XING LONG TANG - A Végtelen Élet Buddháján Való Szemlélődés Szútrája 《佛說觀無量壽佛經》


A Végtelen Élet Buddháján való Szemlélődés Szútrája 《佛說觀無量壽佛經》
Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra

T12n0365_001 佛說觀無量壽佛經 第1卷
CBETA 電子佛典集成 » 大正藏 (T) » 第 12 冊 » No.0365 » 第 1 卷

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    No. 365


    西方極樂世界尊,  無量壽佛世希有;
    能滅無始億劫業,  令彼苦惱悉消除。
    若人能以微妙心,  甞以極樂為觀想,
    廣與眾生分別說,  舉目即見阿彌陀。
    佛身色相顯光明,  閻浮檀金無與等,
    其高無比由旬數,  六十萬億那由他;
    眉間白毫五須彌,  紺眼弘澄四大海,
    光明演出諸毛孔,  一孔遍含諸大千。
    一界中有一河沙,  沙有八萬四千相,
    一一相中復如是,  作者觀者隨現前。
    以觀佛身見佛心,  眾生憶想見化佛,
    從相入得無生忍,  以三昧受無邊慈。
    佛身無量廣無邊,  化導以彼宿願力,
    有憶想者得成就,  神通如意滿虛空。
    眾生三種具三心,  精進勇猛無退轉,
    即得如來手接引,  七寶宮殿大光明。
    其身踴躍金剛臺,  隨從佛後彈指頃,
    行大乘解第一義,  即生七寶蓮池中。
    阿彌陀佛大慈悲,  十力威德難贊說,
    稱名一聲起一念,  八十億劫罪皆除;
    以是濟拔無有窮,  是以名為無量壽。
    昔世尊居耆闍崛,  與大眾說妙因緣,
    離憂惱與閻浮提,  超脫一切諸苦趣。
    淨妙國即極樂界,  修三福發菩提心,
    作是念者住堅專,  故說無量壽佛觀。
    如是功德不可說,  不可說者妙光明,
    無量清淨平等施,  五濁眾生咸作佛。
    斷彼一切顛倒想,  猶如以水投海中,
    濕性混合無不同,  雖有聖智難分別,
    人人皆為無量壽,  稽首瞻禮即西方。



[0340c29] 如是我聞:

Thus have I heard.

[0340c29] 一時,佛在王舍城耆闍崛山中,與大比丘眾千二百五十人俱;菩薩三萬二千,文殊師利法王子而為上首。

At one time the Buddha was staying on the Vulture Peak in Rajagriha with a large assembly of twelve hundred and fifty monks. He was also accompanied by thirty-two thousand bodhisattvas led by Manjushri, the Dharma Prince.

King Bimbisara imprisoned by his son Ajatashatru


At that time, in the great city of Rajagriha, there was a prince named Ajātaśatru (阿闍世, Āshéshì). Instigated by his wicked friend, Devadatta (調達, Tiáodá), he seized his father, King Bimbisāra (頻婆娑羅, Pínpósuōluó), confined him in a room with seven-fold walls, and forbade all the court officials to visit the king.

Wéitíxī (韋提希, Vaidehī), the king's consort, was devoted to him. After having bathed and cleansed herself, she spread over her body ghee and honey mixed to a paste with wheat flour, filled her ornaments with grape juice and secretly offered this food and drink to the king. He ate the flour paste and drank the juice and then asked for water. Having rinsed his mouth, he joined his palms in reverence and, facing the Vulture Peak (耆阇崛山, Gṛdhrakūtaparvata), worshipped the World-Honored One from afar, said,


"Maudgalyāyana (大目乾連, Dàmùqiánlián) is my close friend. I beseech you to have pity on me and send him here to give me the eight precepts."


Then Maudgalyāyana flew as swift as a hawk to the king. Day after day he came like this to give him the eight precepts. The World-Honored One also sent the Venerable Purna likewise to the palace to expound the Dharma to the king. Three weeks passed in this way. Because he had eaten the flour-paste and heard the Dharma, he appeared peaceful and contented.

Queen Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī)'s imprisonment

[0341a14] 時阿闍世問守門人:「父王今者猶存在耶?」

Then Ajātaśatru (阿闍世) asked the guard, "Is my father still alive?"


The guard replied, "Great king, his consort spreads flour paste over her body and fills her ornaments with grape juice and offers these to the king. The monks Mahamaudgalyayana and Purna come here through the air to expound the Dharma to him. It is impossible to stop them." Hearing this, Ajatashatru became furious with his mother and said, "Because you are an accomplice to that enemy, mother, you too are an enemy. Those monks are evil, for with their delusive magic they have kept this wicked king alive for many days." So saying, he drew his sharp sword, intending to kill her.

[0341a21] 時有一臣,名曰月光,聰明多智,及與耆婆,為王作禮。白言:

At that time the king had a minister named Candraprabha who was intelligent and wise. Together with Qípó (耆婆 ~ Jīvaka) he made obeisances to the king and said,


"Great King, according to a certain Vedic scripture, since the beginning of this cosmic period, there have been eighteen thousand wicked kings who have killed their fathers out of their desire to usurp the throne, but we have never heard of anyone who has committed the outrage of killing his mother. Your Majesty, if you commit such an outrage, you will bring disgrace upon the ksatriya class. As your ministers, we cannot bear to hear what people will say. As this would be the act of an outcaste, we could no longer remain here."


Having spoken these words, the two ministers grasped their swords and stepped back. Agitated and frightened, Ajatashatru said to Qípó (耆婆 ~ Jīvaka), "Are you not on my side?"


Qípó (耆婆 ~ Jīvaka) replied, "Your Majesty, please restrain yourself and do not kill your mother."


Hearing this, the king repented and begged their forgiveness. Having thrown away his sword, he stopped short of killing his mother and, instead, ordered the court officials to lock her in an inner chamber and not to allow her to leave.

Shakyamuni's visit to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī)

[0341b02] 時韋提希被幽閉已,愁憂憔悴;遙向耆闍崛山,為佛作禮,而作是言:

Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), thus confined, grew emaciated with grief and despair. Facing the Vulture Peak, she worshipped the Buddha from afar and said,


"Tathagata, World-Honored One (如來世尊), you used to send Ananda to comfort me. Now I am in deep sorrow and distress. Since there is no way of my coming to look upon your august countenance, World-Honored One, I pray you send the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana and the Venerable Ananda here to see me." When she had said these words, tears of sorrow streamed down her cheeks like rain. Then she bowed towards the Buddha in the distance. Even before she raised her head, the World-Honored One, who was then staying on the Vulture Peak, knew Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī)'s thoughts and immediately ordered Mahamaudgalyayana and Ananda to go to her through the air; he himself disappeared from the mountain and reappeared in the inner chamber of the royal palace.

[0341b10] 時韋提希禮已舉頭,見世尊釋迦牟尼佛,身紫金色坐百寶蓮華。目連侍左,阿難在右,釋梵護世諸天在虛空中,普雨天華,持用供養。時韋提希見佛世尊,自絕瓔珞,舉身投地,號泣向佛。白言:「世尊!我宿何罪,生此惡子?世尊復有何等因緣,與提婆達多共為眷屬?

After worshipping him, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) raised her head and saw Shakyamuni Buddha, the World-Honored One. He was the color of purple gold and was seated upon a lotus-flower of a hundred jewels. He was attended by Mahamaudgalyayana on his left and Ananda on his right. Shakra, Brahma, the guardian gods of the world and other devas were in the air about him. Scattering heavenly blossoms like rain, they paid homage to the Buddha. When she saw the World-Honored One, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) tore off her ornaments and prostrated herself on the ground. Weeping bitterly, she said to the Buddha, "O World-Honored One, what bad karma did I commit in former lives that I have borne such an evil son? I wonder, World-Honored One, what karmic relations could have made you a relative of Devadatta?


"I beseech you, World-Honored One, to reveal to me a land of no sorrow and no affliction where I can be reborn. I do not wish to live in this defiled and evil world of Jambudvipa where there are hells, realms of hungry spirits, animals and many vile beings. I wish that in the future I shall not hear evil words or see wicked people. World-Honored One, I now kneel down to repent and beg you to take pity on me. I entreat you, O Sun-like Buddha, to teach me how to visualize a land of pure karmic perfection."

Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) wishes to be born in Amida's Pure Land

[0341b21] 爾時世尊放眉間光,其光金色,遍照十方無量世界;還住佛頂,化為金臺,如須彌山。十方諸佛淨妙國土,皆於中現。或有國土七寶合成;復有國土純是蓮花;復有國土如自在天宮;復有國土如頗梨鏡;十方國土皆於中現。有如是等無量諸佛國土嚴顯可觀,令韋提希見。

Then the World-Honored One sent forth from between his eyebrows a flood of light, which was the color of gold and illuminated the innumerable worlds in the ten quarters. Returning to the Buddha, the light settled on his head and transformed itself into a golden platform resembling Mount Sumeru. On the platform appeared the pure and resplendent lands of all the Buddhas in the ten quarters. Some of these lands were made of seven jewels, some solely of lotus-flowers; some resembled the palace in the Heaven of Free Enjoyment of Manifestation by Others, while some were like a crystal mirror in which all the lands in the ten quarters were reflected. Innumerable Buddha-lands like these, glorious and beautiful, were displayed to her.

[0341b27] 時韋提希白佛言:「世尊!是諸佛土,雖復清淨,皆有光明;我今樂生極樂世界阿彌陀佛所。唯願世尊,教我思惟,教我正受。」

Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) then said to the Buddha, "O World-Honored One, these Buddha-lands are pure and free of defilement, and all of them are resplendent. But I wish to be born in the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amitayus. I beseech you, World-Honored One, to teach me how to contemplate that land and attain samadhi."

Emitting of light from Shakyamuni's smile

[0341c01] 爾時世尊即便微笑,有五色光,從佛口出,一一光照頻婆娑羅王頂。爾時大王雖在幽閉,心眼無障,遙見世尊,頭面作禮;自然增進,成阿那含。

The World-Honored One smiled, and from his mouth came five-colored rays of light, each shining on King Bimbisara's head. Although the old king was confined, with his unhindered mind's eye he saw the World-Honored One in the distance. He knelt down in homage to the Buddha and effortlessly made spiritual progress until he reached the Stage of a Non-returner.

Three acts of virtue for attaining birth in the Pure Land

[0341c04] 爾時世尊告韋提希:

Then the World-Honored One said to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī)


"Do you know that Amitayus is not far away? Fix your thoughts upon and contemplate that Buddha-land, then you will accomplish the pure acts. I shall describe it to you in detail with various illustrations, so that all ordinary people in the future who wish to practice the pure karma may also be born in that Western Land of Utmost Bliss. Whoever wishes to be born there should practice three acts of merit: first, caring for one's parents, attending to one's teachers and elders, compassionately refraining from killing, and doing the ten good deeds; second, taking the three refuges, keeping the various precepts and refraining from breaking the rules of conduct; and third, awakening aspiration for Enlightenment, believing deeply in the law of causality, chanting the Mahayana sutras and encouraging people to follow their teachings. These three are called the pure karma."

[0341c13] 佛告韋提希:「汝今知不?此三種業,乃是過去、未來、現在三世諸佛淨業正因。」

The Buddha further said to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Do you know that these three acts are the pure karma practiced by all the Buddhas of the past, present and future as the right cause of Enlightenment?"

Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) asks how to visualize the Pure Land

[0341c15] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「諦聽,諦聽!善思念之。如來今者,為未來世一切眾生為煩惱賊之所害者,說清淨業。善哉韋提希!快問此事。阿難!汝當受持,廣為多眾宣說佛語。如來今者,教韋提希及未來世一切眾生觀於西方極樂世界。以佛力故,當得見彼清淨國土,如執明鏡自見面像。見彼國土極妙樂事,心歡喜故,應時即得無生法忍。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Listen carefully, listen carefully and ponder deeply. I, the Tathagata, shall discourse on pure karma for the sake of all sentient beings of the future who are afflicted by the enemy, evil passions. It is very good, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), that you have willingly asked me about this. Ananda, you must receive and keep the Buddha's words and widely proclaim them to the multitude of beings. I, the Tathagata, shall now teach you, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), and all sentient beings of the future how to visualize the Western Land of Utmost Bliss. By the power of the Buddha all will be able to see the Pure Land as clearly as if they were looking at their own reflections in a bright mirror. Seeing the utmost beauty and bliss of that land, they will rejoice and immediately attain the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas."

[0341c22] 佛告韋提希:「汝是凡夫,心想羸劣,未得天眼,不能遠觀;諸佛如來有異方便,令汝得見。」

The Buddha said to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "You are an unenlightened, and so your spiritual powers are weak and obscured. Since you have not yet attained the divine eye, you cannot see that which is distant. But the Buddhas, Tathagatas, have special ways to enable you to see afar."

[0341c24] 時韋提希白佛言:「世尊!如我今者,以佛力故見彼國土。若佛滅後,諸眾生等,濁惡不善,五苦所逼,云何當見阿彌陀佛極樂世界?」

Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) said to the Buddha, "World-Honored One, through the Buddha's power, even I have now been able to see that land. But after the Buddha's passing, sentient beings will become defiled and evil, and be oppressed by the five kinds of suffering. How then will those beings be able to see the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amitayus?"

Thirteen contemplations

1) contemplation of the setting sun

[0341c27] 佛告韋提希:「汝及眾生應當專心,繫念一處,想於西方。云何作想?凡作想者,一切眾生自非生盲,有目之徒,皆見日沒。當起想念,正坐西向,諦觀於日,令心堅住,專想不移。見日欲沒,狀如懸鼓。既見日已,閉目開目皆令明了。是為日想,名曰初觀。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "You and other sentient beings should concentrate and, with one-pointed attention, turn your thoughts westward. How do you contemplate? All sentient beings

[342a] except those born blind--that is, all those with the faculty of sight--should look at the setting sun. Sit in the proper posture, facing west. Clearly gaze at the sun, with mind firmly fixed on it; concentrate your sight and do not let it wander from the setting sun, which is like a drum suspended above the horizon. Having done so, you should then be able to visualize it clearly, whether your eyes are open or closed. This is the visualizing of the sun and is known as the first contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

2) contemplation of the water

[0342a05] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「初觀成已,次作水想。想見西方一切皆是大水,見水澄清,亦令明了,無分散意。既見水已,當起氷想。見氷映徹,作琉璃想。此想成已,見琉璃地,內外映徹。下有金剛七寶金幢,擎琉璃地。其幢八方,八楞具足,一一方面,百寶所成,一一寶珠,有千光明,一一光明,八萬四千色,映琉璃地,如億千日,不可具見。琉璃地上,以黃金繩,雜廁間錯,以七寶界,分齊分明,一一寶中,有五百色光。其光如花,又似星月,懸處虛空,成光明臺。樓閣千萬,百寶合成,於臺兩邊,各有百億花幢,無量樂器,以為莊嚴。八種清風從光明出,鼓此樂器,演說苦、空、無常、無我之音,是為水想,名第二觀。此想成時,一一觀之,極令了了。閉目開目,不令散失,唯除食時,恒憶此事。作此觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "After you have accomplished the first contemplation, next practice visualization of water. Envision the western quarter as entirely flooded by water. Then picture the water as clear and pure, and let this vision be distinctly perceived. Keep your thoughts from being distracted. After you have visualized the water, envision it becoming frozen. After you have visualized the ice as transparent to its depth, see it turning into beryl. When you have attained this vision, next imagine that the beryl ground shines brilliantly, inside and out, and that this ground is supported from below by columns, which are made of diamond and the seven jewels and hung with golden banners. These columns have eight sides and eight corners, each side being adorned with a hundred jewels. Each jewel emits a thousand rays of light, each ray in turn having eighty-four thousand colors. As they are reflected on the beryl ground, they look like a thousand kotis of suns, so dazzling that it is impossible to see them in detail.

"On this beryl ground, golden paths intercross like a net of cords. The land is divided into areas made of one or the other of the seven jewels, so the partitions are quite distinct. Each jewel emits a flood of light in five hundred colors. The light appears in the shape of a flower or a star or the moon; suspended in the sky, it turns into a platform of light, on which there are ten million pavilions made of a hundred jewels. Both sides of this platform are adorned with a hundred kotis of flowered banners and innumerable musical instruments. As eight pure breezes arise from the light and play the musical instruments, they proclaim the truth of suffering, emptiness, impermanence and no-self. This is the visualizing of the water and is known as the second contemplation.

3) contemplation of the ground

"When you have attained this contemplation, visualize each object quite clearly without losing the image, whether your eyes are closed or open. Except when sleeping, always keep it in mind. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

[0342a22] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「水想成已,名為粗見極樂國地。若得三昧,見彼國地,了了分明,不可具說。是為地想,名第三觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "When the visualization of the water has been accomplished, it is called the general perception of the ground of the Land of Utmost Bliss. If you attain a state of samadhi, you will see this ground so clearly and distinctly that it will be impossible to describe it in detail. This is the visualizing of the ground and is known as the third contemplation."

[0342a26] 佛告阿難:「汝持佛語,為未來世一切大眾欲脫苦者,說是觀地法。若觀是地者,除八十億劫生死之罪。捨身他世,必生淨國,心得無疑。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda, "Keep these words of the Buddha in mind, and expound this method of visualizing the ground for the benefit of the multitude of future beings who will seek emancipation from suffering. If one has attained a vision of the ground of that land, the evil karma which one has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara will be extinguished, and so one will certainly be born in the Pure Land in the next life. Do not doubt this. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

4) contemplation of the trees

[0342b01] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「地想成已,次觀寶樹。觀寶樹者,一一觀之,作七重行樹想。一一樹高八千由旬,其諸寶樹,七寶花葉無不具足。一一華葉,作異寶色。琉璃色中出金色光;頗梨色中出紅色光;馬腦色中出車璩光;車璩色中出綠真珠光;珊瑚琥珀一切眾寶以為映飾。妙真珠網彌覆樹上,一一樹上有七重網,一一網間有五百億妙華宮殿,如梵王宮。諸天童子自然在中,一一童子有五百億釋迦毘楞伽摩尼寶以為瓔珞;其摩尼光照百由旬,猶如和合百億日月,不可具名,眾寶間錯色中上者。此諸寶樹,行行相當,葉葉相次,於眾葉間生諸妙花,花上自然有七寶果。一一樹葉,縱廣正等二十五由旬;其葉千色有百種畫,如天纓珞;有眾妙華,作閻浮檀金色;如旋火輪,宛轉葉間,踊生諸果,如帝釋瓶;有大光明,化成幢幡無量寶蓋。是寶蓋中,映現三千大千世界一切佛事;十方佛國亦於中現。見此樹已,亦當次第一一觀之,觀見樹莖、枝葉、華果,皆令分明。是為樹想,名第四觀。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "When you have accomplished visualization of the ground, next contemplate the jewelled trees. This is how to do so. Visualize each one and then form an image of seven rows of trees, each being eight thousand yojanas high and adorned with seven-jewelled blossoms and leaves. Each blossom and leaf has the colors of various jewels. From the beryl-colored blossoms and leaves issues forth a golden light. From the crystal-colored issues forth a crimson light. From the agate-colored issues forth a sapphire light. From the sapphire-colored issues forth a green pearl light. Coral, amber and all the other jewels serve as illuminating ornaments. Splendid nets of pearls cover the trees. Between these seven rows of nets covering each tree there are five hundred kotis of palaces adorned with exquisite flowers, like the palace of King Brahma, where celestial children naturally dwell. Each of these children wears ornaments made of five hundred kotis of Shakra-abhilagna-mani-gems, which light up a hundred yojanas in all directions, like a hundred kotis of suns and moons shining together, and so it is impossible to describe them in detail. Manifold jewels intermingle, producing the most beautiful colors.

"Rows of these jewelled trees are evenly arranged, and their leaves are equally spaced. From among the leaves appear wonderful blossoms which spontaneously bear fruits of seven jewels. Each leaf is twenty-five yojanas in both length and breadth. Like the celestial ornaments, the leaves are of a thousand colors and a hundred patterns. These trees have marvelous blossoms which are the color of gold from the Jambu River and spin like fire-wheels among the leaves. From these blossoms appear various fruits, as from Shakra's vase, and from the fruits issue forth great floods of light, which transform themselves into banners and innumerable jewelled canopies. Inside the jewelled canopies can be seen reflections of all the activities of the Buddha throughout the universe of a thousand million worlds. The Buddha-lands in the ten quarters are also reflected in them.

"After you have seen these trees, visualize each detail in order: the trunks, branches, leaves, blossoms and fruits, and let your vision of all of them be clear and distinct. This is the visualizing of the trees, and is called the fourth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

5) contemplation of the ponds

[0342b23] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「樹想成已,次當想水。欲想水者,極樂國土有八池水。一一池水七寶所成;其寶柔軟從如意珠王生,分為十四支;一一支作七寶色。黃金為渠,渠下皆以雜色金剛以為底沙。一一水中有六十億七寶蓮花,一一蓮華團圓正等十二由旬。其摩尼水流注華間,尋樹上下。其聲微妙,演說苦、空、無常、無我、諸波羅蜜,復有讚歎諸佛相好者。從如意珠王踊出金色微妙光明,其光化為百寶色鳥,和鳴哀雅,常讚念佛、念法、念僧,是為八功德水想,名第五觀。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "When you have accomplished visualization of the trees, next contemplate the ponds. This is how to do so. In the Land of Utmost Bliss, there are ponds of water possessing eight excellent qualities, each made of seven jewels which are soft and pliable. The water, springing from a wish-fulfilling king-mani-gem, forms fourteen streams. Each stream is the color of the seven jewels. Its banks are made of gold and its bed strewn with diamond sand of many colors. In each stream there are sixty kotis of lotus-flowers of seven jewels, which are round and symmetrical, measuring twelve yojanas in diameter. The water from the mani-gem flows among the flowers and meanders between the trees. As it ripples, it produces exquisite sounds,

[342c] which proclaim the truths of suffering, emptiness, impermanence, no-self and of the Paramitas. Its sound also praises the physical characteristics and marks of the Buddhas. The king of wish-fulfilling mani-gem emits a splendid golden light, which transforms itself into birds with the colors of a hundred jewels. Their songs are melodious and elegant, constantly praising the virtue of mindfulness of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. This is the visualizing of the water possessing eight excellent qualities, and is known as the fifth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

6) contemplation of various objects

[0342c06] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「眾寶國土,一一界上有五百億寶樓,其樓閣中有無量諸天,作天伎樂。又有樂器懸處虛空,如天寶幢不鼓自鳴。此眾音中,皆說念佛、念法、念比丘僧。此想成已,名為粗見極樂世界寶樹、寶地、寶池,是為總觀想,名第六觀。若見此者,除無量億劫極重惡業,命終之後必生彼國。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "In each region of this jewelled land, there are five hundred kotis of jewelled pavilions, in which innumerable devas play heavenly music. There are also musical instruments suspended in the sky, which, like those on the heavenly jewelled banners, spontaneously produce tones even without a player. Each tone proclaims the virtue of mindfulness of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. When this contemplation has been accomplished, it is called the general perception of the jewelled trees, jewelled ground and jewelled ponds of the Land of Utmost Bliss. This is a composite visualization and is called the sixth contemplation. "Those who have perceived these objects will be rid of extremely heavy evil karma which they have committed during innumerable kalpas and will certainly, after death, be born in that land. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

7) contemplation of the lotus-throne

[0342c14] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「諦聽,諦聽!善思念之。吾當為汝分別解說除苦惱法,汝等憶持,廣為大眾分別解說。」說是語時,無量壽佛住立空中,觀世音、大勢至,是二大士侍立左右。光明熾盛不可具見,百千閻浮檀金色不可為比。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Listen carefully, listen carefully and ponder deeply. I will expound for you the method of removing suffering. Bear my words in mind and explain them to the multitude of beings." When these words were spoken, Amitayus appeared in the air above, attended on his left and right by the two Mahasattvas, Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. So brilliant was their radiance that it was impossible to see them in detail. They could not be compared even with a hundred thousand nuggets of gold from the Jambu River.

[0342c19] 時韋提希見無量壽佛已,接足作禮,白佛言:「世尊!我今因佛力故,得見無量壽佛及二菩薩,未來眾生,當云何觀無量壽佛及二菩薩?」

After she had this vision of Amitayus, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) knelt down in worship at Shakyamuni's feet and said to him, "World-Honored One, through your power I have been able to see Amitayus and the two Bodhisattvas, but how can sentient beings of the future see them?"

[0342c22] 佛告韋提希:「欲觀彼佛者,當起想念,於七寶地上作蓮花想,令其蓮花一一葉作百寶色。有八萬四千脈,猶如天畫;一一脈有八萬四千光,了了分明,皆令得見。華葉小者,縱廣二百五十由旬;如是蓮華有八萬四千大葉,一一葉間,有百億摩尼珠王以為映飾。一一摩尼珠放千光明,其光如蓋,七寶合成,遍覆地上。釋迦毘楞伽摩尼寶以為其臺;此蓮花臺,八萬金剛甄叔迦寶,梵摩尼寶,妙真珠網,以為交飾。於其臺上,自然而有四柱寶幢,一一寶幢如百千萬億須彌山;幢上寶縵如夜摩天宮,復有五百億微妙寶珠,以為映飾。一一寶珠有八萬四千光,一一光作八萬四千異種金色,一一金色遍其寶土,處處變化,各作異相;或為金剛臺,或作真珠網,或作雜花雲,於十方面隨意變現,施作佛事,是為花座想,名第七觀。」

The Buddha said to Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Those who wish to see that Buddha should form an image of a lotus-flower on the seven-jewelled ground. They visualize each petal of this flower as having the colors of a hundred jewels and eighty-four thousand veins like a celestial painting, with eighty-four thousand rays of light issuing forth from each vein. They should visualize all of these clearly and distinctly. Its smaller petals are two hundred and fifty yojanas in both length and breadth. This lotus-flower has eighty-four thousand large petals. Between the petals there are a hundred kotis of king-mani-gems as illuminating adornments. Each mani-gem emits a thousand rays of light which, like canopies of the seven jewels, cover the entire earth.

"The dais is made of Shakra-abhilagna-mani-gems and is decorated with eighty thousand diamonds, kimshuka-gems, brahma-mani-gems and also with exquisite pearl-nets. On the dais four columns with jewelled banners spontaneously arise, each appearing to be as large as a thousand million kotis of Mount Sumerus. On the columns rests a jewelled canopy similar to that in the palace of the Yama Heaven. They are also adorned with five hundred kotis of excellent gems, each emitting eighty-four thousand rays shining in eighty-four thousand different tints of golden color. Each golden light suffuses this jewelled land and transforms itself everywhere into various forms, such as diamond platforms, nets of pearls and nebulous clusters of flowers. In all the ten directions it transforms itself into anything according to one's wishes, and performs the activities of the Buddha. This is the visualizing of the lotus-throne, and is known as the seventh contemplation."

[0343a11] 佛告阿難:「如此妙花,是本法藏比丘願力所成,若欲念彼佛者,當先作此妙花座想。作此想時不得雜觀;皆應一一觀之,一一葉,一一珠,一一光,一一臺,一一幢,皆令分明,如於鏡中自見面像。此想成者,滅除五百億劫生死之罪,必定當生極樂世界。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

The Buddha further said to Ananda, "This majestic lotus-flower was originally produced by the power of the Bhiksu Dharmakara's Vow. Those who wish to see the Buddha Amitayus should first practice this contemplation of the flower-throne. In doing so, do not contemplate in a disorderly way. Visualize the objects one by one -- each petal, each gem, each ray of light, each dais and each column. See all of these as clearly and distinctly as if you were looking at your own image in a mirror. When this contemplation is accomplished, the evil karma which you have committed during five hundred kotis of kalpas of Samsara will be extinguished, and you will certainly be born in the Land of Utmost Bliss. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

8) contemplation of the image of Amida

[0343a18] 佛告阿難及韋提希:

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī),


"After you have seen this, next visualize the Buddha. Why the Buddha? Because Buddhas, Tathagatas, have cosmic bodies, and so enter into the meditating mind of each sentient being. For this reason, when you contemplate a Buddha, that mind itself takes the form of his thirty-two physical characteristics and eighty secondary marks. Your mind produces the Buddha's image, and is itself the Buddha. The ocean of perfectly and universally enlightened Buddhas thus arises in the meditating mind. For this reason, you should single-mindedly concentrate and deeply contemplate the Buddha, Tathagata, Arhat and Perfectly Enlightened One.

"When you visualize the Buddha, you should first form his image. Whether your eyes are open or closed, perceive a jewelled image of him, who is the color of gold from the Jambu River, sitting on that flower-throne. When you have perceived a seated image of the Buddha, your mind's eye will open and you will clearly and distinctly see the seven-jewelled glorious objects of the Land of Utmost Bliss, including the seven-jewelled ground, the jewelled ponds, the rows of jewelled trees covered with heavenly jewelled curtains and jewelled nets spreading over the sky. Perceive these as clearly and distinctly as if you were seeing an object in the palm of your hand.

"After you have seen this image, visualize on the Buddha's left a large lotus-flower, which is exactly the same as the one described above, and then another large one on his right. Visualize an image of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara sitting on the flower-seat on his left, sending forth a golden light just like the Buddha image described above, and then an image of the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta sitting on the flower-seat on his right.

"When you have attained this vision, you will see these images of the Buddha and bodhisattvas sending forth golden rays, which illuminate the jewelled trees. Under each tree there are also three lotus-flowers with images of a Buddha and two Bodhisattvas sitting on them, so that the land is completely filled with such images.

"When you have attained this vision, you will perceive the streams, rays of light, jewelled trees, ducks, geese, male and female mandarin ducks, and so forth, all expounding the wonderful Dharma. Whether in meditation or not, you will always hear the wonderful Dharma. When you rise from meditation, you should remember what you have heard, not forget it, and confirm it with the sutras. If it does not agree with the sutras, it should be called an illusion, but if it does agree, it is called the attainment of the general perception of the Land of Utmost Bliss. This is the visualizing of the Buddha-image, and is known as the eighth contemplation. If you have attained this, the evil karma which you have committed during innumerable kotis of kalpas of Samsara will be extinguished and, while in this life, you will attain the Buddha-Recollection Samadhi. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

9) contemplation of Amida himself

[0343b15] 佛告阿難及韋提希:

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī):


"After you have succeeded in seeing these images, next envision the physical characteristics and the light of Amitayus. Ananda, you should realize that his body is as glorious as a thousand million kotis of nuggets of gold from the Jambu River of the Yama Heaven and that his height is six hundred thousand kotis of nayutas of yojanas multiplied by the number of the sands of the Ganges. The white tuft of hair curling to the right between his eyebrows is five times as big as Mount Sumeru. His eyes are clear and as broad as the four great oceans; their blue irises and whites are distinct. From all the pores of his body issues forth a flood of light, as magnificent as Mount Sumeru. His aureole is as broad as a hundred kotis of universes, each containing a thousand million worlds. In this aureole reside transformed Buddhas numbering as many as a million kotis of nayutas multiplied by the number of the sands of the Ganges. Each Buddha is attended by innumerable and uncountable transformed bodhisattvas.

"The Buddha Amitayus possesses eighty-four thousand physical characteristics, each having eighty-four thousand secondary marks of excellence. Each secondary mark emits eighty-four thousand rays of light; each light shining universally upon the lands of the ten quarters, embracing, and not forsaking, those who are mindful of the Buddha. It is impossible to describe in detail these rays of light, physical characteristics and marks, transformed Buddhas, and so forth. But you can see them clearly with your mind's eye through contemplation.

"Those who have envisioned them see all the Buddhas of the ten quarters. Because they see the Buddhas, this is called the Buddha-Recollection Samadhi. To attain this contemplation is to perceive the bodies of all the Buddhas. By perceiving these, one also realizes the Buddha's mind. The Buddhas' mind is Great Compassion. It embraces sentient beings with unconditional Benevolence. Those who have practiced this contemplation will, after death, be born in the presence of the Buddhas and realize the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas. For this reason, the wise should concentrate their thoughts and visualize Amitayus.

"In contemplating him, begin with one of his physical characteristics. Visualize only the white tuft of hair between his eyebrows until you see it quite clearly and distinctly. When you visualize it, all the eighty-four thousand physical characteristics will spontaneously become manifest. When you see Amitayus, you will also see innumerable Buddhas of the ten quarters. Having visualized these innumerable Buddhas, you will receive from each the prediction of your future Buddhahood. This is the general perception of all the physical characteristics of the Buddha and is known as the ninth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

10) contemplation of Guanyin Pusa

[0343c11] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「見無量壽佛了了分明已,次亦應觀觀世音菩薩。此菩薩身長八十億那由他恒河沙由旬,身紫金色,頂有肉髻,項有圓光,面各百千由旬。其圓光中有五百化佛,如釋迦牟尼。一一化佛,有五百菩薩,無量諸天,以為侍者。舉身光中五道眾生,一切色相皆於中現。頂上毘楞伽摩尼妙寶,以為天冠。其天冠中有一立化佛,高二十五由旬。觀世音菩薩面如閻浮檀金色;眉間毫相備七寶色,流出八萬四千種光明;一一光明,有無量無數百千化佛;一一化佛,無數化菩薩以為侍者,變現自在滿十方界。臂如紅蓮花色,有八十億微妙光明,以為瓔珞;其瓔珞中,普現一切諸莊嚴事。手掌作五百億雜蓮華色;手十指端,一一指端有八萬四千畫,猶如印文。一一畫有八萬四千色;一一色有八萬四千光,其光柔軟普照一切,以此寶手接引眾生。舉足時,足下有千輻輪相,自然化成五百億光明臺。下足時,有金剛摩尼花,布散一切莫不彌滿。其餘身相,眾好具足,如佛無異,唯頂上肉髻及無見頂相,不及世尊。是為觀觀世音菩薩真實色身相,名第十觀。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "After you have seen Amitayus clearly and distinctly, next visualize the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. His height is eighty kotis of nayutas of yojanas multiplied by the number of the sands of the Ganges. His body is the color of purple-gold, and on the top of his head is a mound surrounded by an aureole with a radius of a hundred thousand yojanas, in which there are five hundred transformed Buddhas. Each transformed Buddha resembles Shakyamuni, and is attended by five hundred transformed bodhisattvas and innumerable devas. In the light emanating from his entire body are seen the sentient beings of the five realms of Samsara in all their distinct physical forms. On his head he wears a heavenly crown made of Shakra-abhilagna-mani-gems, on which stands a transformed Buddha (Amitayus) measuring twenty-five yojanas in height.

"The face of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is the color of gold from the Jambu River, while the tuft of hair between his eyebrows has the colors of the seven jewels, and from it issue forth eighty-four thousand different rays of light. In each of these rays dwell innumerable and uncountable hundreds of thousands of transformed Buddhas, each attended by countless transformed bodhisattvas, all of whom manifest in various forms at will, filling completely the worlds of the ten quarters. Avalokiteshvara's arms are the color of red lotus-flowers. They emit eighty kotis of exquisite

[344a] rays of light in the shape of ornaments, in which are reflected all the glorious objects of that land. The palms of his hands are the color of five hundred kotis of various lotus-flowers. Each of his ten fingertips bears eighty-four thousand signs like impressed patterns, each with eighty-four thousand colors. Each color in turn emits eighty-four thousand delicate rays of light, illuminating all beings. With his jewelled hands he welcomes and guides sentient beings.

"When he lifts one of his feet, the mark of a thousand-spoked wheel on its sole spontaneously changes into a pedestal, which emits five hundred kotis of light-rays. When he puts his foot down, flowers made of diamond and mani-gems are scattered everywhere. All the other physical characteristics and marks which he fully possesses are the same as the Buddha's, except for the mound on his head and the uppermost, invisible part, which are not equal to those of the World-Honored One. This is the visualization of the true physical features of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara and is known as the tenth contemplation.

[0344a11] 佛告阿難:「若欲觀觀世音菩薩當作是觀。作是觀者不遇諸禍,淨除業障,除無數劫生死之罪。如此菩薩,但聞其名,獲無量福,何況諦觀!若有欲觀觀世音菩薩者,當先觀頂上肉髻,次觀天冠。其餘眾相亦次第觀之,悉令明了,如觀掌中。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

Then the Buddha said to Ananda, "Those who wish to see the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara should follow the method of contemplation just mentioned. Those who practice this contemplation will not encounter any misfortune, but will be freed from karmic hindrances and rid of the evil karma which they have committed during innumerable kalpas of Samsara. If you only hear the name of this bodhisattva, you will obtain immeasurable merit. And so, how much more merit will you acquire if you clearly visualize him! Those who wish to see the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara should first envision the mound on his head and, next, his heavenly crown. Then they should visualize the other physical characteristics in order, as clearly as if they were looking at something in the palm of the hand. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

11) contemplation of Mahasthamaprapta

[0344a18] 佛告阿難及韋提希:

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī),


"Next visualize the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta. The dimensions of this bodhisattva are the same as those of Avalokiteshvara. His aureole, two hundred and twenty-five yojanas in diameter, shines to a distance of two hundred and fifty yojanas. The light emanating from his entire body illuminates the worlds of the ten quarters, making them shine like purple-gold. This light can be seen by anyone who has a close karmic relationship with him. Even if one sees the light emanating from only one pore of his skin, one can perceive the pure and glorious lights of the innumerable Buddhas of the ten quarters. This is why this bodhisattva is called Boundless Light. Furthermore, he has great power to illumine all beings with the light of wisdom in order to deliver them from the three evil realms. It is for this reason that he is also called Possessed of Great Power.

"The heavenly crown of this bodhisattva is adorned with five hundred jewelled lotus-flowers, each having five hundred jewelled pedestals. On each pedestal appear the pure and resplendent lands of the Buddhas in the ten quarters with all their boundless and glorious features.

"The mound on his head, shaped like a lotus-bud, has a jewelled vase in front. This is suffused with various lights which reveal all the activities of the Buddha. The rest of the characteristics of his body are

[344b] exactly the same as Avalokiteshvara's. When this bodhisattva walks, all the worlds in the ten quarters shake. Wherever the earth trembles, five hundred kotis of jewelled flowers appear, each as beautiful and brilliant as a flower in the Land of Utmost Bliss. When this bodhisattva sits down, all the seven-jewelled lands, from that of the Buddha Golden Light in the nadir to that of the Buddha King of Light in the zenith, tremble simultaneously. From between these, manifested bodies of Amitayus, Avalokiteshvara, and Mahasthamaprapta, as innumerable as particles of dust, all assemble like clouds in the Land of Utmost Bliss, filling the entire sky. Sitting on lotus-seats, they expound the wonderful Dharma to save suffering beings. To visualize thus is known as the contemplation of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and is also called the contemplation of Mahasthamaprapta's physical characteristics. To visualize that bodhisattva in this way is known as the eleventh contemplation. It extinguishes the evil karma which one has committed during immeasurable and uncountable kalpas of Samsara. Those who practice this contemplation will no longer be subject to birth from the womb. They can journey to the pure and exquisite lands of the Buddhas. These contemplations are called the complete contemplations of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

12) contemplation of the aspirants themselves

[0344b14] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「見此事時當起想作心,自見生於西方極樂世界,於蓮華中結跏趺坐,作蓮華合想,作蓮華開想。蓮華開時,有五百色光來照身想;眼目開想,見佛菩薩滿虛空中,水鳥、樹林及與諸佛,所出音聲,皆演妙法,與十二部經合。若出定時憶持不失。見此事已,名見無量壽佛極樂世界。是為普觀想,名第十二觀。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "After you have contemplated thus, next visualize yourself as born in the Western Land of Utmost Bliss sitting cross-legged upon a lotus-flower. Visualize this lotus-flower as closed; as it opens, five hundred rays of colored light illuminate your body; then your eyes are open and you see Buddhas and bodhisattvas filling the sky and hear the sounds of the water, birds and trees, and the voices of the Buddhas all expounding the wonderful Dharma in accord with the twelve divisions of the scriptures. When you rise from meditation, keep those things in mind and do not forget them. Seeing them thus is called the visualization of the Land of Utmost Bliss of the Buddha Amitayus. This is the comprehensive visualization, and is known as the twelfth contemplation.


"Innumerable transformed bodies of Amitayus, together with those of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta, will always accompany those who contemplate thus. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

13) contemplation of Amida and the two bodhisattvas

[0344b25] 佛告阿難及韋提希:

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī):


"If you sincerely desire to be born in the Western Land, you should first picture a figure, sixteen feet tall, on the surface of a pond. The dimensions of Amitayus as previously described are boundless and beyond the mental scope of ordinary beings. But, by the power of the original vows of that Tathagata, those who contemplate him will certainly succeed. You can acquire immeasurable merit simply by visualizing an image of that Buddha. And so, how much more merit will you acquire by visualizing his complete physical characteristics!

"Amitayus, exercising supernatural powers at will, can freely manifest his various forms in the lands of the ten quarters. At times he may appear as a large figure, filling the whole sky; at other times as a small figure, only sixteen or eight feet high. The figures which he manifests are all of the color of pure gold. The transformed Buddhas and jewelled lotus-flowers in the aureole of each manifested form are like those described above.

"The Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta have a similar appearance, wherever they are. Sentient beings can only tell one from the other by looking at the emblems on their heads. These two bodhisattvas assist Amitayus in saving all beings everywhere. This is the miscellaneous visualization, and is known as the thirteenth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

Nine grades of birth:

1) the highest level of the highest grade

[0344c09] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「凡生西方有九品人。上品上生者,若有眾生願生彼國者,發三種心,即便往生。何等為三?

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Those born in the Western Land are of nine grades. Those who attain birth on the highest level of the highest grade are sentient beings who resolve to be born in that land, awaken the three kinds of faith and so are born there. What are the three?


They are, first, the sincere faith; second, the deep faith; and third, the faith that seeks birth there by transferring one's merit.


Those who have these three kinds of faith will certainly be born there. "There are three other kinds of sentient beings who also attain birth. Who are the three? They are, first, those who have a compassionate heart, abstain from killing and observe the precepts; second, those who chant the Mahayana sutras of greater scope; and third, those who practice the six forms of mindfulness. They aspire to be born in that Buddha-land by transferring there the merit of practice. With the merit acquired from doing these acts for one to seven days, they attain birth.


"When an aspirant is about to be born in that land through dedicated and undaunted practices, the Tathagata Amitayus arrives together with Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta, innumerable transformed Buddhas, a great assembly of a hundred thousand monks and shravakas and innumerable devas in seven-jewelled palaces. The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, carrying a vajra-seat, together with the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta, approaches the aspirant. Amitayus releases a great flood of light which illuminates the aspirant's body and, along with the bodhisattvas, extends his hands in welcome. Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta, together with innumerable bodhisattvas, praise and encourage the aspirant. Seeing this, the aspirant rejoices so greatly as to dance. Then he sees himself sitting on the vajra-seat, and following the Buddha, is born into that land in the time it takes to snap one's fingers.

"After being born in that land, he sees the Buddha's body complete with all its physical characteristics and also the bodies of the bodhisattvas equally complete with all their physical characteristics. Hearing the discourse on the wonderful Dharma sent forth by the light and the jewelled trees, he then reaches the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas. In a single moment, he visits and worships all the Buddhas of the ten quarters and receives from each of them the prediction of his future Buddhahood. Returning to the Pure Land, he is endowed with innumerable hundreds of thousands of dharanis. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the highest grade.

2) the middle level of the highest grade

[0345a04] 「上品中生者,不必受持讀誦方等經典。善解義趣,於第一義心不驚動,深信因果,不謗大乘;以此功德,迴向願求生極樂國。行此行者命欲終時,阿彌陀佛與觀世音及大勢至,無量大眾,眷屬圍繞,持紫金臺至行者前,讚言:『法子!汝行大乘,解第一義,是故我今來迎接汝。』與千化佛一時授手。行者自見坐紫金臺,合掌叉手,讚歎諸佛,如一念頃,即生彼國七寶池中。此紫金臺如大寶花,經宿即開。行者身作紫磨金色,足下亦有七寶蓮華。佛及菩薩俱放光明,照行者身,目即開明。因前宿習,普聞眾聲,純說甚深第一義諦。即下金臺,禮佛合掌讚歎世尊。經於七日,應時即於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,得不退轉。應時即能飛至十方,歷事諸佛,於諸佛所修諸三昧。經一小劫得無生法忍,現前受記,是名上品中生者。

"Those who attain birth on the middle level of the highest grade, do not necessarily uphold and chant the sutras of greater scope, but comprehend the teachings of the Buddha so well that when they hear the supreme truths, they are not dismayed. They have deep faith in the law of karmic causes and effects and do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

"When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and innumerable sages and attendants, carrying a purple-gold lotus-seat. The Buddha praises him, saying, 'Son of the Dharma, because you have practiced the Mahayana and appreciate the supreme truths, I have come to welcome you.' So saying, he and a thousand transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once towards the aspirant, who, seeing himself sitting on the purple-gold seat, joins his palms and praises the Buddhas. In an instant, he is born in a seven-jewelled pond of that land.

"The purple-gold seat has become like a great jewelled flower, which opens after one night. The body of the aspirant has become the color of purple-gold, and beneath his feet are seven-jewelled lotus-flowers. The Buddha and bodhisattvas together release a flood of light which illuminates the aspirant's body. His eyes open, and because of the store of merit from his previous life, he hears voices everywhere expounding only the most profound and supreme truths. Descending from his golden seat, he bows with joined palms and praises the Buddha, the World-Honored One. After seven days, he immediately reaches the Stage of Non-retrogression for realizing the highest, perfect Enlightenment. He is also able to fly in the ten quarters, as he wishes, to revere all the Buddhas and learn various samadhis from them. After the lapse of a smaller kalpa, he attains the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas and receives from each Buddha the prediction of his future Buddhahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the highest grade.

3) the lowest level of the highest grade

[0345a22] 「上品下生者,亦信因果,不謗大乘,但發無上道心,以此功德,迴向願求生極樂國。彼行者命欲終時,阿彌陀佛及觀世音并大勢至,與諸眷屬持金蓮華,化作五百化佛,來迎此人。五百化佛一時授手,讚言:

"Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the highest grade likewise accept the law of karmic causes and effects, do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana and awaken aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there. When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus, together with Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and a host of attendants, come to welcome him, bringing a golden lotus-flower and manifesting five hundred transformed Buddhas. Those transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once and praise the aspirant, saying:


'Son of the Dharma, since you have awakened pure aspiration for the highest Enlightenment, we have come to welcome you.'


"When he has viewed all this, the aspirant finds himself seated upon a golden lotus-flower, which then closes. Following the World-Honored One, he immediately attains birth on a seven-jewelled pond. After a day and night, the lotus-flower opens and, within seven days, the aspirant beholds the Buddha. Although he sees the Buddha's body, he is still unable to discern his physical characteristics and marks clearly. But after three weeks he sees them distinctly, and also hears all the sounds and voices proclaiming the wonderful Dharma. Then he can travel in all the ten quarters to make offerings to the Buddhas and hear their profound teachings. After three smaller kalpas he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and dwells in the Stage of Joy. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the highest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the highest grade of aspirants, and the fourteenth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

4) the highest level of the middle grade

[0345b08] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「中品上生者,若有眾生受持五戒,持八戒齋,修行諸戒,不造五逆,無眾過惡;以此善根,迴向願求生於西方極樂世界。行者臨命終時,阿彌陀佛與諸比丘,眷屬圍繞,放金色光至其人所,演說苦、空、無常、無我,讚歎出家得離眾苦。行者見已,心大歡喜。自見己身坐蓮花臺,長跪合掌為佛作禮。未舉頭頃即得往生極樂世界,蓮花尋開。當華敷時,聞眾音聲讚歎四諦,應時即得阿羅漢道,三明、六通、具八解脫;是名中品上生者。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī), "Those who attain birth on the highest level of the middle grade are the sentient beings who keep the five precepts, observe the eight abstinences, practice in compliance with various precepts, and abstain from committing the five gravest offenses and other transgressions. They transfer the merit acquired to the Western Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

"When such a person is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by a host of monks and radiating a golden light. He then expounds the truth of suffering, emptiness, impermanence and no-self, and praises renunciation of the world as the way to escape from suffering.

"Seeing this, the aspirant greatly rejoices and finds himself seated upon a lotus-flower. He kneels down, joins his palms and worships the Buddha. Before he raises his head, he attains birth in the Land of Utmost Bliss, where his lotus-bud soon opens. When the flower opens, he hears various sounds and voices extolling the Four Noble Truths. He immediately attains Arhatship, acquires the three kinds of transcendent knowledge and the six supernatural powers, and realizes the eight samadhis of emancipation. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the middle grade.

5) the middle level of the middle grade

[0345b18] 「中品中生者,若有眾生,若一日一夜持八戒齋,若一日一夜持沙彌戒,若一日一夜持具足戒,威儀無缺。以此功德,迴向願求生極樂國。戒香薰修,如此行者命欲終時,見阿彌陀佛與諸眷屬放金色光,持七寶蓮花至行者前,行者自聞空中有聲,讚言:『善男子!如汝善人,隨順三世諸佛教故,我來迎汝。』行者自見坐蓮花上,蓮花即合,生於西方極樂世界。在寶池中,經於七日蓮花乃敷。花既敷已,開目合掌,讚歎世尊。聞法歡喜,得須陀洹,經半劫已成阿羅漢;是名中品中生者。

"Those who attain birth on the middle level of the middle grade are the sentient beings who observe for at least a day and night the eight abstinences, the precepts for a novice or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun, and do not violate any of the rules of conduct. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

"When such an aspirant, perfumed by the virtue of observing the precepts, is about to die, he sees Amitayus coming towards him with his attendants, radiating a golden light and carrying a seven-jewelled lotus-flower. He hears a voice in the sky above praising him, saying 'Man of good deeds, since you are virtuous and have followed the teachings of the Buddhas of the three periods, I have come to welcome you.' The aspirant finds himself seated upon the lotus-flower. The flower having closed, the aspirant is born on a jewelled pond of the Western Land of Utmost Bliss. After seven days the lotus-bud unfolds, and then he opens his eyes. With joined palms he pays homage to the World-Honored One, rejoices at hearing the Dharma and reaches the Stage of a Stream-Winner. After half a kalpa, he becomes an Arhat. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the middle grade.

6) the lowest level of the middle grade

[0345c01] 「中品下生者,若有善男子、善女人,孝養父母,行世仁義,此人命欲終時,遇善知識為其廣說阿彌陀佛國土樂事,亦說法藏比丘四十八大願。聞此事已,尋即命終。譬如壯士屈伸臂頃,即生西方極樂世界。生經七日,遇觀世音及大勢至,聞法歡喜得須陀洹。過一小劫,成阿羅漢。是名中品下生者。是名中輩生想,名第十五觀。作是觀者,名為正觀。若他觀者,名為邪觀。」

"Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the middle grade are good men and women who are dutiful to and care for their parents and do benevolent deeds for others. When such a person is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who fully explains to him the bliss of the land of Amitayus and the Forty-eight Great Vows of the Bhiksu Dharmakara. Having heard this, he dies and in the short time it takes a strong man to bend and straighten his arm, he attains birth in the Western Land of Utmost Bliss. Seven days after his birth there, he meets Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta, rejoices at hearing the Dharma from them and so reaches the Stage of a Stream-Winner. After one smaller kalpa, he becomes an Arhat. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the middle grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the middle grade of aspirants and the fifteenth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect."

7) the highest level of the lowest grade

[0345c10] 佛告阿難及韋提希:

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī):


"Those who attain birth on the highest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit various evil acts but do not slander the Mahayana sutras of greater scope. When a foolish person such as this, who has committed much evil but feels no remorse, is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who praises the titles of the twelve divisions of the Mahayana scriptures. By hearing these sutra-titles, he is released from the burden of evil karma which he has accumulated during a thousand kalpas. Furthermore, this wise teacher advises him to join his palms and call, 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha'

[Na-mo-e-mi-t'o-fo] .'


Calling the name of the Buddha extinguishes the evil karma that the dying person has committed during fifty kotis of kalpas of Samsara. The Buddha then sends his transformed body and those of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta to the aspirant; they praise him, saying:


'Well done, man of good deeds! By calling the Name of the Buddha your evil karma has been extinguished, and so we have come to welcome you.'


When these words are uttered, the aspirant sees a f, , lood of light from that transformed Buddha fill his room. Having seen this, he rejoices and dies. Seated on a jewelled lotus-flower, he follows the transformed Buddha and is born on a jewelled pond. In seven weeks the lotus-bud opens and Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, and Mahasthamaprapta appear before him, releasing great floods of light, and explain to him the extremely profound teachings of the twelve divisions of the scriptures. Having heard these, the aspirant accepts them in faith, and awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. After ten smaller kalpas, he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and enters the First Stage of Bodhisattvahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the lowest grade. Thus he is born by hearing the Name of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha -- that is, the Three Treasures."

8) the middle level of the lowest grade

[0345c26] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「下品中生者,或有眾生,毀犯五戒、八戒及具足戒,如此愚人,偷僧祇物,盜現前僧物,不淨說法,無有慚愧,以諸惡法而自莊嚴。如此罪人,以惡業故應墮地獄。命欲終時,地獄眾火一時俱至,遇善知識以大慈悲,即為讚說阿彌陀佛十力威德,廣讚彼佛光明神力,亦讚戒、定、慧、解脫、解脫知見。此人聞已,除八十億劫生死之罪。地獄猛火化為涼風,吹諸天華。華上皆有化佛菩薩,迎接此人。如一念頃,即得往生七寶池中蓮花之內,經於六劫,蓮花乃敷。當華敷時,觀世音、大勢至,以梵音聲安慰彼人,為說大乘甚深經典。聞此法已,應時即發無上道心。是名下品中生者。」

The Buddha said to Ananda and Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī):

"Those who attain birth on the middle level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who violate the five precepts, the eight precepts or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun. A foolish person such as these steals from the Sangha or takes the personal belongings of monks, or preaches the Dharma with impure motives but feels no remorse. Thus he

[346a] defiles himself by evil karma, and because of this he will fall into hell.

"When he is about to die and the flames of hell suddenly close in on him, he may meet a good teacher, who compassionately explains to him the ten supernal powers of Amitayus, fully describing the majestic power of the light of that Buddha, his virtues in the observance of the precepts, meditation, wisdom, emancipation and knowledge of emancipation. When he has heard this, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara are extinguished; thus, the fierce flames of hell turn into cool and refreshing breezes, wafting heavenly flowers. On each flower is a transformed Buddha accompanied by bodhisattvas welcoming him.

"In an instant, he attains birth within a lotus-bud on a seven-jewelled pond. After six kalpas the lotus-bud opens, and then Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta comfort him with their noble voices and teach him profound Mahayana sutras. Upon hearing these, he immediately awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the lowest grade."

9) the lowest level of the lowest grade

[0346a12] 佛告阿難及韋提希:「下品下生者,或有眾生作不善業,五逆、十惡,具諸不善。如此愚人以惡業故,應墮惡道,經歷多劫,受苦無窮。如此愚人臨命終時,遇善知識,種種安慰,為說妙法,教令念佛,彼人苦逼不遑念佛。善友告言:

"Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit such evils as the five gravest offenses, the ten evil acts and all kinds of immorality. Owing to such evil karma, the fool like this will fall into evil realms and suffer endless agony for many kalpas. When he is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who consoles him in various ways, teaching him the wonderful Dharma and urging him to be mindful of the Buddha; but he is too tormented by pain to do so. The good teacher then advises him,


'If you cannot concentrate on the Buddha, then you should say instead, Homage to Amitayus Buddha.'


In this way, he sincerely and continuously says 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha'

[Na-mo-o-mi-t'o-fo] ten times. Because he calls the Buddha's Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara is extinguished. When he comes to die, he sees before him a golden lotus-flower like the disk of the sun, and in an instant he is born within a lotus-bud in the Land of Utmost Bliss. After twelve great kalpas the lotus-bud opens. When the flower opens, Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta teach him with voices of great compassion the method of extinguishing evil karma through the realization of Suchness of all dharmas. Hearing this, he rejoices and immediately awakens aspiration for Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the lowest grade of aspirants and the sixteenth contemplation."

Benefits gained by the audience

[0346a27] 爾時世尊說是語時,韋提希與五百侍女,聞佛所說,應時即見極樂世界廣長之相,得見佛身及二菩薩。心生歡喜,歎未曾有,豁然大悟,得無生忍。五百侍女發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,願生彼國。世尊悉記,皆當往生,生彼國已,獲得諸佛現前三昧。無量諸天,發無上道心。

As the Buddha delivered these words, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) and her five hundred female attendants listened to his teaching. Having envisioned the boundless features of the Land of Utmost Bliss, the Buddha (Amitayus) and the two bodhisattvas, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) rejoiced in her heart. Wonder-struck at this revelation,

[346b] she attained great awakening with clarity of mind and reached the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas. Her five hundred female attendants awakened aspiration for the highest, perfect Enlightenment and desired to be born in that land. The World-Honored One gave all of them assurances that they would be born there and that they would then attain the Samadhi of Being in the Presence of All the Buddhas. Innumerable devas also awakened aspiration for the highest Enlightenment.

Names of this sutra

[0346b05] 爾時阿難,即從座起,前白佛言:

Then Ananda rose from his seat, stepped forward, and said to the Buddha,



"World-Honored One, what should we call this sutra and how should we receive and retain the essentials of its teaching?"

The Buddha answered, "Ananda, this sutra is called the Visualization of the Land of Utmost Bliss, of the Buddha Amitayus, and of the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. It is also called the Purification and Elimination of Karmic Hindrances for Attaining Birth in the Presence of All the Buddhas. Hold fast to this sutra and do not forget it. Those who practice this samadhi will be able to see, during their lifetime, the Buddha Amitayus and the two Mahasattvas.


If good men or women simply hear the Name of this Buddha or the names of those two bodhisattvas, the evil karma which they have committed during innumerable kalpas of Samsara will be extinguished. And so, how much more merit will they acquire if they concentrate on them! You should know that all who are mindful of that Buddha are like white lotus-flowers among humankind; the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta become their good friends. They will sit in the place of Enlightenment and be born into the family of the Buddhas."

[0346b15] 佛告阿難:「汝好持是語。持是語者,即是持無量壽佛名。」

[0346b16] 佛說此語時,尊者目連、尊者阿難及韋提希等,聞佛所說,皆大歡喜。

The Buddha further said to Ananda, "Bear these words well in mind. To bear these words in mind means to hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus."

When the Buddha had spoken thus, the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana, Venerable Ananda, Wéitíxī (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) and all the others greatly rejoiced to hear the Buddha's discourse.

[0346b18] 爾時世尊,足步虛空,還耆闍崛山。爾時,阿難廣為大眾說如上事。無量人、天、龍、神、夜叉,聞佛所說,皆大歡喜,禮佛而退。

Then the World-Honored One returned to the Vulture Peak through the air. There Ananda fully explained to the assembly what had happened. Innumerable humans, devas, nagas, yaksas and all the other beings greatly rejoiced to hear the Buddha's teaching. Having worshipped the World-Honored One, they departed.


Rövid összefoglalás

Az Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra (佛說 觀 無量 壽 佛經) első részében leírja a Buddha szavait és a hallgatóságra gyakorolt előnyeit. Wéitíxī-t (韋提希, ~ Vaidehī) "nagy éberséget tapasztaló tudatával elérte a betekintést az összes Dharma nem-keletkeztetésébe”, míg az ötszáz női kísérőjében és "számtalan devákban" felkeltve így a legmagasabb megvilágosodás iránti törekvést. Shakyamuni Gautama ezért így nevezi el a szútrát, megemlítve Amitabha Buddha nevével kapcsolatos előnyöket, és mindenkit arra késztet, hogy tartsa meg a szúra szavait tudatában. Az Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra (佛說 觀 無量 壽 佛經) egy Mahayana-szúra a Tiszta Föld buddhista irányzat szútrája. Egyike a három alapvető Tiszta Föld Szútráknak, az Infinite Life Szútra és az Amitabha Szútra 《佛说阿弥陀经》 mellett. Amitāyus (阿弥陀仏・無量寿仏) Amitābha Buddha másik neve, aki a Tiszta Föld irányzat elsődleges alakja. Ez a szútra elsősorban a komplex vizualizációt magában foglaló meditációra összpontosít. Ezt tükrözi a Szútra neve is, amely az "Amitāyus Meditáció Sūtra" -ra fordítható. A modern kutatások általában apokrifnak tekinthető mely eredetileg kínai nyelven íródott. Szakszkrit váűltozatát nem találták, a szanszkrit nevek és a szanszkrit változatok fordított fordításnak számítanak. E buddhista szöveg pontosabb szanszkrit címe Amitāyurbuddhānusmṛti Sūtra lenne, ami "Amitāyus Buddha-tudatosság Sūtra" –nak felel meg.

Shakyamuni Gautama elmagyarázza, hogy mennyire fontos az ember számára bizonyos üdvös cselekedetek annak érdekében, hogy a Tiszta Földön születhessen újjá. Majd tovább tanítja Wéitíxī-t (韋提希, ~Vaidehī), hogyan kell koncentrálni a tudatát a Tiszta Földön, hogy ebben a koncentrációban fejlessze az újjászületésének elérését. Shakyamuni tizenhárom "szemléletmódot", vagy mentális vizualizációs gyakorlatot ír le. A Tiszta Föld különböző aspektusainak mélyreható mérlegelésével-, s azok részletes megjelenítésével próbálkozva a gyakolró egyre közelebb kerül a Tiszta Földhöz. A szútra utolsó részében Gautama ismerteti azt a kilenc szintet, amelyekbe a Tiszta Földre születni lehet. A szinteket a legmagasabbtól a legalacsonyabbig rangsorolja. A Buddha szerint az érző lények (emberek) kilenc megtestesülést érhetnek el a Tiszta Földön, ha Amitābha mantrán recitálják. Ez hasonlít az Amitābha által tett 48 fogadalomra, a Végtelen Élet Sutra szerint, amely magában foglalja az eredetei fogadalmat.

Javasolt irodalom és források

1. Amitabha Szútra 《佛说阿弥陀经》
2. Amitābha 48 fogadalma
3. Amit az "Amituofo" köszöntésről tudni kell
4. ...

❀ ❀ ❀

Köszönetet mondunk minden barátunknak, mindazon szerzőknek, tanítóknak, buddhistáknak és harcművészeknek, akik hozzájárultak a harcművészet-történeti-, buddhista-, bölcseleti és egyéb tanításokkal, írásokkal, tanulmányokkal, jegyzetekkel minden érző lény tanításához és tanulásához. Buddhák és Mesterek tanításait megosztani érdem, mindezen érdemeket felajánljuk az összes Buddháknak. A Xing Long Tang elfogulatlan, pártatlan, szektarianizmustól mentes elv alapján törekszik a Dharmát, a Chan hagyományvonal tanítását, a harcművészeti stílusok történeteit megosztani. 武林一家! 阿弥陀佛!

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