾癡無目,如是種種不完具者。.是大國王等欲布施時,若能具大慈悲下心含笑,親手遍布施,或使人施,軟言慰喻,是國王等所獲福利,如布施百恆河沙佛功德之利。.

Buddha told Di Zang Boddhistava, “In the worlds, there are kings, prime minister, officials, elders, Kshatriyas, Brahmins and so on. Suppose they do favors with benevolent hearts for the poor, blind, deaf, mute or crippled, asking others to help, or comfort the sufferings with tender words – the merits they gain will be the same as making offerings to Buddha.

何以故? 緣是國王等,於是最貧賤輩及不完具者,發大慈心,是故福利有如此報。.百千生中,常得七寶具足,何況衣食受用。.

Why? Because if they can stimulate great benevolent and compassionate hearts for the poor and crippled, they can obtain merits. They can own the seven treasures completely, not to mention food and clothing.

[0786b28] 復次地藏! 若未來世,有諸國王,至婆羅門等,遇佛塔寺,或佛形像,乃至菩薩聲聞辟支佛像,躬自營辦供養布施。.是國王等,當得三劫為帝釋身,受勝妙樂。.若能以此布施福利,迴向法界,是大國王等,於十劫中,常為大梵天王。.

Moreover, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, if any king or Brahmin offers sacrifices or makes contributions to Buddha’s temple or to the images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Sound-Hearers, Pratyeka Buddhas, the king or Brahmin will certainly be Shakra god for three aeons and enjoy the most wonderful happiness. If they can dedicate to all beings in the Dharma World the merits which they earned by their contributions, these kings can always be Great Brahma Heaven Kings for ten aeons.

[0786c05] 復次地藏! 若未來世,有諸國王,至婆羅門等,遇先佛塔廟,或至經像,毀壞破落,乃能發心修補。.是國王等,或自營辦,或勸他人,乃至百千人等布施結緣。.是國王等,百千生中常為轉輪王身。.如是他人同布施者,百千生中常為小國王身。.更能於塔廟前,發迴向心。.如是國王乃及諸人,盡成佛道,以此果報無量無邊。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future worlds, if the kings can rebuild or repair any ruined or broken temples or images, or they encourage others to do this, these kings will be Wheel-Turning Kings for hundreds or thousands of generations. These people who help these kings will be the kings of small countries. If they can make vows in front of the temples to dedicate the merits which they obtain from rebuilding or repairing the temples or images, their Buddhadharma will be complete. Their good karma is boundless or limitless.

[0786c12] 復次地藏! 未來世中,有諸國王及婆羅門等,見諸老病及生產婦女,若一念間,具大慈心,布施醫藥飲食臥具,使令安樂。.如是福利最不思議,一百劫中常為淨居天主,二百劫中常為六欲天主,畢竟成佛,永不墮惡道,乃至百千生中,耳不聞苦聲。.

Additionally, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, if these kings or Brahmins show mercy and give medicine, food or bedding to old people, sick people or pregnant women and make them peaceful and happy, such welfare and benefits are the best imaginable. They will be a king of Pure Dwelling Heaven for one hundred aeons, they will be a king of Six Desire Heaven for two hundred aeons and they will surely become Buddhas. They will never fall into the evil level and will hear no distressful voice for hundreds or thousands of generations.

[0786c17] 復次地藏! 若未來世中,有諸國王及婆羅門等,能作如是布施,獲福無量。.更能迴向,不問多少,畢竟成佛,何況帝釋梵轉輪之報。.是故地藏,普勸眾生當如是學。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, the kings or Brahmins who can bestow such a gift will obtain endless merits. If they can dedicate these merits to all those beings around the Dharma World, they will finally all become Buddhas – not to mention becoming Shakra, Brahma or Wheel-Turning Kings. Therefore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), you should persuade all those beings to do this.

[0786c21] 復次地藏! 未來世中,若善男子善女人,於佛法中,種少善根,毛髮沙塵等許,所受福利,不可為喻。.

Moreover, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, if any good man or woman can plant the smallest good root, even as little as a hair, sand or dust, their welfare and benefits will be beyond description.

復次地藏! 未來世中,若有善男子善女人,遇佛形像、菩薩形像、辟支佛形像、轉輪王形像,布施供養得無量福,常在人天受勝妙樂。.若能迴向法界,是人福利不可為喻。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, if any good man or woman makes contributions or offers sacrifices when encountering the images of the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pratyeka Buddha or Wheel-Turning King, he or she will obtain endless welfare and always enjoy the most wonderful happiness in the worlds or heavens. If this man or woman can return this merit to those beings around the Dharma World, this person’s merit will be incomparable.

[0786c27] 復次地藏! 未來世中,若有善男子善女人,遇大乘經典,或聽聞一偈一句,發殷重心,讚歎恭敬,布施供養。.是人獲大果報,無量無邊。.若能迴向法界,其福不可為喻。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, any man or woman who reads a Mahayana sutra, even one single word or sentence, shows a respectful heart, praises it reverently and dedicates the sutra to others, will earn good karma. If the person can dedicate the merits to the Dharma World, this person’s welfare will be beyond description.

[0787a02] 復次地藏! 若未來世中,有善男子善女人,遇佛塔寺,大乘經典。.新者布施供養,瞻禮讚歎,恭敬合掌。.若遇故者,或毀壞者,修補營理,或獨發心,或勸多人同共發心。.如是等輩,三十生中常為諸小國王,檀越之人,常為輪王,還以善法教化諸小國王。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, if any good man or woman worships, praises, places their hands together in respect, and bestows a gift when he or she a new Buddha-temple or Mahayana Sutra; or who repairs, or cleans up any old, ruined or broken temple or sutra himself, or persuades others to do so, they will be kings for thirty generations. If one leads others in these affairs, he or she may always be a Wheel-Turning King. And this Wheel-Turning King will enjoy using many good ways to cultivate and teach the other kings of small countries.

[0787a08] 復次地藏! 未來世中,若有善男子善女人,於佛法中所種善根,或布施供養,或修補塔寺,或裝理經典,乃至一毛一塵,一沙一渧。.如是善事,但能迴向法界,是人功德,百千生中受上妙樂。.

Furthermore, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future world, any good man or good woman who plants a minor root in the Dharma World, such as making contributions or offerings, repairing a temple or binding a book of sutras, even if these things are as tiny as a hair, a speck of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water – if this person can dedicate the merit he or she has earned to those beings in the Dharma World, this person can enjoy the most wonderful happiness for hundreds or thousands of generation.


If one dedicates the merit to one’s own relatives or oneself, this person can enjoy happiness for only three generations. Once one abandons one’s own merit, he may earn millions of merits. Thus, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), such are the conditions for bestowing gifts."

11. rész, A Dharma védelme (護法) az Istenségekkel (地神)

[0787a16] 爾時堅牢地神白佛言:「世尊,我從昔來瞻視頂禮無量菩薩摩訶薩,皆是大不可思議神通智慧,廣度眾生。.是地藏菩薩摩訶薩,於諸菩薩誓願深重,世尊,是地藏菩薩於閻浮提有大因緣。.

At that time, the Earth God Firm and Solid said to Buddha, “World Honored One, I have respected and worshipped limitless Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas since a long time past. They all possess inconceivable divine power and wisdom to cultivate and help all beings. However, the vow of Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, is deeper and weightier than those of the other Bodhisattvas. World Honored One, this Di Zang Boddhistava, has a close relationship with beings in the worlds.


Even though Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteshvara and Maitreya all have incarnated themselves into hundreds or thousands of forms to cultivate and help those beings in the six level, their vows will be completed one day. However, the Di Zang Boddhistava cultivates and teaches all those beings in six level – the time Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) made the great vow to now being hundreds, thousands and billions of aeons.

[0787a23] 世尊,我觀未來及現在眾生,於所住處,於南方清潔之地,以土石竹木作其龕室,是中能塑畫,乃至金銀銅鐵,作地藏形像,燒香供養,瞻禮讚歎。.是人居處,即得十種利益。.何等為十:

World Honored One, as I have observed, if those beings now and in the future find a clean place located in the south of their own house and use earth, stone, bamboo or wood to make a shrine, or make an image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) out of gold, silver, copper or iron, or paint an image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) and place it in the shrine, often burn incense in worship and respect, and salute or praise Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), then they can obtain the following ten benefits:


Their land will be very rich and fertile


Their homes and families will be peaceful forever.


Their ancestors will raised to heaven.


They will enjoy longevity.


They will fulfill their wishes.


They will escape floods or fires.


They will escape anything that frightens or exhausts them.


They will have no further nightmares.


Their every step will be protected by gods.


They will have many opportunities to encounter the Dharma.

[0787b02] 世尊,未來世中,及現在眾生,若能於所住處方面,作如是供養,得如是利益。.」

World Honored One, if those beings now and in the future can make such offerings in their own houses, they can obtain these ten benefits."

[0787b04] 復白佛言:「世尊,未來世中,若有善男子善女人,於所住處,有此經典及菩薩像,是人更能轉讀經典,供養菩薩。.我常日夜以本神力,衛護是人,乃至水火盜賊,大橫小橫,一切惡事,悉皆消滅。.」

The Earth God Firm and Solid continued, “World Honored One, in the future, any good man or woman who can have this sutra and an image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) in their homes, and who can recite this sutra and make an offering to the Di Zang Boddhistava, will be protected and guarded day and night by divine power. Even the risk of flood or fire, robbery, stealing and any evil thing will be eliminated."

[0787b08] 佛告堅牢地神:「汝大神力,諸神少及。.何以故?閻浮土地,悉蒙汝護,乃至草木沙石,稻麻竹葦,穀米寶貝,從地而有,皆因汝力。.又常稱揚地藏菩薩利益之事。.汝之功德,及以神通,百千倍於常分地神。.

The Buddha instructed the Earth God Firm and Solid, “The divine power you possess is much greater than that of the other gods. Do you know why? The land in all the worlds is guarded by you. Even every blade of grass, tree, sand, stone, straw, hemp, bamboo, reed, rice or treasure from the ground, grows or is produced by your power. Your constant praise of Di Zang Boddhistava makes your merits, virtues and divine power a thousand times greater than that of ordinary earth-gods’.


In the future worlds, if there is any good man or woman who can make offerings to Bodhisattva and recite this sutra to others, as long as he or she practices the rules according to the Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) Sutra, you should protect this man or woman by your divine power. Do not allow any disaster or unpleasant thing go through his or her ears, and do not allow them to suffer. Not only will you protect this person yourself, but the retinues of Shakra, Brahma, and the gods of the heavens will also protect them.


The reason why this person is protected by many gods is that he or she respects and worships Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s image and recites this Vow Sutra. These people will removed from the ocean of suffering and will be proof of the bliss of Nirvana."

12. rész, Meglátás és Meghallás (見聞) Előnyei (利益)

[0787b22] 爾時世尊,從頂門上,放百千萬億大毫相光,所謂:白毫相光、大白毫相光、瑞毫相光、大瑞毫相光、玉毫相光、大玉毫相光、紫毫相光、大紫毫相光、青毫相光、大青毫相光、碧毫相光、大碧毫相光、紅毫相光、大紅毫相光、綠毫相光、大綠毫相光、金毫相光、大金毫相光、慶雲毫相光、大慶雲毫相光、千輪毫光、大千輪毫光、寶輪毫光、大寶輪毫光、日輪毫光、大日輪毫光、月輪毫光、大月輪毫光、宮殿毫光、大宮殿毫光、海雲毫光、大海雲毫光。.

At that time, the World Honored One emitted hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of light rays from the top of his head, the White Ray, the Great White Ray, the Auspicious Portent Ray, the Great Auspicious Portent Ray, the Jade Ray, the Great Jade Ray, the Purple Ray, the Great Purple Ray, the Blue Ray, the Great Blue Ray, the Azure Ray, the Great Azure Ray, the Red Ray, the Great Red Ray, the Green Ray, the Great Green Ray, the Gold Ray, the Great Gold Ray, the Good Luck Cloud Ray, the Great Good Luck Cloud Ray, the Thousand-Wheeled Ray, the Great Thousand-Wheeled Ray, the Jewelled Ray, the Great Jewelled Ray, the Solar Disc Ray, the Great Solar Disc Ray, the Lunar Disc Ray, the Great Lunar Disc Ray, the Palace Ray, the Great Palace Ray, the Ocean Cloud Ray and the Great Ocean Cloud Ray.


And the Buddha again emitted wonderfully subtle sounds and informed all beings, gods, dragons and the others, both human or non-human, “Here in Trāyastriṃśa Heaven Palace, all listen to me as I glorify the merits that Di Zang Boddhistava has performed for those in heaven and the human world. This is an inconceivable and super saintly thing. It is his certification of the Tenth Ground – the highest ground of Bodhisattva, and shows us that he will never regress from the Buddhadharma."

[0787c07] 說是語時,會中有一菩薩摩訶薩,名觀世音,從座而起,胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊,是地藏菩薩摩訶薩具大慈悲,憐愍罪苦眾生,於千萬億世界,化千萬億身。.所有功德及不思議威神之力。.我聞世尊,與十方無量諸佛,異口同音,讚歎地藏菩薩云:正使過去現在未來諸佛,說其功德,猶不能盡。.向者,又蒙世尊,普告大眾:欲稱揚地藏利益等事。.唯願世尊,為現在未來一切眾生,稱揚地藏不思議事,令天龍八部,瞻禮獲福。.」

At that time, there was a great Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, named Avalokiteshvara. He rose from his seat, then knelt down, placed his hands together and said, “World Honored One, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva, has a merciful and benevolent heart. He pities the suffering and incarnate himself into billions of different forms to cultivate all beings. All his merits and unimaginable divine power I have heard from the mouths of the World Honored One and limitless Buddhas. Even all the Buddhas now and in the future cannot extol all of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s merits. And now, you again want to tell all beings and praise him for all his merits. World Honored One, please speak of the inconceivable divine power of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha). Then allow the gods, dragons and the others to obtain benefits and merits."

[0787c17] 佛告觀世音菩薩:「汝於娑婆世界有大因緣。.若天若龍、若男若女、若神若鬼、乃至六道罪苦眾生,聞汝名者、見汝形者、戀慕汝者、讚歎汝者。.是諸眾生,於無上道,必不退轉。.常生人天,具受妙樂。.因果將熟,遇佛受記。.汝今具大慈悲,憐愍眾生,及天龍八部,聽吾宣說地藏菩薩不思議利益之事。.汝當諦聽,吾今說之。.」

The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “You have a close relationship with the Saha world. If heavenly beings, dragons, men, women, gods, ghosts or all beings suffering from their crimes in the six levels hear your name, see your image, adore you and praise you, they will never regress from the Dharma, and they will always be born in heaven or a human world and enjoy happiness. When their good fruit ripens, they will encounter Buddhas and be prophesied as a future Buddha. Now, having mercy and a kind heart for all heavenly beings, dragons and the others, you come here to listen to my explanation of the inconceivable benefits of the Di Zang Boddhistava. You should listen to me carefully. I shall explain this to you."

[0787c24] 觀世音言:「唯然,世尊,願樂欲聞!」

Avalokiteshvara said, “Yes, World Honored One, I will be glad to hear your words."

[0787c25] 佛告觀世音菩薩:「未來現在諸世界中,有天人受天福盡,有五衰相現,或有墮於惡道之者。.如是天人,若男若女,當現相時,或見地藏菩薩形像、或聞地藏菩薩名,一瞻一禮。.是諸天人,轉增天福,受大快樂,永不墮三惡道報。.何況見聞菩薩,以諸香華、衣服、飲食、寶貝、瓔珞,布施供養,所獲功德福利,無量無邊。.

The Buddha told Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “Now and in the future worlds, when the heavenly beings are going to complete their happy life there, they will show five signs of decay. Some will even fall into an evil level. When such heavenly beings, regardless of whether they are male or female show the five weak signs, if they can see Di Zang Boddhistava’s image, hear Di Zang Boddhistava’s name, and gaze in worship, they will obtain more merits, enjoy happiness and never fall into the three evil levels. If they see this Bodhisattva and offer him flowers, clothing, food, treasures or jewels, the merits and benefits they gain will be endless and uncountable.

[0788a03] 復次觀世音! 若未來現在諸世界中,六道眾生臨命終時,得聞地藏菩薩名,一聲歷耳根者。.是諸眾生,永不歷三惡道苦。.何況臨命終時,父母眷屬,將是命終人舍宅、財物、寶貝、衣服,塑畫地藏形像。.或使病人未終之時,眼耳見聞,知道眷屬將舍宅、寶貝等為其自身塑畫地藏菩薩形像。.是人若是業報合受重病者,承斯功德,尋即除愈,壽命增益。.是人若是業報命盡,應有一切罪障業障,合墮惡趣者。.承斯功德,命終之後,即生人天,受勝妙樂,一切罪障,皆悉消滅。.

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, now and in the future, if those beings in the six levels who are about to die can hear the name of the Di Zang Boddhistava deep in their ears, they will not go through the pain of the three evil levels. If, for example, one sells the house, treasures, possessions and clothing which belong to this person who is about to die, and uses the money to paint or carve an image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) – or the sick person himself hears or sees that a relative on his behalf has sold his properties to paint or carve a statue of Bodhisattva Kistigarbha for him. If this person’s karma retribution is to suffer a serious illness, then by inheriting these merits, he will recover from illness soon and will live longer. What if this person’s karmic retribution is to fall into the evil levels? By inheriting the merits, his crimes and karma will be eliminated. After he dies he will ascend to heaven and enjoy wonderful happiness. All other crimes will also be eliminated.

[0788a14] 復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有男子女人,或乳哺時、或三歲、五歲、十歲以下,亡失父母,乃及亡失兄弟姐妹,是人年既長大,思憶父母及諸眷屬,不知落在何趣、生何世界、生何天中?是人若能塑畫地藏菩薩形像,乃至聞名,一瞻一禮,一日至七日,莫退初心,聞名見形,瞻禮供養。.是人眷屬,假因業故,墮惡趣者,計當劫數,承斯男女,兄弟姊妹,塑畫地藏形像,瞻禮功德,尋即解脫,生人天中,受勝妙樂。.是人眷屬,如有福力,已生人天,受勝妙樂者,即承斯功德,轉增聖因,受無量樂。.

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, in the future, if there is a man or woman whose parents, or brothers or sisters die; or if when a person was young, was separated from his or her parents or relatives and wonders where they are or to which heaven they have gone; if they can carve or paint an image of the Di Zang Boddhistava, or can respect or worship him continuously for seven days, constantly and attentively hearing his name and worshipping, then the accumulated merits will allow this person’s relatives to be relieved from suffering soon, even though this person’s relatives should fall into the evil level for many aeons, and suffer pain because of their karma. The person’s relatives can be reborn in heaven, where they will enjoy wonderful bliss. If the relatives by their own merits have ascended to heaven they will possess Buddha’s wisdom and have endless happiness. If a person can bow and kneel to the image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) with an attentive heart for twenty one days, and recite his name ten thousand times, the Bodhisattva will appear and tell the person where his relatives have gone. Or, in his dream, he will see the Bodhisattva show great divine power and personally lead him to every world to meet his relatives."


“If one can recite the name of Bodhisattva one thousand times a day, continuously for a thousand days, the Bodhisattva will send a god or a ghost to protect and guard him for his whole life and make sure that he lives in affluence. No hardship or sickness will come to him or his house. This person will finally be blesses when Bodhisattva comes to touch his head and predict that he will become a Buddha."

[0788b03] 復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世有善男子善女人,欲發廣大慈心,救度一切眾生者,欲修無上菩提者,欲出離三界者。.是諸人等,見地藏形像,及聞名者,至心歸依,或以香華、衣服、寶貝、飲食,供養瞻禮。.是善男女等,所願速成,永無障礙。.

Moreover, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, when any good man or good woman benevolently makes a vow towards cultivating and helping all beings, wishes to learn about the Dharma and hopes to be released from the three evil level, if that person sees Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s image, hears his name, follows him with a honest heart or contributes fragrant flowers, clothing, treasures or food in worship, then all their wishes will soon be brought to completion without any obstruction.

[0788b08] 復次觀世音! 若未來世,有善男子善女人,欲求現在未來百千萬億等願,百千萬億等事。.但當歸依瞻禮、供養讚歎,地藏菩薩形像。.如是所願所求,悉皆成就。.復願地藏菩薩具大慈悲,永擁護我。.是人於睡夢中,即得菩薩摩頂授記。.

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, in the future, when any good man or good woman who make millions of wishes, as long as he or she takes refuge in worships respectfully, offers and praises the image of Di Zang Boddhistava, then all wishes and goals can be realized. If he or she makes a vow for Di Zang Boddhistava to show his great mercy and protect and guard him or her forever, and dreams that Bodhisattva touches his or her head marking a mark, then he or she will finally be a Buddha.

[0788b13] 復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,善男子善女人,於大乘經典,深生珍重,發不思議心,欲讀欲誦。.縱遇明師教視令熟,旋得旋忘,動經年月,不能讀誦。.是善男子等,有宿業障,未得消除,故於大乘經典,無讀誦性。.如是之人,聞地藏菩薩名、見地藏菩薩像,具以本心恭敬陳白,更以香華、衣服、飲食、一切玩具,供養菩薩。.以淨水一盞,經一日一夜安菩薩前,然後合掌請服,回首向南。.臨入口時,至心鄭重,服水既畢,慎五辛酒肉,邪婬妄語,及諸殺害,一七日或三七日。.是善男子善女人,於睡夢中,具見地藏菩薩現無邊身,於是人處,授灌頂水。.其人夢覺,即獲聰明,應是經典,一歷耳根,即當永記,更不忘失一句一偈。.

Moreover, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, what if a good man or good woman cherishes and reverently reads Mahayana sutras and raises a sincere heart in reading sutras, but even though he or she meets a good teacher, soon forgets the contents of the sutra and cannot read or recite it? This is because this person has karmic obstructions from a former life. This person should tell the Bodhisattva reverently when they hear his name or see his face that they are unable to remember or read the Mahayana sutra. And they should offer flowers, clothing, food or even playthings to the Bodhisattva, prepare a glass of clean water, place it in front of Bodhisattva’s image for one day and night, then place both hands together, ask to drink the water, face the south, and with a sincere and respectful heart, drink the water. After that, be careful not to drink wine, eat meat and the five pungent plants. Do not be licentious, use false speech or kill living creatures. After seven or twenty one days, this good man or good woman will see Di Zang Boddhistava show his limitless body in their dream. Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) will himself anoint their head with water. This person will then be intelligent when he or she awakes. Any sutra he or she hears will be remembered forever; not a single word or sentence will be forgotten.

[0788b27] 復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有諸人等,衣食不足,求者乖願、或多病疾、或多凶衰、家宅不安、眷屬分散、或諸橫事,多來忤身,睡夢之間,多有驚怖。.如是人等,聞地藏名、見地藏形,至心恭敬,念滿萬遍。.是諸不如意事,漸漸消滅,即得安樂、衣食豐益,乃至於睡夢中,悉皆安樂。.

Furthermore, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, anyone who lacks food or clothing, who cannot obtain the thing he or she wants, who usually falls sick, who always meets evil, whose family is disturbed, who loses his or her relatives, who is often hit by a misfortune or who is terrified in their dreams, they will be gradually removed from those unpleasant things. If they have a reverent and sincere heart when reciting Bodhisattva’s name ten thousand times, or while hearing Kistigarbha’s name or seeing his image, they will also obtain peace, happiness and wealth – even in their dreams.

[0788c05] 復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有善男子善女人,或因治生、或因公私、或因生死、或因急事,入山林中、過渡河海、乃及大水、或經險道。.是人先當念地藏菩薩名萬遍,所過土地,鬼神衛護,行住坐臥,永保安樂。.乃至逢於虎狼師子,一切毒害,不能損之。.」

Furthermore, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, any good man or good woman who needs to enter a mountain or forest, cross an ocean or river, or pass along a dangerous road for personal or official business in a life or death situation or emergency, should first recite Di Zang Boddhistava’s name ten thousand times. Then, this place will be protected by gods and ghosts, regardless of whether he or she walks, sits or lies. He or she will surely be peaceful and happy. Even though they meet a tiger, wolf, lion or any other fierce beast, these beasts will be unable to harm them at all."

[0788c10] 佛告觀世音菩薩: 「是地藏菩薩,於閻浮提有大因緣,若說於諸眾生見聞利益等事,百千劫中,說不能盡。.是故觀世音,汝以神力流布是經,令娑婆世界眾生,百千萬劫永受安樂。.」

The Buddha told Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “Di Zang Boddhistava has a deep relationship with those beings in the worlds. Even through hundreds or thousands of aeons, I still could not convey all the ways he benefits all beings. Therefore, Avalokiteshvara, you should use you divine

power to spread this sutra to make sure that all those beings in all worlds can enjoy the merits of peace and happiness through thousands of aeons."

[0788c15] 爾時世尊,而說偈言:「

At that time, World Honored One spoke a verse:

13. rész, Emberi és Mennyei Lényekre (人天) bízott terhek viselése (囑累)

[0789a25] 爾時世尊舉金色臂,又摩地藏菩薩摩訶薩頂,而作是言:「地藏地藏,汝之神力不可思議、汝之慈悲不可思議、汝之智慧不可思議、汝之辯才不可思議,正使十方諸佛,讚歎宣說汝之不思議事,千萬劫中,不能得盡。.

At that time, the World Honored One raised his golden arms and touched the head of Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva. Then He said, “Di Zang, Kṣitigarbha, your divine power is inconceivable. Your benevolent and compassion heart is inconceivable. Your wisdom is inconceivable. Your eloquence is inconceivable. Thousands or millions of aeons is not enough time for the Buddhas from the Ten Directions to explain and praise your inconceivable qualities.


Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), remember what I speak of today in Trāyastriṃśa Heaven – where thousands, millions and billions of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, heavenly beings, dragons and the others gather together. I request you to help those beings in heavens and worlds who are suffering. Do not let them to fall into evil level even for a single day and night, or fall into the five endless hells and Arbi Hell and suffer hardships for thousands, millions or billions of aeons.

[0789b06] 地藏,是南閻浮提眾生,志性無定,習惡者多。.縱發善心,須臾即退。.若遇惡緣,念念增長。.以是之故,吾分是形,百千億化度,隨其根性而度脫之。.

Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), those beings of the worlds have unstable minds. They are used to doing evil. Even though they raise a good heart, they soon reject it. If they are in an evil environment, their minds will increase in evil little by little. Therefore, I incarnate hundreds, thousands or billions of forms, according to their personalities, to help and cultivate them.


Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), today, I sincerely entrust multitudes in the heavens and the worlds to you. In the future, if any heavenly being or any good man or good woman in any of the worlds plants a tiny good root in Buddhadharma, even as tiny as a hair, a speck of dust, a grain of sand or a drop of water, you should use your divine power to protect this person. Guide him on the path of Dharma, step by step and never allow him to regress or lose it."


Moreover, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha), in the future, those heavenly or human beings about to fall into the evil level, if at the front door of hell they can recite a Buddha’s or a Bodhisattva’s name, or a sentence from a Mahayana sutra, you should use your divine power and employ every possible way to help and save them. You can manifest your limitless form around their homes and shatter the hells for them. Let all of them ascend to heaven and enjoy wonderful happiness."

[0789b18] 爾時世尊,而說偈言:

At that time, the World Honored One spoke a verse:


    “Those heavenly beings and humans now and in the future,
    I sincerely entrust them all to you.
    Using great divine power to cross them over,
    do not allow them to fall into the evil levels."

[0789b22] 爾時地藏菩薩摩訶薩,胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊,唯願世尊不以為慮。.未來世中,若有善男子善女人,於佛法中,一念恭敬,我亦百千方便,度脫是人,於生死中速得解脫。.何況聞諸善事,念念修行,自然於無上道永不退轉。.」

At that time, Di Zang Boddhistava, Mahasattva knelt down, placed his hands together and said to Buddha, “World Honored One, please do not be concerned. In the future, if any good man or good woman shows a little reverence for Buddhadharma, I shall use hundreds or thousands of convenient ways to help and cultivate this person and relieve him or her from suffering. Those people who have studied the Dharma and have heard of good deeds will progress naturally and will never regress from the Way."

[0789b27] 說是語時,會中有一菩薩,名虛空藏,白佛言:「世尊,我自至忉利,聞於如來讚歎地藏菩薩,威神勢力,不可思議。.未來世中,若有善男子善女人,乃及一切天龍,聞此經典及地藏名字,或瞻禮形像,得幾種福利?唯願世尊,為未來現在一切眾等,略而說之。.」

Present at the meeting while Buddha spoke was a Bodhisattva name Empty Space Store, who asked Buddha, “World Honored One, since I came to Trāyastriṃśa, I have heard you eulogize the inconceivable divine power of Di Zang Boddhistava. In the future, how many benefits may a good man or good woman, and those heavenly beings and dragons who hear this sutra, Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s name, or worship his image receive? May World Honored One please speak for all those beings now and in the future."

[0789c03] 佛告虛空藏菩薩:「諦聽諦聽!吾當為汝分別說之。.若未來世,有善男子善女人,見地藏形像,及聞此經,乃至讀誦,香華飲食,衣服珍寶,布施供養,讚歎瞻禮,得二十八種利益:

The Buddha told Bodhisattva Empty Space Store, “Listen, listen, I shall explain this to you. In the future, any good man or good woman who sees the image of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha) or hears this sutra, who recites it and offers fragrant flowers, food, clothing or precious jewellery, and who reverently praises, gazes at and worship him will earn these twenty eight benefits:


They will be protected by heavenly beings and dragons.


They will increase in good mind day after day.


They will accumulate superior wisdom.


They will never regress from Bodhi.


They will be opulent in food and clothing.


They will never suffer from any disease.


They will be far away from flood, fire and disaster.


They will not be stolen from or robbed.


They will be respected by everyone.


Gods and ghosts will help and support them.


A woman may be reborn as a male in the next life.


A woman may be born as a king’s or minister’s daughter.


They will be born with good-looking features.


They will be reincarnated in heaven.


They may be reincarnated as a king.


They will be aware of their former lives.


They will obtain anything they ask.


Their families and relatives will be joyful.


All disasters or accidents will be eliminated.


They will be rid of all bad karma.


They will go anywhere without problems.


They will have pleasant and peaceful dreams.


Their deceased relatives will be far away from suffering.


They will receive the blessings from their past lives.


They will be praised by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.


They will become intelligent and have a good roots.


They will possess a merciful heart.


They will ultimately realize Buddhahood.

[0789c19] 復次虛空藏菩薩! 若現在未來,天龍鬼神,聞地藏名,禮地藏形,或聞地藏本願事行,讚歎瞻禮,得七種利益:

Moreover, Bodhisattva Empty Space Store, the heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts or gods now and in the future who hear Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s name, worship Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s image or know of Di Zang (Kṣitigarbha)’s accomplishments, and praise, gaze at and worship him can obtain seven benefits:


They will soon ascend to the sage’s land.


Their evil karma will be eliminated.


All Buddhas will protect them.


They will never regress from Bodhi.


Their natural powers will increase.


They will know their past lives.


They will ultimately realize Buddhahood."

[0789c24] 爾時,十方一切諸來,不可說不可說諸佛如來,及大菩薩天龍八部,聞釋迦牟尼佛,稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩,大威神力,不可思議,歎未曾有。.

Thus, at that time, from Ten Directions, came all the uncountable Buddhas and Great Bodhisattvas, gods, dragons and others to hear Buddha Sakyamuni eulogize the great divine power of Di Zang Boddhistava. Such inconceivable divine power had never before been known.


And thus, at that time, boundless fragrant flowers, heavenly garments, treasures and jewels rained down in the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven as offerings to Buddha Sakyamuni and Di Zang Boddhistava. All those at the assembly again regarded Buddha with respect, then bowed reverently, placed their hands together, and withdrew.

Rövid összefoglalás

A Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra 《地藏菩薩本願經》 vagy Kṣitigarbhasūtra egy Mahāyāna tanítás Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattváról (kínai neve Di Zang Pusa, 地藏菩薩), mely a kínai buddhizmus egyik legnépszerűbb szútrája. Hosszabb címe: „Di Zang Bodhisattva Alapfogalmainak Szútrája”. Egy történet arról a buddhista tanításról, amelyet Buddha az édesanyjának a Trāyastriṃśa Menny palotájában tanított Kṣitigarbha érdemeiről. Kínai nyelvre feltételezhetően Śiksānanda szerzetes fordította, Khotanból, körülbelül 700 -ban. Śiksānanda életének egyes részleteit a Kiemelkedő Szerzetesek Életrajzataiból (Taisho Tripiṭaka Vol. 50, No. 2061) ismerhetjük. Śiksānanda rövid életrajza elbeszéli, hogy Wu Zetian Császárné fontos szerepet játszott a buddhista fordításokban akkor, amikor ezt a szútrát is fordították. Śiksānanda ismertséget az Avataṃsaka Sūtra (Virágfüzér szútra) 《大方广佛华严经》 fordításának vezetésével érdemelte ki, mely a Császárné által megrendelt monumentális fordítás volt.

A szútra, Kṣitigarbha-ra vonatkozó ismeretek egyik fő forrása. A Kṣitigarbha a Nagy Fogadalom Boddhisattva néven ismert, e tanításban pedig megtudjuk, mi ez a nagy fogadalom. Boddhisattvának nevezik, aki elképzelhetetlen spirituális erővel rendelkezik, hogy megszabadítsa az érző lényeket. Példakép is, hiszen számtalan kalpákon keresztül segíti az embereket a távoli múlttal, anélkül, hogy gondolataiba kerülne. A nagy fogadalom az, hogy megmentsen minden érző lényt, mielőtt Kṣitigarbha Buddhává válik. Mivel azonban az érző lények továbbra is rosszindulatú cselekményeket követnek el, mely cselekedetek visszavezetik őket a helytelen ösvényre, így Kṣitigarbha-nak újra meg kell mentenie őket számtalan eonokon keresztül. A legtöbb megmentett lény felelős a saját szenvedéseiért a jelenlegi vagy az előző életen át tartó rossz cselekdetek miatt, ami azt mutatja, hogy Kṣitigarbha nagyszerű lény végtelen együttérzéssel. A szútra kifejti a rossz karma felszámolásának módját, a buddhista pokolok leírását és mind a nagy és kis jó érdemek hatásait.

Śikṣānanda Mesternek egyébként az Avataṃsaka Sūtra (Virágfüzér szútra) 《大方广佛华严经》 és a Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra 《楞伽阿跋多罗宝经》 kínai fordítását is köszönhetjük. Di Zang Pusa szútrája összesen 13 fejezetet tartalmaz 2 tekercsben. Legfontosabb alakjai: Śākyamuni Buddha, anyja Māyā hercegnő, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva és Yama.

  • 1. fejezet. Megadja a helyszínt és a gyülekezet részletes leírását. Mañjuśrī kéri a Buddhát, hogy mutassa be a gyülekezetnek a Kṣitigarbha -t és annak fogadalmát.
  • 2. fejezet. Kṣitigarbha számtalan felosztó testesülése (kínai: 分身) gyűlik össze a palotában. Kṣitigarbha használja Śākyamuni Buddha hatalmát, hogy sok megosztott testet hozzon létre, hogy így a lehető legtöbb érző lényt menthesse meg. A karmikus megtorlás (szanszkrit: karmaphala, kínai: 業報) vagy a karmikus ok és okozat fogalma kerül bemutatásra. Ez a fejezet elmagyarázza, hogy a Kṣitigarbha az embereket oktatja és átalakítja (szanszkrit: avavada, kínai: 教化). A lényeknek tanítaniuk kell, hogy megértsék a karma elvét és annak eredményét és átalakulását, hogy leküzdjék rossz szokásaikat.
  • 3. fejezet. Maya királynő megkéri Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattvát, hogy beszéljen a lények karmikus körülményeiről. Kṣitigarbha a karmáról beszél és mesél a Avīci Pokol (無間 地獄) rémületeiről és a bűnösök ottani szenvedéseiről. Avīci Poklot a folyamatos kínok jellemzik.
  • 4. fejezet. Buddha egy lány történetét mondja el, tanítva a buddhista gyakorlatokat, amelyek segítenek az édesanyja a gonosz világban (pokol) történő ujjászületésének megakadályoásában. A karmikus okozatok (eredmények) kifejezést (vipaka, 果報) először ebben a fejezetben használják. A karmikus okoztatok lehetnek pozitívak vagy negatívak. Ebben a fejezetben a lány anyja negatív karmikus okozatoktól szenvedett korábbi életében elkövetett negatív cselekedetei, azaz gyilkolás és rágalmazás miatt és azt mondja, hogy ennek következtében többször is nagy pokolba jutott. Lánya segít neki megszabadulnia ettől s kikerülnie e ciklusból azáltal, hogy felajánlást tesz a Tiszta Lótusz Szeme Tathagata -nak. A negatív karmikus eredményeket gyakran a szanszkrit aniṣṭo-vipāka, (罪報) kifejezéssel írják le, mely rossz útra, vagy a pokolhoz vezet.
  • 5. fejezet. Samantabhadra Bodhisattva kéri Kṣitigarbha -t, hogy magyarázza meg a szenvedést, amelyet az érző lényeknek el kell viselniük a rosszindulatú cselekmények elkövetése miatt, és beszéljen a különböző pokolok neveiről.
  • 6. fejezet. Buddha dicséri Kṣitigarbha -t magatartása miatt, mellyel az érző lények megmentését szolgálja számtalan kalpán keresztül számtalan képzett eszközzel (upāya, 方便). Ismerteti a szutrák másolásának módszereit és a Buddhák szobrászatát, amely pozitív karmikus eredménnyel jár (vipāka, 果报).
  • 7. fejezet. Kṣitigarbha elmagyarázza az emberek által végrehajtott gyakorlatokat, különösen a halálhoz közeledőkét, vagy azokét, akik családtagjai a halálhoz közelednek. Különös figyelmet kell fordítaniuk arra, hogy ne ártsanak, ne öljenek meg más élőlényeket. Megmagyarázza, hogy a családtagok jó cselekedeteiből származó érdemek egy része átadható a haldoklónak, bár az érdemek nagy részét megtartják az erényes cselekedetekkel.
  • 8. fejezet. Megismerjük Yama-, s követőinek dicséretét Kṣitigarbha felé. Yama ( 閻羅王) hindu és buddhista, a halál ura. Yama jóindulatú alakként jelenik meg, hasonlóan az Upanishadokhoz. Az emberek saját karmikus okozatai arra késztetnek, hogy az emberek a gonosz birodalmakban szülessenek újjá, ellentétben Yama azon szándékával, hogy Ő küldje oda őket.
  • 9. fejezet. Leírja Buddha nevének recitálásától és hallgatásából származó érdemeket. A szanszkrit puṇya (福) erényként vagy érdemként fordítható. Ez ennek a fejezetnek a központi fogalma. Ez magatartásra utal, amely a megszabaduláshoz vezethet, mint Buddhák és Bodhisattvák tisztelete, amikor nevüket recitáljuk és felajánlásokat teszünk feléjük.
  • 10. fejezet. A nagylelkűség vagy adakozás gyakorlatáról (dāna) szól, és azok által gyűjtött érdemekről. Kṣitigarbha megkérdezi a Buddhát, hogy miért vannak olyanok, akik kis mértékben gyakorolják nagylelkűség vagy adakozás gyakorlatát, míg mások jelentősebb gyakorlatot folytatnak a nagylelkűség vagy adakozás tekintetében. Buddha elmagyarázza a nagylelkűség vagy adakozás gyakorlatát és az érdemek átadásából származó összehasonlító érdeket (pariṇāmanā, kínai a szövegben: 迴向 , de gyakoribb írott formában 回向). A fejezet elmondja, ha egy személy a nagylelkűség vagy adakozás erényét azáltal valósítja meg, hogy javakat ajánl fel-, templomokat javít vagy szutrákat tart fenn, s átadja ezen érdemeket a Dharma Birodalomnak [=az egész világnak], ezekért a jóindulatú cselekedetekért érdeme (puṇya, 福德) olyan lesz, hogy százezer élettől fogva élvezheti a felülmúlhatatlan boldogságot. Azonban, ha az érdem csak a közvetlen családtagjára kerül át, vagy csak saját hasznára, akkor ennek karmikus eredménye csak három boldog életet eredményez. Abban az esetben, ha lemond ezekről az érdemekről, akkor tízezer-szeres jutalom. Ez a szútra és a Mahāyāna buddhizmus egyik kulcsfontosságú pontja.
  • 11. fejezet. Prthivī (Pō lī tí pí, 頗哩提毗) Föld Istennője leírja az emberek által elért tíz előnyöket, akik felajánlásokat tesznek, tisztelik és dicsérik Kṣitigarbha -t. Ezek magukba foglalják a korai haláleset elleni védelmet és a békében élést (létezést) is.
  • 12. fejezet. Leírja Buddha homlokán lévő ūrṇá -ból kibocsátott fénysugarak billióját. Az ūrṇá Buddha kiválóságának harminckét jegye közül az egyik, mely a harmadik szemet szimbolizálja ami egyfajta "képesség" a szenvedés világi világának átlátására. A szemöldök közötti fehér szőrszál / szőrcsomó. Buddha beszélget Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattvával (Guanshiyin Pusa, 觀世音菩萨) az érdemek megszerzésére vonatkozó gyakorlatokról, köztük arról, ahol Kṣitigarbha a tanítványokat áldja meg a szent víznél (授灌頂水).
  • 13. fejezet. Buddha bízik Kṣitigarbha minden érző lény gondozásában a Három Birodalomban. Összefoglalja e szútrában leírt gyakorlatok cselekedeteinek 28 előnyeit.

Śiksānanda Életrajza (實叉難陀傳 652-710)


Śiksānanda Életrajza, Da Bian Kong Templom, Luoyang, Tang-dinasztia

[0718c19] 釋實叉難陀。一雲施乞叉難陀。華言學喜。蔥嶺北于闐人也。智度恢曠風格不群。善大小乘旁通異學。天后明揚佛日崇重大乘。以華嚴舊經處會未備。遠聞于闐有斯梵本。發使求訪並請譯人。叉與經夾同臻帝闕。以證聖元年乙未。於東都大內大遍空寺翻譯。天后親臨法座煥發序文。自運仙毫首題名品。南印度沙門菩提流志沙門義淨同宣梵本。後付沙門復禮法藏等。於佛授記寺譯成八十卷。聖曆二年功畢。

Śiksānanda szerzetes (釋實叉難陀). A fordító Shī Qǐ Chā Nán Tuó (實叉難陀) néven is ismert, aki igen kedvelte a kínai nyelv tanulását. A Pamír északi oldaláról, Khotan-ból érkezett. Csak kevés ember rendelkezik oly nagy tudással és különleges stílussal, mint Ő. Jártas volt mind a Mahayana-, mind a Hinayana (ezen belül theravada) tanokban, s mindkettőben ugyanolyan jól érvelt. Azonban / akkoriban a Császárné a nagyra becsült Mahayana -t népszerűsítette. Megértették, hogy az Avataṃsaka Sūtra (Virágfüzér szútra) 《大方广佛华严经》 régi verziója nem pontos, nem megfelelő. Hallották, hogy messze, van egy szanszkrit változat, valahol Khotanban. Követet küldött, hogy érdeklődjön, kutassa fel, mely aztán elérte a császári kaput [Wu ZeTian császárné] Zheng Sheng uralkodásának első évében [695]. Majd ezt lefordították a Da Bian Kong Templomban, Luoyangban [megjegyzés: 80 tekercsben, 695-699 években]. A Császárnő személyesen írta annak előszavát, amelyet a "halhatatlan ecsettel" írt alá. Déli-indiai Bodhiruci -val (南印度沙門菩提) és Yi Jing szerzetessel (沙門義淨) fordította le. Ezt követően a fordítást Fa Zang (法藏) Mesternek adták át (643-712 CE). Ezt aztán a Buddha Vyākaraṇa Templomban (佛授記寺) véglegesítették, összesen 80 tekercsben, Sheng Li (聖曆) uralkodásának második évében [699].


Jiu Shi uralma idején a Jia Xing -ben lévő, Ying folyónál álló San Yang Palota (三陽宮) egy császári rendeletet kapott a Mahayana Lankavatara Sūtra (大乘入楞伽經) fordítására. A Császárné a preambulumát a fővárosban (Chang'an) a Qing Chan Templomban (清禪寺)-, majd a Luoyang-i Vyakarana Templomban (東都佛授記寺) írta. A Manjusri és Vyakarana szútrákat is lefordították (文殊授記等經), melyben tizenkilenc szerzetes vett részt, köztük Bo Lun (波崙) és Xuan Gui (玄軌) szerzetesek. Miután nagy gonddal befejezték a szövegfordítást, Fa Bao (法寶) és Heng Jing (恒景) szerzetesek ellenőrző felolvasát tartottak, Zhong koronaherceg (!!舍賈膺) őrző gondoskodása mellett.

長安四年。叉以母氏衰老思歸慰覲。錶書再上方俞敕禦史霍嗣光送至 于闐。暨和帝龍興有敕再徵。景龍二年達於京輦。帝屈萬乘之尊。親迎於開遠門外。傾都緇侶備幡幢導引。仍飾青象令乘之入城。敕於大薦福寺安置。未遑翻譯。

A Chang'an negyedik éve [705]. Mivel anyja gyenge és életkora okán beteges állapotára hivatkozva engedélyt kért a Császárnétól, hogy szülőhelyére visszatérhessen. A feljegyzések (!!霍嗣光) úgy jelzik, hogy Śiksananda-t a Császárné ismét elküldte Khotanba. A császári parancs megkövetelte a hosszú utazást vissza (Chang'An-ba). Jing Long uralkodásának második évében (Zhang Zong Császár, Tang-dinasztia, 709) egy császári hordszéket küldött neki a fővárosból. A Császár sokszor meghajolt neki, amikor elment, hogy személyesen üdvözölni Śiksānanda-t a Kai Yuan város kapuján kívül. Számos szerzetes zászlót (!!導引) készített a fővárosban, amikor díszes elefánttal a városba lovagolt. A birodalmi parancsok a Jian Fu Templomban szállásolta el, hogy a fordítási munkáját ezzel is biztosítsák.


Śiksananda váratlanul súlyos beteg lett a Tangi Ruizong császár első évében, 10. hónap 12. napján (!右脅累足而終). Végül 59 évesen halt meg. A Császári Udvar külföldi stílusú buddhista temetkezési szolgáltatást igényelt. A testét a 11. hónap 12. napján égették el Kai Yuan város kapuján kívül a Dipankara Buddha Platformon. Amikor a máglya leégett, testéből csak a nyelv maradt meg. 12. hónap 23. napján dharma testvérei megtudták, hogy bátyjuk (!敕使哥舒道元) maradványait Khotanba visszaviszi a Császári Udvar. Egy hétszintes pagodát emeltek tiszteletére, melyet Huayan (Avatamsaka) Sūtra Tripiṭaka Pagoda -nak (華嚴三藏塔焉) neveztek el.

Javasolt irodalom és források

1. Foguang Dacidian (Buddha's light dictionary, 佛光大辭典)
2. Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (中英佛學辭典)
3. Online Buddhist Dictionary (在線佛學辭典).
4. ...
5. ...

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慈悲喜舍遍法界 惜福結緣利人天 禪淨戒行平等忍 慚愧感恩大愿心

A kedvesség, az együttérzés, az öröm és az egyenlőség áthatja a Dharma Birodalmakat. Válljon áldásaink és barátságunk minden érző lény javára. Válljon a meditációnk tudatos gyakorlása és fogadalmaink segítőinkké az egyenlőség megvalósításában. Vállaljuk a nagy fogadalmakat alázattal és hálával.

May kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity pervade all Dharma realms. May all sentient beings benefit from our blessings and friendship. May our percepts and our mindful practice of meditation help us realize equality. May we undertake the Great Vows with humility and gratitude.

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Köszönetet mondunk minden barátunknak, mindazon szerzőknek, tanítóknak, buddhistáknak és harcművészeknek, akik hozzájárultak a harcművészet-történeti-, buddhista-, bölcseleti és egyéb tanításokkal, írásokkal, tanulmányokkal, jegyzetekkel minden érző lény tanításához és tanulásához. Buddhák és Mesterek tanításait megosztani érdem, mindezen érdemeket felajánljuk az összes Buddháknak. A Xing Long Tang elfogulatlan, pártatlan, szektarianizmustól mentes elv alapján törekszik a Dharmát, a Chan hagyományvonal tanítását, a harcművészeti stílusok történeteit megosztani. 武林一家! 阿弥陀佛!

各位朋友, 作者, 老师, 佛教徒和功夫爱好者, 请允许我向你们表示感谢, 感谢你们一直以来用功夫, 历史, 佛教, 哲学和各类教学, 文章, 研究和教义, 对教学和学习的支持。分享佛教和大师的教义非常有价值, 我们以此恭敬诸佛。《醒龙堂》 将依据不偏依, 不分宗派的原则努力分享佛法, 传承佛教思想和传统功夫。

Xing Long Tang | 2018.07 v1; első kiadás
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