XING LONG TANG - Wang Huaiqi: A Yijin Jing tizenkĂ©t testtartĂĄsĂĄnak kĂ©zikönyve 《易筋經十二勢圖說》


Yijin Jing tizenkĂ©t testtartĂĄsĂĄnak kĂ©zikönyve - 《易筋經十二勢圖說》

Ă­rta: Wang Huaiqi Mester (王懷琪, 1917 oktĂłberĂ©ben) I Bodhidharma Yijin Jing

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Yijin Jing tizenkĂ©t testtartĂĄsĂĄnak kĂ©zikönyve - 《易筋經十二勢圖說》

ElƑszĂł 自序



NemzetĂŒnk gyakorlĂĄsĂĄnak mĂłdszerei szĂĄmos ugyan, de kevĂ©s elƑmozdĂ­tĂĄs [ösztönzĂ©s] volt ezek gyakorlĂĄsĂĄra. Tavaly összeĂĄllĂ­tottam egy kötetet a Baduanjin gyakorlatokra, mely megjelent a Merchant KiadĂł OktatĂĄsi FolyĂłiratĂĄban. NĂ©hĂĄny hĂłnapon belĂŒl kĂŒlönbözƑ rĂ©giĂłk iskolĂĄiban gyakorlottĂĄ vĂĄlt, az oktatĂłk mindenĂŒtt dicsĂ©rtĂ©k. Ez szolgĂĄlja nemzetĂŒnk testnevelĂ©sĂ©nek Ă©rtĂ©kĂ©t. KĂ©sƑbb, egy bizonyos Ășriember közzĂ©tett egy-, a Baduanjin -rĂłl szĂłlĂł beszĂ©lgetĂ©st, amely olvasĂĄskor annyira megörĂŒltem, hogy ismeretlenĂŒl ĂŒdvözöltem Ƒt, örvendezve nemzetĂŒnk gyakorlĂĄsĂĄtĂłl, s hogy ilyen lĂ©pĂ©seket tett. InspirĂĄlt, Ă­gy a TavaszĂŒnnep alkalmĂĄval idƑt fordĂ­totta, arra, hogy összegyƱjtsem a nemzet gyakorlĂłrendszereirƑl szĂłlĂł könyveket, majd összeĂĄllĂ­tva egy kĂ©zikönyvet az adott gyakorlĂĄsrĂłl. Eredetileg a Yijinjing TizenkĂ©t Testhelyzete -nek neveztĂ©k, melyet Damo hozott lĂ©tre, s ennek következtĂ©ben nemzetĂŒnk harcmƱvĂ©szetĂ©nek kezdemĂ©nyezƑje, a Yijinjing [Izom Ă©s Ín Klasszikusa] mint e mƱvĂ©szet alapja. BĂĄr az irodalom eredeti terminolĂłgiĂĄja meglehetƑsen homĂĄlyos, nem gondoltam, hogy ĂĄtdolgozom a szöveget s Ă­gy elveszĂ­tve a Lu-hegy hagyomĂĄnyĂĄnak eredetisĂ©gĂ©t [ahol a Tiszta Föld Buddhizmus lĂ©trejött]. Valamint, attĂłl tartok, hogy azzal vĂĄdolnak, hogy felmegy a dolgokrĂłl, ez a mozgĂĄsmenetek Ă©s mĂłdszerek a fele idƑben a boxgyakorlat Ă©s a testnevelĂ©s elveibƑl indulnak ki, Ă©s a fennmaradĂł idƑ az eredeti szövegre Ă©s rajzokra tĂĄmaszkodik. A Yijinjing gyakorlĂĄsĂĄnak sajĂĄt tapasztalatai rĂ©vĂ©n, annak hatĂ©konysĂĄgĂĄnak tudatĂĄban-, valamint a baduajin Ă­rĂĄsaim javĂ­tĂĄsĂĄval Ășgy talĂĄltam, hogy a kĂŒlönbözƑ utak mind ugyanarra az eredmĂ©nyre vezetnek. Az ilyen gyakorlat gyakorlĂĄsa sorĂĄn, teszteltem azt a tanĂ­tvĂĄnyokkal, s mivel mindig sikeres volt - a legkisebb hĂĄtrĂĄny nĂ©lkĂŒl - Ă­gy elkĂ©szĂ­tettem s kĂŒldtem el e kĂ©ziratot a kiadĂłknak, hogy tananyagokat szolgĂĄltassanak polgĂĄraink megerƑsĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re. De attĂłl tartok, vannak elkerĂŒlhetetlen hibĂĄk, s Ă­gy remĂ©lem, hogy az elvtĂĄrsak az egĂ©sz nemzetben elƑ ĂĄllnak majd javaslataikkal nem csak a sajĂĄt hasznomĂ©rt, hanem a nemzet testnevelĂ©sĂ©nek nagyobb szerencsĂ©jĂ©re.

Wu megye-beli Wang Huaiqi, Shanghai Chengzhong FƑiskola, 1917 Ă©v Qingming idejĂ©n

Eredetei instrukciĂłk - 原序


E mƱvĂ©szet a Chan-bĂłl szĂĄrmazik, hangsĂșlyozva a meditatĂ­v koncentrĂĄciĂłt. Ha gyakorolni szeretnĂ©d, elƑször le kell zĂĄrnod szemeid, kiĂŒrĂ­tve tudatod, hogy megragadd az irĂĄnyĂ­tĂĄst a gondolataidon Ă©s megszĂŒntesd a zavart, nyugtatva az Ă©rzelmeid, szabĂĄlyozva a lĂ©legzetet, összpontosĂ­tva a szellemet Ă©s az energiĂĄt. Amikor a tasthelyzeteket gyakorlod, szĂĄndĂ©kod kell, hogy erƑs legyen ebben, nem elĂ©g csak az alakzatot felvenned. Ha a tudatod vĂ©letlenszerƱen mozog, a lelked szĂ©tszĂłrt, mely a szĂĄndĂ©kod eltereli, Ă­gy pedig hiĂĄba dolgozol ezekkel a testtartĂĄsokkal. Nem Ă©rhet el Ă©rtelmes eredmĂ©nyeket. A gyakorlĂĄs Ă©s [meg]mozdulĂĄs kezdetĂ©n mind mentĂĄlisan-, mind pedig fizikailag e formĂĄkon kell dolgozz, csendesen szĂĄmolva akĂĄr harminc ismĂ©tlĂ©st. Fokozatosan adj hozzĂĄ többet, amĂ­g meg nem tudod csinĂĄlni Ƒket szĂĄz-szĂĄz alkalommal. Gyakorolj naponta hĂĄromszor. SzĂĄzhĂșsz nap elteltĂ©vel sikert Ă©rsz el. MiutĂĄn megkaptad mind az energiĂĄt, mind pedig az erƑt, csökkentheted a gyakorlat szĂĄmĂĄt napi kettƑre. Amint az energiĂĄd Ă©s erƑd koncentrĂĄlt Ă©s elszĂĄnt lett, mĂĄr csökkentheted a gyakorlĂĄs szĂĄmĂĄt napi eggyre. Sikert akkor Ă©rsz el, miutĂĄn a gondolatok megszƱntek.

Amit feltĂ©tlenĂŒl tudnod kell a gyakorlĂĄsrĂłl - 練習須知


A gyakorlĂĄs kezdetekor minden egyes testtartĂĄson dolgoznod kell (kĂŒlön-kĂŒlön). NĂ©hĂĄny hĂłnap mĂșlva fokozatosan összekapcsolhatod azokat, nĂ©melyeket mozgĂĄsban is. FĂ©l Ă©v gyakorlĂĄs utĂĄn mĂĄr kĂ©pes vagy a folyamatos gyakorlĂĄsra.

一初時練習。次數宜緩緩加增。不可驟然增進。能依左列之表行之。自無損害。 –

A gyakorlĂĄs elejĂ©n a testtartĂĄsok ismĂ©tlĂ©sĂ©nek szĂĄmĂĄt lassan növelned kell, s nem szabad hirtelen felgyorsĂ­tani-, siettetni a fejlƑdĂ©sed. TermĂ©szetes mĂłdon tartĂłzkodsz a sĂ©rĂŒlĂ©sektƑl, ha követed az alĂĄbbi ĂŒtemtervet:


Az elsƑ fĂ©lĂ©vben nĂ©gyszer gyakorold az egyes testtartĂĄsokat. A mĂĄsodik fĂ©lĂ©vben gyakorolj minden testtartĂĄst 4-6 alkalommal. Ez megfelel a közĂ©piskolai hetedik osztĂĄlyosoknak.


Egy év elteltével a gyakorlåsod sorån minden testtartåst 6-8 alkalommal végezheted. Ez megfelel a nyolcadik osztålyosnak.


Két év elteltével minden testtartåst nyolc-tíz alkalommal gyakorolható. Ez megfelel gimnaziståknak.


HĂĄrom Ă©v elteltĂ©vel gyakorold az összes testtartĂĄst tĂ­z-tizenkĂ©tszer. Ez megfelelƑ a mĂĄsodĂ©vesek szĂĄmĂĄra.


NĂ©gy Ă©v elteltĂ©vel gyakorold a testtartĂĄsokat tizenkĂ©t-tizenhat alkalommal. Ez megfelel a fiatalkorĂșaknak.


Öt Ă©v elteltĂ©vel minden testratĂĄs tizenhat-hĂșsz alkalommal vĂ©gezhetƑ. Ez megfelel a felnƑtteknek / közĂ©pkorĂșaknak.

一如與拙著八段錦並練。則收效尤速。因八段錦姿勢與動作。均係簡單。此種運動。姿勢雖簡。而動作却繁。故無基礎者練之。頗覺困難也。 –

SzĂĄmomra Ășgy tƱnik, hogy Baduanjin nagyon gyorsan hoz eredmĂ©nyeket, mert a testtartĂĄsai Ă©s a mozgĂĄs egyszerƱ. Ehhez a gyakorlathoz azomban bĂĄr testhelyzetei egyszerƱek, mozgĂĄsa összetettebb. EzĂ©rt, aki nem gyakorolt mĂĄs alapgyakorlatokat, nehezen talĂĄlja majd az anyagot.


A gyakorlĂĄs kezdetekor tartĂłzkodj a gondolataid csapongĂĄsĂĄtĂłl, kĂŒlönben a tudatod nem lesz a gyakorlatban, Ă­gy tested nem fog erƑfeszĂ­tĂ©st tenni; kevĂ©s haszonnal jĂĄrsz majd.


KörĂŒlbelĂŒl hĂșsz perccel minden gyakorlĂĄs megkezdĂ©se elƑtt enned kell egy kicsit.


Minden nap, miutĂĄn kikelsz az ĂĄgybĂłl, gyakorolnod kell, majd este, mielƑtt lefekĂŒdnĂ©l, szintĂ©n. Ha kitartĂłan Ă©s megszakĂ­tĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl gyakorolsz, akkor egy Ă©v mĂșlva rendkĂ­vĂŒli eredmĂ©nyeket Ă©rhetsz el.


Amikor gyakorolsz, nem tartsd mellkasodban a lĂ©legzeted, mert ez megsĂ©rti a tĂŒdƑd.


Amikor gyakorolsz, az ismĂ©tlĂ©sek szĂĄma körĂŒlbelĂŒl negyven legyen percenkĂ©nt, ezĂ©rt ne lĂ©gy gyors.


GyakorlĂĄs utĂĄn, meg sĂ©tĂĄlj kicsit [nĂ©hĂĄny lĂ©pĂ©st], hogy inaid Ă©s a csontok pihenjenek. Vagy ĂŒl egy szĂ©kre Ă©s dörzsöld a vĂ©gtagokat, hogy simĂ­tsd a vĂ©rkeringĂ©sed.


Öt perccel a gyakorlĂĄs utĂĄn, napsĂŒtĂ©sben kell maradnod Ă©s nĂ©hĂĄny lĂ©legzetet kell tenned, vagy sĂ©tĂĄlj picit tĂĄgas, csendes helyen, ahol friss a levegƑ. Mindig kerĂŒld a poros vagy fĂŒstös helyeket a lĂ©gzĂ©s sorĂĄn.


A belĂ©gzĂ©st Ă©s a kilĂ©gzĂ©st nem szabad eroteljes lökĂ©ssel vĂ©gezni. Kezdetben lĂ©legez szĂĄjon keresztĂŒl nĂ©hĂĄnyszor, hogy a rossz levegƑt a tĂŒdbƑl kikerĂŒljön,majd lĂ©legez be az orron keresztĂŒl lassan, körĂŒlbelĂŒl öt mĂĄsodperc hosszĂșsĂĄggal. Lassan az orron keresztĂŒl fĂșjd ki. A hosszĂș ideig tartĂł gyakorlĂĄs következtĂ©ben fokozatosan növelheted ezt az idƑt.

NĂ©hĂĄny kiegĂ©szĂ­tƑ mĂłdszer - 一附實用練習法如左

Az ujjak edzĂ©sĂ©nek mĂłdszere - 練指法:


Before getting out of bed, exert strength in your fingers to spread them apart, reaching out to the sides with your arms. Or reach your hands upward, with your fingertips touching where there would be a mosquito net, then bend your fingers inward using the outer two joints of the fingers and the outer joint of the thumb, emptily grabbing at the net, your fingers extending and then bending again. Perform this ten times. After a long period, you will naturally be able to see results. Another method is take a stone ball of about a pound in weight, practice grabbing it will five fingers and letting it fall, but before it lands on the ground, use your fingers to quickly grab it again. In the beginning, you ought to be able to do this ten times or so. Over time, gradually add more times and move on to using stone balls of greater weight. Your fingers will feel powerful. Practice this with each hand.

A szem izmainak edzĂ©se - 活動眼肌法:


Before you get out of bed, with your eyes still closed, turn your eyes right and left, up and down, several times, then draw circles with your eyes from left to right and right to left, from up to down and down to up, several times. After a long time, your vision will become stronger and your eyes will be more lively.

a lĂĄbak edzĂ©se - 練腿法:


With your hands on your waist and your legs spread about four feet apart, your body bends over, first with your left leg bending, right leg straightening, then your right leg bending, left leg straightening. Practice in this way, one leg straightening, the other bending, ten times. After a long time, your legs will be strong and lively, and you will be able to crouch down to ground. This is an essential exercise for training in martial arts.

Karok Ă©s a lĂĄb eddzĂ©se - 撻練手足法:


In the beginning of the practice, sew up a cotton bag filled with as many pounds of sand or rice as you can handle. Hang it from a roof beam or a wooden stand. Push it with a palm, strike it with a fist, poke it with an elbow, smash it with a shoulder, or kick it with a foot, making the bag shake. Then punch and kick it to send it swinging away. Over time, gradually add more weight to the bag.

VĂ©gtagdörzsölĂ©s - 摩擦四肢法:


Whether you are practicing meditation or running, sit on a chair after you are finished and extend your right leg. Using both hands, strongly rub your tiger’s mouths along the leg ten times. Then switch to rubbing your left leg in the same way, then each arm.

A Yi Jinjing tizenkĂ©t testtartĂĄsĂĄnak eredeti rajzolata - 易筋經十二勢原圖

1. Weituo jogart mutat / 1. - (一)韋馱獻杵第一勢

2. Weituo jogart mutat / 2. - (二)韋馱獻杵第二勢

3. Weituo jogart mutat / 3. - (三)韋馱獻杵第三勢

4. A Nagygöncöl megfordĂ­tĂĄsa a csillagok szedegetĂ©sĂ©vel - (四)摘星換斗勢

5. KimeredƑ karmok Ă©s kiterjesztett szĂĄrnyak - (五)出爪亮翅勢

6. Kilenc Ökör megfordĂ­tĂĄsa a farkuknĂĄl fogva - (六)倒拽九牛尾勢

7. Kilenc dĂ©mon hĂŒvely nĂ©kĂŒli lĂłfejezƑ kardja - (七)九鬼拔馬刀勢

8. HĂĄrom tĂĄl a padlĂłra kerĂŒl - (八)三盤落地勢

9. Wu sĂĄrkĂĄny kiterjeszti karmait - (九)靑龍探爪勢

10. RejtƑzƑ Tigris ĂĄldozatĂĄra ugrik - (十)臥虎撲食勢

11. MĂ©lyen hajlĂĄs elƑre - (十一)打躬勢

12. Farok csĂłvĂĄlĂĄsa - (十二)掉尾勢

KĂ©zikönyv a Yi Jinjing tizenkĂ©t formĂĄjĂĄhoz - 易筋經十二勢圖說

Weituo jogart mutat - 第一式 韋馱獻杵勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    Calm your mind and slow your breath, your body standing stably. Your hands move as though saluting, your mind at peace.

KezdƑ helyzet - 預備:


Your feet stand at a ninety degree angle, your legs together, knees straight, your gaze forward. See the photo:


1. Your arms bend, level in front of your shoulders, fingertips pointing upward, palms facing each other (about three inches apart), as if your palms are about to come together in a greeting gesture, the backs of your hands making ninety degree angles with your forearms, your head slightly bending forward, your gaze toward your palms. See photo 1:


2. With your fingertips still pointing upward, your palms push away to the sides (arms extending to the left and right), your head again upright, your gaze forward. See photo 2:


3. Your palms strongly come toward each other in front of your chest (same as in movement 1), then push to the sides with speed and strength (same as in movement 2), your head bending forward and then returning to being upright.


4. Your arms go from being bent in front of your shoulders to reaching upward, palms facing upward, fingertips meeting, your head bending back, your gaze toward the back of your hands. See photo 3:


Repeat the movements as many times as you are able. After the last time, your arms extend downward from in front of your shoulders instead of upward.

Nagygöncöl megfordĂ­tĂĄsa a csillagok szedegetĂ©sĂ©vel - 第二式 摘星換斗勢

KezdƑ helyzet - 原文:


One hand rises high, but the palm is turned downward. Your gaze is toward each palm. The movement is an inhale rather than an exhale. The breathing should be even. Exert strength as you then withdraw the hand. The exercise is the same on both sides.


1. Your right arm goes along the front of your body and extends upward, the palm facing downward, fingertips pointing to the left, elbow straight, your head bending to the left, your gaze toward your right palm, as your left hand grasps into a fist and bends in at the left side of your chest, the fist placed at your waist, elbow sticking out behind you.


2. Your right arm goes to your lower left, drawing a half circle, the hand grasping into a fist and the arm bending back at the right side of your chest, as your left arm goes along the front of your body and extends upward, the palm facing downward, fingertips pointing to the right, elbow straight, your head bending to the right, your gaze toward your left palm. See photo 5:


3. Same as movement 1.


4. Same as movement 2.


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your toes come together and your hands grasp into fists and bend back at the sides of your chest.

KimeredƑ karmok Ă©s kiterjesztett szĂĄrnyak - 第三式 出爪亮翅勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    Your palms go upward and spread apart, your feet standing tiptoe, your ribs expressing strength, your legs standing together and straight. Your breathing is even, your gaze upon the “heavenly gate”, your mouth closed, your tongue touching your upper palate. Then your fingers express strength, your legs still straight, and your fists withdraw as though you are embracing something.


1. Your arms extend forward and level, palms facing downward, fingers strongly spreading, fingertips pointing forward, thumbs touching each other, your heels strongly lifting to be at least two inches off the ground, your gaze toward your hands. See photo 6:


2. Your arms lower from in front of you, then raise up to the sides, palms facing forward, fingertips pointing upward, your fingers again strongly spreading, thumbs again touching each other, your heels coming down and then lifting again. See photo 7:


3. Your arms lower to the sides, then raise up again, your heels coming down and lifting again.


4. Your arms lower in front of you, then your hands grasp into fists and withdraw, bending back at the sides of your chest, your elbows sticking out behind you, your fists placed at your waist, your heels coming down.


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your hands grasp into fists, your arms return to being bent at the sides of your chest, your feet again on the ground.

Kilenc Ökör megfordĂ­tĂĄsa a farkuknĂĄl fogva - 第四式 倒拽九牛尾勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    Your lower abdomen empties its air as your front leg bends and your rear leg straightens, your gaze toward your fist, your arms exerting strength.


1. Your right foot steps out to the right and your knees bend downward, making a horse-riding stance. (The method of this stance: without your heels lifting, your toes are pointing forward, your knees bending until the thighs are level, your body upright, shoulders not slouching forward, and you look as though you are riding a horse.) Your palms bend in until in front of your shoulders, then reach out to the sides, fingers pointing upward, palms facing to the sides, your gaze forward. See photo 8:


2. Your left heel shifts to the left, the knee straightening, and your right toes shift to the right, the knee bending, as your right hand draws a circle to the rear, downward, forward, and upward, the fingers curling into a fist, the arm raised to the right, elbow slightly bent to make a curved shape (the center of the fist facing upward, the fist at eyebrow level), your head turned to the right, your gaze toward your right fist, your left hand also grasping into a fist, the arm still raised to the left (elbow straight, the center of the fist facing to the rear). See photo 9:


3. Your left heel shifts to the right and your right toes shift to the left, your knees again bending, returning you to a horse-riding stance, yours arms bending in front of your shoulders and then reaching to the sides, your gaze forward.


4. Your right heel shifts to the right, the knee straightening, and your left toes shift to the left, the knee bending, as your left hand draws a circle to the rear, downward, forward, and upward, the hand grasping into a fist, the arm raised to the left, elbow slightly bent to make a curved shape (the center of the fist facing upward, the fist at eyebrow level), your head turned to the left, your gaze toward your left fist, your right hand also grasping into a fist, the arm still raised to the right (elbow straight, the center of the fist facing to the rear). See photo 10:


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your arms hang down, your upper body rises up, and your right foot stands next to your left foot, toes spread apart, returning you to a posture of standing at attention.

Kilenc dĂ©mon hĂŒvely nĂ©kĂŒli lĂłfejezƑ kardja - 第五式 九鬼拔馬刀勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    A single arm expresses strength, wrapping around your neck behind your head. Your breathing is even, your knees standing straight. It is performed the same on both sides.


1. Your upper body bends to the right as your right arm goes upward to the right and bends behind your neck, your left arm reaching upward behind your back for your hands to be grabbing each other over your back. See photo 11:


4. Your upper body returns to being upright, your right palm facing upward, fingertips pointing to the left, the arm extending upward, your left palm facing downward, fingertips pointing to the right, the arm extending downward (the little finger touching your tailbone). See photo 12 [although it shows left and right reversed]:


1. Your upper body bends to the left as your left arm goes upward to the left and bends behind your neck, your right arm reaching upward behind your back for your hands to be grabbing each other over your back.


4. Your upper body returns to being upright, your left palm facing upward, fingertips pointing to the right, the arm extending upward, your right palm facing downward, fingertips pointing to the left, the arm extending downward (the little finger touching your tailbone). See photo 13:


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your toes come together and your arms hang down.

HĂĄrom tĂĄl a padlĂłra kerĂŒl - 第六式 三盤落地勢

    Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    With your eyes focused and your mouth closed, your tongue touches your upper palate, then your eyes glare and your mouth slightly opens as your legs spread apart and squat down, your hands touching the ground. Then your palms turn over and prop up, as though holding up a golden basin, your legs straightening.


1. Your right foot steps out to the right and your knees bend, making a horse-riding stance, your hands grasping into fists and bending back at the sides of your chest, your elbows sticking out behind you. See photo 14:


2. Your knees bend deeper (your heels not coming away from the ground) and your arms go from your sides to extend downward behind your, fingers strongly spreading, hands touching the ground, your gaze forward. See photo 15:


3. Your arms pass beside your legs, wrapping around your knees, and come together with the fingers linking, palms facing upward, your forearms bent in front of your belly, making ninety degree angles with your upper arms, your knees slightly lifting as you return to a horse-riding stance. See photo 16:


4. Your knees straighten, and with your fingers still linked, your arms bend in front of you and then extend upward, your palms turning over to be facing upward, your head bending back (your gaze toward your palms). See photo 17:


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your upper body rises up, your arms hang down, and your right foot stands next to your left foot, toes spread apart, returning you to a posture of standing at attention.

Wu sĂĄrkĂĄny kiterjeszti karmait - 第七式 靑龍探爪勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    Your shoulders and back exert strength as your palm reaches out, goes to the ground, and withdraws, your gaze level.


1. Your upper body and head slightly turn to the right (your feet and knees not moving), and your left arm extends to the right, palm facing upward at shoulder level, thumb bent in over the palm, with your right hand grasped into a fist, bent back at the right side of your chest, the elbow sticking out behind you, your gaze toward your left palm. See photo 18:


2. Your upper body then bends over forward to your left side, turning to the left (your feet not moving, knees not bending), as your left arm goes to your lower right and draws a half circle that brings it to your left side (the palm nearing the ground, your gaze following the movement of your left palm). With your left hand grasped into a fist, the arm bending back at the left side of your chest, elbow sticking out behind you, your right arm now extends to the left, palm facing upward, fingertips pointing to the left at shoulder level, your gaze toward your right palm. See photo 19:


3. Your upper body then bends over forward to your right side, turning to the right (your feet not moving, knees not bending) as your right arm goes to your lower left and draws a half circle that brings it to your right side (the palm nearing the ground, your gaze following the movement of your right palm). With your right hand grasped into a fist, the arm bending back at the right side of your chest, elbow sticking out behind you, your left arm now extends to the right. It is the same as in photo 18.


4. Same as movement 2.


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your hands grasp into fists, the arms bend back at the sides of your chest, your right foot steps out to the right, and your knees bend downward, making a horse-riding stance.

RejtƑzƑ Tigris ĂĄldozatĂĄra ugrik - 第八式 臥虎撲食勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    Your arms, back, and fingers express strength, your legs squatting down and spread apart. One leg kneels forward, the other straightening behind, and your fingers touch the ground. Your torso is level, your chest reaching forward, and your breathing is even. It is the same on both sides.


1. Your left heel shifts to the left, the knee straightening, as your right toes shift to the right, the knee bending, your body turning to the right, and your upper body bends forward, your fingertips touching the ground, your gaze forward. See photo 20:


2. With your hands touching the ground and your arms straight, your right foot extends to the rear to be next to your left foot, knees straightening, toes touching the ground. See photo 21:


3. Your left leg bends again.


4. Your left heel shifts to the right, the knee bending, your right toes shift to the left, and you return to a horse-riding stance, hands grasping into fists and bent back at the sides of your chest. See photo 22:


To perform the posture a second time, your left foot goes out to the left, and then repeat the exercises as many times as you are able. After the last time, your arms return to being bent at the sides of your chest and you make a horse-riding stance.

MĂ©lyen hajlĂĄs elƑre - 第九式 打躬勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    With your elbows exerting strength, embrace the back of your neck. With your head exerting strength and reaching out, your mouth closed, tongue touching your upper palate, your body bows forward until your head is touching your legs, your head and ears hidden. The breathing should be even.


1. Your arms bend over your shoulders and your fingers link behind your neck (your hands on your neck), then your knees straighten and your upper body bends forward, your head slightly lifted. See photo 23:


2. Your body returns to being upright, your knees again bending, and you are again making a horse-riding stance.


3. Same as movement 1.


4. Same as movement 2.


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your upper body rises up, your arms hang down, and your right foot steps together with your left foot, toes spread apart, returning you to a posture of standing at attention.

Farok csĂłvĂĄlĂĄsa - 第十式 掉尾勢

Eredeti szöveg - 原文:


    With your knees straight, arms extended, your body bows forward and you push down to the ground with your hands crossed, your head and gaze lifted. Breathe evenly as you slowly get into this position, your heels staying on the ground, twenty-one times, then with one arm extended, seven times for each arm. Then sit cross-legged in meditation, focusing on your solar plexus, eyes closed as you breath in and out until you reach a state of quietude, and then you may stand.


1. Without your knees bending, your upper body bends forward, and with your fingers linked, your palms touch the ground, your head slightly lifted.


2. With your body still bent forward, your hands go behind your calves, your fingers again linking, the backs of the hands facing to the rear. See photo 24:


3. Same as movement 1.


4. With your fingers still linked, your arms raise up high from in front of you, your upper body bending back. See photo 25:


Repeat as many times as you are able. After the last time, your arms hang down and you return to standing at attention.

Javasolt irodalom Ă©s forrĂĄsok

1. Bodhidharma
2. Bodhidharma: Yijin Jing 《易筋经》 (Izom és Ín Átalakítása) 易筋經總論
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...

❀ ❀ ❀

Köszönetet mondunk minden barĂĄtunknak, mindazon szerzƑknek, tanĂ­tĂłknak, buddhistĂĄknak Ă©s harcmƱvĂ©szeknek, akik hozzĂĄjĂĄrultak a harcmƱvĂ©szet-törtĂ©neti-, buddhista-, bölcseleti Ă©s egyĂ©b tanĂ­tĂĄsokkal, Ă­rĂĄsokkal, tanulmĂĄnyokkal, jegyzetekkel minden Ă©rzƑ lĂ©ny tanĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz Ă©s tanulĂĄsĂĄhoz. BuddhĂĄk Ă©s Mesterek tanĂ­tĂĄsait megosztani Ă©rdem, mindezen Ă©rdemeket felajĂĄnljuk az összes BuddhĂĄknak. A Xing Long Tang elfogulatlan, pĂĄrtatlan, szektarianizmustĂłl mentes elv alapjĂĄn törekszik a DharmĂĄt, a Chan hagyomĂĄnyvonal tanĂ­tĂĄsĂĄt, a harcmƱvĂ©szeti stĂ­lusok törtĂ©neteit megosztani. 武林一家! 阿弥陀佛!

Paul Brennan @ Brennantranslation | XiaoFeng CserkĂ©sz GĂĄbor Mester @ Xing Long Tang | 2017 v1; elsƑ kiadĂĄs
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 licenc alkalmazĂĄsĂĄval | 署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际
Ha hibĂĄkat, megjelenĂ©si vagy egyĂ©b problĂ©mĂĄkat talĂĄlsz, Ă­rj nekĂŒnk: master [at] rgm [pont] hu

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